Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Walked past the Wan Chai branch and saw these Belgian Trio cakes which were not labelled, so I had to go in the shop and ask what each of them were. Later I went past a branch in Central and they were all labelled and it had the price as a set or individually.They can be bought individually or the whole set for $68.All the flavours were unique in their own way so I decided to get the whole set.The cakes were appealing and visually attractive but not appetising because it just looked like dense heavy chocolate!++++++++++++++++++++++Chocolate honey mousseThis cake was the shape of an inverted cone with two layers. The taste of honey was faint and it was similar to tiramisu but with more proportion of sponge and dense chocolate mousse.++++++++++++++++++++++Chocolate and cherryThe lilac drop on top which had fallen off was a piece of marshmallow. On top of the cake was a piece of cherry, and some cherry sauce beneath it with real pieces of cherry. The cake was slightly similar to a black forest cake with a layer of cherry in the middle but not much.++++++++++++++++++++++Chocolate and banana cupI was expecting this one to taste the worst because I don't really like banana but it was actually quite nice.It had a real piece of banana in the middle and some pudding like layer.I havent tried the Saint Honre's banana and chocolate cake but I reckon it tastes similar.++++++++++++++++++++++
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今日lunch係聖安娜買包食,見到佢嘅火腿芝士潛艇啱啱出爐,就買左嚟試下。一咬落去,首先係超鬆軟嘅麵包,跟住入面係火腿同溶左嘅芝士!!雖然佢用嘅芝士,味道不夠濃烈(非芝士迷都啱食!),但係嗰種軟滑程度絕對會係令人感動而愛上的! 下次一定會再去試的!
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今年聖安娜的美麗攪作, 雪人朱古力包外表圓渾可愛, 看上去都唔捨得食。一個唔夠, 兩個放在一起就好似一對恩愛夫妻咁~~內裡o既朱古力其實唔多, 甜味有點失真但包質鬆軟好好食Merry X'Mas
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中午時份路過, 見有一盒盒pizza 賣 @$15 (大約6")兩種味道: 1. 菠蘿粟米火腿2. 磨菇粟米香腸買了#2, 回家即吃, 料很多, 有少許茄醬+芝士, 餅底不算太厚, 勝在唔油..當lunch 已很飽肚, 經濟之選!下次試埋隻菠蘿先.這個pizza 包比$6 一個單件裝pizza好, 單件裝太油膩, 次次食完都成手油, 雖然款式不同!
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