5-min walk from Exit A, Mei Foo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (53)
Level3 2020-09-21
呢排少煮飯,薩莉亞差唔多係我同老婆嘅飯堂,因為我老婆好鍾意食呢度嘅意粉!尤其溫泉蛋煙肉意粉,今晚又食佢!不過真心抵食嘅,幾十蚊一大碟,而且溫泉蛋有水準,每次食都係糖心嘅👍今晚仲叫咗雞翼,呢度啲雞翼鐵板上,保證夠熱夠脆。好味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-08-30
COVID-19全球大流行7月,香港爆發第3波情況非常嚴峻我公司容許員工 work from homeWork from home 也挺忙的忙了整整一上午根本沒有時間煮午餐就到屋苑旁邊的薩利亞買外賣簡單的點了:#黑松露鮮野意粉,我覺得這個是薩利亞整個餐牌中最好味的食物,每次必點,黑松露獨特的香味,配蘑菇和冬菇,非常夾!意粉軟硬適中,稍放涼一點點吃也可以!#焗原味雞翼,有4隻裝和8隻裝,1個人吃,點4隻就好。吃外賣,方便!但使用太多一次性餐具,不環保! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-06-29
我喺上個星期六去咗這餐廳。我點左番茄水牛芝士薄餅,薯條和蕃茄煙肉意粉。一食個意粉就知道好好味,接着食個薄餅,我覺得個薄餅超級美味。我覺得這次經驗10分好。我十分推介大家吃這間餐廳。只不過飲品部就少咗啲飲品。🤙👍👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-05-27
I have been several Saizeriya branches. When comparing the taste of food, this location ranked the top, and the coffee machine is the best. I used to go there almost every day for over a year. Employees had been very friendly to me.  I enjoyed visiting this restaurant.  Food and price are suitable for everyone.  Their menu can match to everyone regardless of the ethnicityI think all the branches should install the same coffee machine that has been using by Saizeriya Mei Foo location. Other location those are not using the same machine, the coffee taste is awful. They have changed the afternoon menu. I think they should reconsider having a similar afternoon to the previous menu includes bring back the Black paper chicken spaghetti because the current afternoon short menus are only suitable for people who can eat pork.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【薩莉亞意式餐廳(荔枝角分店)】『九龍篇-深水埗區』諗唔到食咩既話薩利亞真係幫到你,CP值極高亦都係窮人恩物,重點係環境夠企理得黎又夠大,日本企業真係無得輸。係荔枝角番工有個好處,就係好多餐廳選擇。而當你又到糧尾既時候,亦都有價廉物美既餐廳可以幫到你。今次我地就一行三人去左殿堂級CP值意大利菜之王薩莉亞意式餐廳(荔枝角分店)食個完美的午餐。呢次既午餐我地總共叫左三份午餐同埋一份意粉,包括有午餐 - 黑松露野菌忌廉意大利粉、鐵板漢堡辣腸雞球、雞肉粗管麵跟兩份A餐及一份C餐,額外再加多一份招牌溫泉蛋卡邦拿意大利粉。基本上午餐我地每人都有一份意粉同埋管麵一份,再加埋無限芝士粉簡直係Perfect,溫泉蛋卡邦拿意大利粉濃厚流心既蛋汁再加埋卡邦拿汁簡直係Perfect Match 超Juicy。而午餐既黑松露野菌忌廉意大利粉就較為遜色,黑松露夠哂香,可惜就有DRY,如果有Juicy既汁親托番會好D。雞肉粗管麵都非常出色,芝士味濃,汁又夠哂多。不過依然唔夠招牌溫泉蛋卡邦拿意大利粉出色。另外我地Share 既另一份午餐鐵板漢堡辣腸雞球係新鮮整起,一塊鐵板有三重選擇夠哂出色,加上漢堡肉汁豐富,辣腸味道濃郁加上雞球夠哂脆兼Juicy都係Perfect之選。食物方面夠哂Perfect,跟餐既沙律同埋白飯都係夠哂Fresh夠哂軟熟。可惜既係,薩利亞最近一兩年好似已經放棄飲品吧,除左咖啡機及熱飲機比較舊及日久失修之外,杯都比較污漕,如果淨飲汽水或沖茶包既話,還可以接受。加唔加飲品吧值唔值就見人見智啦。總括而言,薩利亞CP值係無可匹敵,可以一食再食。不過可惜而又美中不足既係佢地已經放棄左飲品吧,但係飲品吧亦唔係餐廳規定跟餐或必須要加的Items,所以如果唔加飲品或唔介意飲水的話,就可以將薩利亞CP值發揮至極致。各位鍊金術士有興趣都可以試下,歡迎PM 交流下。識食‧你都會係食の鍊金術士 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)