本店與源記甜品專家一店略為不同,本店除了售賣中國傳統甜湯外,亦有售賣西方甜品,如涼粉,西米露,以及小食,其中以蘿蔔糕,雞脾,涼粉馳名. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
13:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
涼粉 燉蛋白 蘿蔔糕
Review (97)
Level3 2012-01-16
面對時代巨輪,森記都逃離唔到成歷史之命運...當知道結業之日將近,就去呢間往時經常幫襯嘅小舖好好緬懷一番...一碗熱辣辣嘅紫米粥,雖然味道唔可以話全港最好,只可以話過得去,但於呢個年代,只需$11一碗,就可以食到唔難食且足料嘅紫米粥,又有何苛求呢...與其話佢啲糖水好味,倒不如話佢好在係充滿人情味,係現今香港社會極度欠缺嘅人情味...晚晚都有眾多人喺門外等位,就算十一二點都一樣,無他,此處乃港大生夜晚聚腳熱點,咁平,啱晒學生哥胃口~是夜都一樣,雖然地方細細,華麗裝潢欠奉,又唔算特別乾淨,且坐得好擠逼,但仍不減大家幫襯嘅熱心...如今,森記已成歷史,每次經過望到已落閘嘅舖頭,均想起KAY一首歌---<最後晚餐>...又一間老舖結業,究竟將來嘅西環會變成點呢無人知,但我就無眼睇lu... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-11-10
been here this afternoon!service was good and i like a family-run business.never had warm gui ling gao before and that was surprisingly good!recommended! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-08-29
I always go to this food shop for nearly 10 years. In the past, when I was living in SYP, I will eat there twice a week. Now, even I have moved out, I still go to there twice a month.The turnip cake is great, though most of the ingredient is starch powder instead of turnip, they fry it in a good way.You can order fry sausage if you like, it is great too.Or, you can order one fry sausage + one turnip cake, cost only $5. The highlight is the sweet green bean soup with seaweed. All the beans are boiled to a very tender way, but you can still chew the beans.For those who love greean bean soup, I ensure you will fall in love with it with your first bite. It is better than Yuen Kee when talking about sweet bean soup.The service is good. There are two men who are the shop keeper, they are always polite and full of smile.The most important is, even though I go there for ten years, the standard has NEVER deteriorate.If you go there during the Chinese New Year Eve at night, most of the sweet soups will be sold out definitely since they are too many customers. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-08-02
路經西環,想起這區有些傳統中式糖水店很不錯。印象中這店的食評好像不錯的,又看見有位,於是來這裡一試。杏仁糊加湯圓($13):杏仁味十分香濃,稠度適中,很好味!湯圓皮比較厚,麻蓉餡少,但甜度適中。糊類真的很不錯,但湯圓則非常一般(不試也可)。下次有機會要試試其他款式的糖水。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-06-28
我是這間老字號的常客,最喜愛食木瓜雪耳糖水,由其是夏天食,消暑的食品!另外,雖然蘿蔔糕只有蘿蔔,並沒有其他料,但煎到好香口,也是好選擇!環境一般,畢竟是老字號,座位都比較舊同逼,, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)