Restaurant: | Rhino (Central Market) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Opening Hours
11:30 - 19:45
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 19:45
Public Holiday
11:30 - 19:45
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 19:45
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
今日Lunch經過中環街市見到呢間台式外賣店,見都多人等緊就決定試試啦叫左個燒牛五花捲蛋Um…頭幾啖咬落去都無期望,得捲蛋皮😢再食落去都有啲肉、洋蔥同生菜🥬 但係就無味既原來燒牛五花肉姐係肥牛
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見到犀牛犀牛出咗開心果作為開心果控當然馬上9衝✧ 開心果奶蓋熟成歐蕾($45)之前睇咗manson條片話唔推開心果奶所以揀咗貴呢杯奶茶一打開杯蓋好有驚喜除咗奶蓋之餘中間仲有pat開心果醬個奶蓋打得比普遍嘅杰接近去到忌廉嘅程度 fing極都唔跌😂份量好夠 飲到底都每啖有奶蓋同開心果碎記住要攪埋沉咗底嘅開心果醬✧ 開心果厚吐司($40)幾有誠意 一拎上手成個盒都係熱欣賞開心果醬搽得幾厚食落開心果味唔係太純粹可能本身撈咗多士煉奶/白朱?脆係脆 但美中不足嘅係冇預先切好/俾把刀食嗰陣好難mit開/share覺得可以不用試🫢
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我嗌左一杯烏龍歐蕾正常冰少甜 拎到之後即刻飲一大啖 嘩 懷疑30%都係糖我驚自己味覺有問題叫朋友都試一啖佢都覺得甜到飲唔到 咁唯有同收銀姐姐講我講完杯嘢太甜啦 佢企左係到睥住我我問可唔可以沖過杯 佢就話咁你係咪要微甜 唔係少甜 搞到好似我講錯咁 仲要同佢解釋杯嘢已經超越左正常甜然後佢求其擺低左新個杯係張外賣平台 單上面 搞到我唔知係咪我既 白等左15分鐘 我又驚問佢比佢鬧其實一杯奶茶33蚊都唔係特別平 附近又多選擇 加上我唔係無理取鬧 態度應正常 唔明點咁都要受氣我唔會再幫襯
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忍唔住第一次打食評極難食,作為一個芋泥控,我真係未食過芋泥係呢隻味,一啲芋頭味道都冇,加咗奇怪嘅奶味同糖 好人造嘅質感!質感係粉粒狀,唔好誤會,唔係一般食到嘅芋頭粒/泥質感,真係好怪肉鬆就唔知係咪加咗糖,總之就超級甜!係我食過最甜嘅肉鬆之前買過犀牛嘅其他分店,未至於好食,但都唔會咁奇怪!送俾我都唔食🤮🤮🤮🤮浪費quotaWorst ever taro product I have ever had🤢🤢
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