1-min walk from Exit B1, Shau Kei Wan MTR Station
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Mainly serves US style hamburger and seafood, with good quality and affordable price
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
非常好吃!! 點的是羊肉的漢堡 肉的汁水特別多 很嫩 醬也好吃 一個漢堡簡直不夠吃! 薯條炸魚什麽的挺脆的 但是吃多了有些膩D羊肉有SO味真係幾好架 好鐘意食呢隻味 整體黎講我都覺得好OK
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來到東大街.本來想食煲仔飯,行行下見到一間幾型格的Burger店,還有不同種類的海鮮,沙律,意粉,薯條等小食的西餐廳,行入去充滿美式風情,店只招待我們坐在靠牆的四人座位,非常寬敞一打開menu,食物種類很多,由其是burger,款式新潮,每個都想試下,我就選了"Hot Item"-牛魔王漢堡和牛漢堡被半溶的芝士緊緊包裹著,豐厚,以切碎再整合的牛肉製作漢堡扒,勁juice,牛味夠濃還加了半份龍蝦我們都被它那漂亮的賣相吸引來個「相機食先」。賣相漂亮之餘,它們的味道更比我們想像中還要美味可口。龍蝦肉多之餘,肉質又爽口彈牙,而且非常鮮甜。不用醮上任何醬汁!而且鮮甜味十足,的確美味可口!法國白酒汁煮青口熱辣辣送到,大隻青口肥美肉鮮,白酒汁濃稠,顆道剛好。朱古力頑皮馬騮朱古力味道濃郁,裡面mixed了香蕉,士多啤梨,波蘿,Oreo ,非常多層次。東大街一間非常美式風情的西餐廳決定下次黎要食seafood platter 。
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東大行真係好正想食咩都有~今日就嚟試一吓Seafood STAND真係好多唔同款可以揀,有鰻魚,軟殼蟹,羊肉等等...叫返個海鮮拼盤先!拼盤嘅海鮮種類都算多,有帶子,翡翠螺,蝦,蜆,魷魚,新西蘭小龍蝦!大部分食材都算新鮮,但小龍蝦可能急凍太耐新鮮度較底。再嚟多個芝士薯條,條條都肥嘟嘟好味最後就試埋呢款蝦兵蟹將漢堡,包住軟殼蟹嘅炸粉炸得非常鬆脆,再加埋新鮮蕃茄生菜同埋個醬汁感覺好新鮮!陪碟嘅沙津菜竟然用上咁少見嘅冰菜成件事真係加返唔少分!
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Lots of burger and seafood choices. Surprised me with lots of beverage choices include beer! Happy there are Buy one get one beer promotion tonight. Chocolate raspberry milkshake - called the Monday. Sweet and cold drink to match with my burgerHomemade lemonade is good tooTo try something new - we chose the eel burger which the eel is super big and tasty. The secret sauce inside gives an extra taste to it The waitress recommends us the seafood platter. The plate is huge which contains vary seafood. The picture says it all
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