2838 0099
S Melange located in Bartlock Centre.Customers can enjoy view from Happy Valley Racecourse, also there are elegant setting and soft lighting to create relaxing and romantic atmosphere.It is suitable for couples and friends to have dinner here. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Sichuan Roast Duck Pizza King Prawn Linguine Black Truffle and Mushroom Capellini Italian Parma Ham with Melon Selected Seafood Platter
Review (20)
Level2 2010-01-11
Some of the positives about the restaurant - lights are dimmed and tables are offered some privacy with blinders separating tables. Chairs had nice high seatbacks and they had extra chairs at the table for coats, bags etc. However, the tables by the windows are not as private. The one we were given was actually between two windows so we got none of the benefits of the windows and less privacy to boot. The table across from us also had a couple of very loud American customers which made the dining experience less than enjoyable. However, this was an issue with fellow diners and not management so cannot take away marks for that. We were given a set menu with prices for 2, 3 or 4 selections (appetizer, soup,main and dessert). Lots of choices for even the most discerning foodie but not so much as to make your head spin.Food - ordered the fois gras to start and probably their best dish of the night. Slightly crispy on the outside and soft on the inside with a nice sauce. The soup was a lobster soup with generous chunks of lobster. Not too hot so one can eat when arriving at table.The mains were a rib eye steak and the cod risotto. My steak was done well but alittle on the fatty side. There were some potatoes and veggies on the side. About 8oz so good enough for me but may not be enough for big eaters. My partner's cod rissotto was received less favourably. She wished they had also given her some veggies on the side. Service was prompt and water filled at the table wthout us asking.Now for some of the negatives - final iced tea was slow to come, but the tea itself was quite tasty. They should give more syrup though. There was no signage on the ground floor so there was some uncertainty that we got the right place.Price was generally OK for what you get. We would definitely go back again. Next time we may even try the desserts. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-11-12
My friend brought me to this restaurant. The first thing caught my eyes is those screens between tables.. Good privacy.. coz I dun really like the feeling of looking at ppl who I dunno while enjoying my meal...The service is nice n friendly.. They know their food n wine very well!! We ordered two set dinner...Appitizer -- oysters and foie gras. Foie gras, good quality n pan fried nicely.. hard n soft just the way I like.. Main -- Lamb rack n tenderloin.. meat itself is good, personally like lamb rack better, didn't disappoint me Dessert -- my friend said she likes the soft-hearted chocolate cake... I can see why~~It can be very full for some gals if you finish all the dishes~~ no waste of delicious food~~Definitely visit again~~ should be soon coz I heard they have wine dinner with 7-8 wines for a 5-course dinner ... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-09-13
同女友兩個人去食,氣氛幾好,服務都算OK,食物就好壞参半.Order 咗:1) 澳洲Coffin Bay生蠔及龍蝦仔 生蠔鮮甜,海水味濃厚;龍蝦仔肉質爽及完全唔需要點任何sauce都好鲜甜,証明一定新鲜,配埋杯味道偏淡,帶微果酸嘅chardonnay,感覺更清爽!!!Great!!!2) Appetizer: Caesar salad & 生牛肉 Caesar salad 好普通,生牛肉用泰式做法,但本人覺得太酸.3) Main course: 魚及 rib eye 魚無乜特別,rib eye本身好多根位,叫咗medium rare但我覺得變咗medium well...兩個字"難食".勉强食完個main course之後,我諗住好心比小小comment個waitress話個rib eye over cooked, 等佢哋下次可以做得好啲,之後行開咗一陣, 然後番嚟反問我:你order medium rare 定 medium well呀???...我即時心裡面嘅感覺係:你覺得我錯呀???(當然我無講出聲啦!!!)...時下啲待應生真係...唉!!!btw,我都會再去呢間餐廳,但只會order佢哋啲seafood...仲有,佢啲house wine都算有水準!!!红酒我order咗Shiraz Cabernet, medium body, 口感豐富,有果香,單寧味唔太重,我覺得好啱年青人或唔食煙嘅人嘅口味...白酒上面講咗,唔提啦!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-03-25
同女友慶祝,想揾間有情調嘅餐廳,經朋友介紹下决定去呢間。上到去個Waiter已經nice咁帶我坐,原來呢到剩係食set manu。以為好小選擇,但一睇發覺個set manu有8個頭盤,2個湯,8個大盤,6個甜品比我選擇,之後個waiter走埋細心介紹。(呢part 好滿意)頭盤order鵝肝,生蠔,(鵝肝夠大,有70gm,蠔有3隻好fresh)蠔周打湯,牛油果什菜湯(都好多什菜,女友最鐘意)大盤, 聽個waiter介紹羊扒(好juice)白酒蜆意(味道好好)甜品,心太軟朱古力cake 2 個 (個甜品唔太甜,好出色)有Coffee or Tea 都係 $298 一位 低比另外呢到有好多wine選擇,個waiter又肯慢慢介紹,有d好por嘅feel,order 1 支 $290 都算合理。環境 每張枱都有帳逢間開,好獨立,拍拖一流 呢個價錢好滿意。會再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2007-12-20
To be honest everything was good in this shop, especially the goose liver it was excellent and the set dinner was good as well so i think everyone of you should go there and try it!!!Although its expensive but its really worth it!!!Me and other 9 people went there last week we all think that this shop is an excellent shop!!!Good Good!!!!Highly recommended!!!Also above this shop 22/F has a good pub (looks like a pub) the fees for happy hour isn't expensive so you should give it a try too!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)