All Branches (11)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
07:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
07:30 - 21:30
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Review (13)
Level3 2024-09-30
白咖喱豬扒飯:今日嚟到沙嗲王梗係要試吓佢嘅白咖喱豬扒飯,因為喺出邊餐廳都好少食到有白咖喱呢一個選擇,所以今日同朋友就嚟呢一間餐廳嘗試重拾一下童年嘅回憶,之前細個真係好鍾意食沙嗲王,不過而家分店真係少咗好多,鍾意白咖喱飯嘅必須要叫黎試吓!飯嘅份量都幾多,啱晒鍾意大食嘅朋友,豬扒嘅份量就冇以前咁多,不過佢係幾好食嘅豬扒,咬陸唔會話好柴,而且唔會好硬身,整體味道我覺得都可以㗎!再加埋佢嘅靈魂白咖喱,簡直冇得輸,配飯簡直就係正✌🏻 價錢嚟講亦都唔算太貴! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-24
火腿濃湯通粉 配蛋 及 蒜香牛油烤餅 加飲品 ($38)早餐有牛油烤餅都幾得意, 是印度式的烤餅, 夠蒜香, 不算油膩通粉湯底唔夠濃, 比較清淡熱奶茶的茶底夠濃👍🏻燒雞扒濃湯公仔麵通粉 配蛋 及 牛油多士 加飲品 ($38) 雞皮夠脆, 雞扒肉夠滑身, 腌得夠味, 一D都唔乾身, 超出預期總括來說, 性價比高Chicken Soup Ham Macaroni, Egg, Garlic Butter Roti and Beverage ($38)It’s special that Roti is offered during breakfast. The roti has flavor of garlic and butter. The chicken soup is too plain for macaroni. For the hot milk tea, the tea is strong enough. Chicken Soup Grilled Chicken, Egg, Butter Toast and Beverage ($38)The chicken skin is crispy and the meat is tender, juicy and marinated well.It is out of expectation. In general, it is value for money. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-27
都好耐冇嚟過沙嗲王食午餐,難得經過開就試吓🤣因為午餐時段,所以都揀左佢既午餐Menu 蒜香牛油烤餅+濃蝦湯首先個牛油烤餅真係好好食,有少少酥皮嘅感覺,入邊有啲空氣感,亦都有少少似蒜蓉包幾香🤣再配埋濃蝦湯,兩樣好夾😋建議加個包落個湯度食,雖然濃蝦湯唔算好重嘅蝦味但係都係唔錯嘅湯👍🏻沙嗲牛肩胛粉絲我揀咗呢個沙嗲牛肩胛粉絲湯底都好濃,因為係粉絲所以好入味👍🏻牛肉唔算特別多,亦都唔算好有牛味,算係正正常常。粉絲出色但🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
沙灘王的白咖喱豬扒已經食過好多次,味道一如往昔咁好味有水準,吉列豬扒鮮嫩多汁,配搭上濃郁的白咖喱醬汁,味道絕對係一試難。另外牛肩米線配沙嗲汁湯底亦都好入味,不過牛肩肉嘅份量就有啲少,下午茶套餐亦十分之抵食,有好多唔同套餐可以選擇,一款主食+忌廉湯+一杯嘢飲。餐廳環境亦都十分闊落,坐得好舒服,可以慢慢食、慢慢傾偈,平日人流唔多,上餐速度亦算快,食物溫度亦好足夠,所以一有聚會,都會選擇同朋友一齊再光顧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐冇食過沙嗲王,印象中沙嗲王淨係食白咖喱同埋豬扒,今日嚟到懷緬吓先!未食過白咖喱烏冬,今次就試吓!🍴午餐F 白咖喱香茅豬扒烏冬日本製烏冬 $69白咖喱湯飲落好香,飲落去有少少似椰汁味?唔辣又惹味,烏冬好煙靭有口感真係日本嗰種,豬扒好香香茅味一啲都唔鹹,食落去好軟腍唔會有嗱口嘅味道!分量都幾足!🍴蒜蓉牛油雞翼2隻+$20雞翼炸好香口,食落去好重蒜香味,不過$20兩隻有啲貴!🍴凍檸檬茶+$3推薦指數: 7/10講真沙嗲王真係歷久不衰,唔知食咩食白咖喱都幾唔錯㗎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)