Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
- Great Food Hall其實係一個美食購物廣場,好似平時超市買餸咁,不過仲雲集咗多間餐廳,中日韓西都有!印象中除咗一間食burger可以堂食之外,其他都係takeaway~入口唔太明顯,大家可以認住喺starbucks隔離條扶手電梯直落✔️·🍙Beef gimbap 牛肉手捲 💰58 料好豐富,每件嘅紫米飯份量唔會過多👍🏼唔算好驚喜,不過有咁多件都抵食😌·🍱Chicken bite box set 脆香炸雞粒定食 💰82炸雞粒皮都脆,甜酸啱啱好😋欣賞佢配菜款式好多,自己最鍾意佢爽口&甜甜哋嘅醃菜(黃色嗰款)🤩但係唔知點解最右邊嘅bibim veggies & quinoa salad都冇調味(係想撈埋泡菜?)·🍱Spicy pork box set 辛辣豬肉定食 💰82豬肉配上洋蔥、泡菜,甜辣惹味😋配菜都有少少唔同,由紫菜粉絲卷變咗魚糕😂不過改善地方同上面一樣,同埋紫米飯略硬😢·🌶Spicy pork+Kimchi fried rice 辣炒豬肉+泡菜炒飯 💰75 呢款比預期出色🌟辣炒豬肉同上面定食嘅差唔多,而且泡菜炒飯好惹味,撈埋啲紫菜碎好食☺️(真係好大份,兩個人分都ok)
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係金鐘返工,食野食到悶既時候,我第一時間就會意起呢間沙律bar 雖然都係偏貴,最近仲加左價,但唔影響我幫襯佢佢有2個size,我次次都order大size $80源住條隊行,一路揀自己中意食既材料記得個菜底起碼要揀2款,如果唔係最尾位沙律會唔滿😂😂😂😂所有材料都好新鮮,爽口,唔係一食落口就擺左好耐果啲沙律貴得有道理
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Good taste, variety of side dishes, reasonable price and quite a lot of portion. It was 83 HKD for the korean fried chicken bite, kimchi fried rice, quinoa green salad with yuzu dressing and 3 choice of side dishes (more than 10 types you can choose from)!Would have been better if the container box is separated to prevent the side dishes are mixing. Plus, employee to not touch the container or beverage cup and straw with the gloves contaminated with food.Overall, highly recommended for a take-away during lunch or after work out at Pure!
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我係去金鍾great入面果間,不過OR未有果間餐廳就打落呢間分店。佢既salad box可以揀兩款菜兩款肉。講真我覺得較食一堆生冷沙律菜更適合亞洲人既體質。我就要左sweet potato & purple potato salad同bibim veggie。肉同飯麵可以要兩款。我叫佢俾多啲spicy pork之後少少SR chicken bite。77蚊唔算平,特別係佢只係外賣盒。不過而家普遍呢啲都唔平。份量都大,絶對夠飽。兩款肉都好食,個雞感覺上醬較多,好似唔算勁健康,不過好正。兩溝蕃薯沙律好正,好滑口,大推!
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