Opening Hours
09:00 - 20:00
Mon - Thu
09:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
There were days that I would like to eat cleaner, and Saladstop is always one of my top option.They offer a lot of meal sets so that you dont have to think of what to eat. But of course you can create your own bowl too. There are also seats outside the shop, so customers can dine in.
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Had purchased the tuna sashimi salad for takeaway today. Regrettably, the tuna were all stinky with a weird brown colour on it. The other ingredients do not seems to be fresh either. take for example, the lettuce was soft and the cold noodles were hard, too. Well, not sure it’s related to the weather recently, but it’s totally not acceptable for such a costly salad. at last, can only finish 1/3 of it as seen in this photo.
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放工想食健康少少就試左呢間bookmark左好耐既Salad Stop🥰叫咗Lemon Grass Chicken做toppings同配菜😗要注意裡面有沙律菜之餘,有蘿蔔絲,紅菜頭絲等。值得一提Bell peppers係新鮮生野🤣如果唔食就可以叫其他配菜啦~有好多種sauce選擇😍個人比較健康就直接食👌🏻店員都好熱情,會推介唔同配搭同醬料
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Lunch time起太古搵食尤其難 周圍都冇位 同中環有得揮依間Salad Stop! 勝在有位坐 又唔會好多人 加上少少快餐feel可以下載app落單 亦可直接去order然後店員會即刻整合你嘅材料當然有唔少preset salad choice不過唔想食沙律 一定唔夠飽所以揀wrap 又見佢wrap超巨型 好吸引😍自選可以揀wrap底: Original/ wholemeal/ Tomato/ Spinach再揀6款材料 🌯Build your own wrap ($65+25)Base 有生菜🥬我揀咗Wholemeal材料: Broccoli🥦, Cherry tomatoes🍅, Edamame, Beansprouts, Mandarin orange🍊, Cucumber🥒另加Seared tuna🐟真係超級超級大個😧從來未見過咁大個wrap整得好快 俾完錢5分鐘後已經有仲包得好靚添 方便啲返工人士拎返工司食我為咗影下入面啲餡所以切開 點知爆餡😂成個wrap都好多菜 其實係因為佢原先可揀嘅材料大部份都係菜 然後一定要揀6款同時加上後面有人等住order所造成嘅壓力 諗都冇諗 直接見到咩就叫咩😂Wholemeal wrap 好好食 厚度啱啱好 質感都係😋好有嚼口有少少似健康版印度薄餅🫓又唔會俾啲餡搞到濕晒淋晒 勝在夠大塊出面超市都難買到依款wrap味道上仲有少少鹹鹹哋全部材料都好新鮮 🥬生菜清脆 啱晒做base🍅車厘茄唔多 不過幾多汁鮮甜🍊mandarin orange完全冇皮 少少甜 非常多汁 不過我自己覺得同個wrap唔太夾🥒青瓜都係咬落清脆 切成一片片 咬落唔硬 但係令wrap更有質感Edamame好食 保持到佢獨特嘅豆香味 依隻冇加鹽 份量算多啲 每啖都食到幾粒 呢個一定要揀💚Bean sprouts (小豆苗)好少食生豆苗 又幾得意喎 好香豆苗味 食落一條條好似芽菜咁 唔錯其實原先可以揀醬汁 都超多款 不過我就走醬 一來費事食到流晒啲汁出嚟 另外想試吓材料原有嘅味道 三來唔鍾意個wrap濕晒最後加錢加左Seared tuna 因為冇肉有啲dry🤭都唔少 有6厚片佢嘅邊燒熟 中間就生啲 然後落咗好多黑胡椒碎吞拿魚味超重 所以比較腥🤥我自己就麻麻哋陣味加上我嚴佢唔夠淋 可能熟咗啲 然後黑胡椒味太重…所以唔太好食下次可能加豆腐或者雞肉好啲-成個wrap係好好食嘅!好想再去食💕服務一般 個收銀態度差少少環境都好舒服 有落地玻璃 感覺空廣啲又冇人趕你走或者摧你 其他OL食完就走 多數2個2個 亦都唔少人自己嚟食CP值高 可能有人覺得$65一個wrap貴 但係佢真係超級大份 食完一定飽 最緊要係好滿足😋好似食咗兩個burger咁而且佢材料新鮮豐富👍🏻食完又覺得好健康😂非常介紹大家去食吓 包食完話好食!
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Resisting the temptation to buy a salad from Simplylife is hard and I pray to God to have another salad stop in Tai Koo and now God has answered my prayer.Here it comes: the Salad stuff from Singapore. Today when I walked in this branch, they even offered a remarkable discount that was “buy one get one free” for hail chicken and so this is a temptation that I will not resist.$76 for two plus the chicken!Great bargain and I will definitely come back for the wrap and more.
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