3-min walk from Exit C2, Jordan MTR Station
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This Nepalese restaurant is opened by a Nepalese. Pizzas and ribs are recommended.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Tue - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:45
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
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今天朋友生日🎂揀咗一間喺佐敦的尼泊爾菜,佐敦都算係一個充滿着好多異國風情嘅飲食文化的地方,每次去都覺得好新奇有趣,因為呢間餐廳一入去侍應笑容表面招呼我哋,已經覺得好開心今日試咗有Momo🥟侍應知道我哋心大心細想試豬肉同雞肉佢做咗Combo俾我哋,餃子型係豬肉口味比較鮮甜,小籠包樣係雞肉口味肉質較細緻,各有千秋,配埋個微辣蕃茄汁同吃更正!雞肉kebab 🌮呢個雞肉有少少嚡口,不過用醬汁同生菜蓋過又OKCurry fish +naan🐟咖喱魚入口香料味重,魚肉質地係屬於實淨嘅質地Naan好鬆軟,配埋一齊嚟食,兩者非常之香今晚慶祝生日,雖然本身諗住即興order甜品但係佢哋話冇甜品,於是我哋喺附近買咗甜品慶祝,侍應都很窩心地為我們播放生日歌❤️令到我哋過咗一個愉快輕鬆的晚上🌃
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Seasons 係一間融合咗意大利、西式、墨西哥、土耳其、印度同尼泊爾美食於一身嘅多國菜餐廳。一嚟先奉上脆脆papadum,充滿胡椒嘅鹹香味再加薄荷醬好食開胃~今餐嚟都最期待都係食 momo ,自從係 Momo moment 食過之後就成日都心思思想再食,難得有令一間良心小店有賣,咁點都要試吓啦!今次無曬豬肉,所以我哋就要咗雞肉餡,一客十隻🥟 皮薄多餡,無 Momo moment 咁多汁但都好有香料味,重點係一定要加埋個微辣嘅蕃茄醬汁就更加好食~另外要大讚嘅係佢哋個garlic naan真係勁香蒜茸味,而且一啲都唔油膩!齋食已經好好食,配咖哩亦好出色。我哋要咗 Chicken Masala🥘加入咗蕃茄嘅咖哩唔會太辣,辛香而唔刺激。比起butter chicken 會無咁奶相對就輕盈少少~Sekuwa 烤肉我哋揀咗豬肉,聞到超出色嘅焦香味同香料調味,食落有肉汁唔乾柴惹味啖啖肉,係濃濃嘅異國風味~食咗咁多濃味嘢,健康寶寶仲加咗個沙律,一嚟就真係比個 size 嚇親🫨估唔到個沙律真係如圖所示咁嘅樣,個plating 都砌得好有 heart!!個泰式沙律包括有生菜,青瓜,薄荷葉,紫洋葱,蕃茄同彩椒,各種爽口嘅蔬菜再加埋泰式酸辣沙律沙律汁好清新~温提:呢度啲食物份量都好足,我哋都因為飽到叫唔到 pizza 嚟食~記得都要量力而為唔好貪心叫太多。
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Lunch Time時間喺佐敦試咗呢間印度加尼泊爾加土耳其加意大利野嘅餐廳,味道都幾好。我地兩個人,一個叫咗Curry Fish Set另一個就叫咗Lamb Kebab Set。先來個餐前小食胡椒脆片。餐湯係印度Style的南瓜湯。Curry Fish Set就配印度薄餅,個咖哩都幾香而且唔會好辣,用黎點印度薄餅都幾正。Lamb Kebab味道唔錯,不過入面D羊肉就似乎肥咗少少,要咬走D肥膏。佢個汁幾好味,有D辣,如果唔食得辣就要叫佢走辣。佢個Lunch Set仲包埋飲品,我地一杯要凍檸茶而另一杯就要可樂,杯可樂竟然有檸檬真係勁。
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I had Seasons Restaurant and Bar twice today. I dined in for lunch, and I bought takeaway for dinner for my family. I had a lamb kebab lunch set. It was only $88 including lamb kebab duh, salad, soup, papadum, and tea. They don't charge service charge either. The soup was slightly spicy, the lamb kebab is fresh and of generous portion so it can definitely satisfy your appetite. I really enjoyed it because the proportion of meat to vege is optimal. Sometimes I have kebab which has too much vege or too much meat so it can be either too bland or too meaty. But Season's kebab was optimal. The staff are very friendly and kind too. I bought lamb masala, lamb biryani, chicken momos, pork sekuwa and cheese naan for takeaway for dinner. I didn't try the lamb masala but my parents loved it. Lamb biryani was again very good, especially the texture of the lamb is tender enough. Chicken momos are good but not extraordinary. But I love that they were steamed so it feels healthier! Pork sekuwa and cheese naan were a perfect combo! I would definitely order them again. The pork sekuwa was slightly on the salty side, but it goes so well with naan or rice! They're freshly grilled, and the meat was soft. Cheese naan is what you'd expect from cheese naan. But because it goes so well with the pork sekuwa they really do complement each other. I definitely would visit Seasons restaurant and bar again. And kudos to the friendly boss and staff!
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