15-min walk from Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
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Review (21)
Level3 2022-06-06
今日去左瀝源呢間日式小店:饗一品叫左個溫泉蛋照燒雞排飯配冰紅茶$56個飯賣相相當吸引,雞排好大份,個皮煎得好脆好有口感,配埋隻溫泉蛋有啲蛋汁唔會太dry,不過食多幾件就覺得濃味左少少🤏另外有麵豉湯,甜甜地幾好味。不過個唔洗加錢既冰紅茶就有少少失望,居然係罐裝康師傅,如果係餐牌寫埋係罐裝康師傅應該會想加錢叫其他野飲😅以下係餐牌:整體黎講大大份有湯有野飲都幾抵食,座位都舒服,可以再黎,不過下次唔要冰紅茶喇😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-01-05
呢排係沙田周圍行周圍遊,又嚟咗瀝源跳呢邊,呢間日本嘢個位之前都轉過2-3次手,嚟到變咗做饗一品都好似有3定4年喇。裝修有日本風格嘅,算幾有心思。叫咗兩個午餐set, 一個係叉燒拉麵加幾件壽司,一個係牛肉壽喜燒鍋。先嚟咗個麵豉湯,唔知點解唔熱嘅係暖暖哋,搞到覺得怪怪哋,心諗一陣d嘢唔知好唔好味…嚟到又ok喎,特別個鍋好大份同埋有好多牛肉,同埋牛肉都算新鮮。其他食物都唔差,當然壽司唔好當好鮮甜嗰D啦,日本嘢嚟講物價算低,點都係抵食嗰d嚟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-12-19
在幾十年的舊屋邨商場內,比較有格調和特色的食肆,給平淡無奇的舊邨帶來一點生氣,餐廳裝修有日本🇯🇵加港式🇭🇰風格,座位分布合理,燈光比較昏暗,價格只屬一般(除學生餐外),食物賣相和味道普普通通,份量略少,侍應招呼正常,衛生環境只屬於可接受水平,但中午用餐時段人流比較繁忙,因為附近很多學生在此處用餐,亦因餐廳提供學生優惠,所以對學生來說是一個不錯的選擇,整體來說是一間不有甚麼特別的食肆,解決一餐是可以的,不繁忙時段坐下食下都可接受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-09-25
第一次光顧這店,午市時段,看到店內坐滿了學生,就知道這該是一間價錢親民,讓大家在有限的午膳時段填飽肚子的店。點了兩個午餐,一個是半條鰻魚飯,另一個是壽司拼讚岐烏冬,午餐連飲品,點了熱檸檬茶和熱菜蜜,另點了兩個小食,一個是鐵板牛油帆立貝,另一個是燒河豚乾。半條鰻魚飯的鰻魚,雖然菜牌上已寫明是半條,但份量還是比想像中少,米飯的份量倒很多,味道方面,就是自己在家裏用現買的鰻魚汁也能做出的那種味道。壽司有五件,兩件加州卷,味道尚算不錯,另外三件分別是熟蝦、希靈魚和三文魚壽司,味道平平。至於烏冬,口感不錯,湯頭則一般。鐵板牛油帆立貝(忘了拍照)是這次午餐中最不合格的菜式。帆立貝有五粒,不算少,問題是味道全無,可能廚師連最基本的鹽和黑椒也沒放,或放得太少,反而鐵板上的大量洋蔥味道不錯。燒河豚乾算是所有食物中最好吃的,不會太柴,配蛋黃醬好吃。這店的服務算是不錯,侍應友善,工作效率高,環境也給人乾淨整齊的感覺,就是食物的吸引力不高,如果只是趕時間想吃飽之後再上學或工作,對食物要求不高,這店還是可以選擇的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Boyfriend and I discovered a small mall a walk away from the more snazzier New Town Plaza. It was here we found Sando, a Japanese restaurant that seemed to serve everything Japanese.  It was very busy and it seemed people dining here lived near by.Menu is in Chinese only but they had photos of the sets. They had a la carte as well as dinner sets. All sets come with a miso soup, salad and set hot drink with possible upgrades. They also provide hot tea.As they had an $18 upgrade for a special drink and noticed everyone was ordering a smoothie, we decided to follow. I was glad we followed most everyone there as the drink was very big indeed!This is the mango smoothie. Look how big it was! Sweet with the taste of mango and very very icy. It was so big, I started to get brain freeze.Boyfriend ordered the orange smoothie. Sour the way he liked it and yes, also very very big and icy.All sets come a miso soup. This was extremely salty. At least they didn't dilute the miso. There was some kelp as well as shredded fish cake.My set salad was a Chinese wakame salad. It was as salty as some places. Fresh and crunchy.Boyfriend's set included a regular salad with Japanese salad dressing. Greens were fresh and crisp.  There was also some corn and cucumbers. The right amount of dressing was added. I had the udon with tempura and sushi set ($88). The udon portion was more generous. The soup was a bit on the salty side but the udon was smooth and chewy.There were three pieces of tempura: shrimp, potato and taro. The tempura was not too oily and the coating wasn't too thick. It was also quite crisp.The sushi platter arrived with six pieces of sushi! The rice wasn't vinegared but the fish was fresh. One of the rice had salmon flakes mixed in making it a little bit different.Boyriend had the gyudon with rice and gyoza ($69). The gyoza was fried so well and very crunchy. The filling was still juicy.The beef was served on the side. It was a bit on the sweet side and the beef was not over cooked.Portions were very generous. Food tasted quite fine and for this price, nothing I can complain about. Might not return but it's always an option. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)