
3-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:45 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:45 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:30
*Lunch Last order: 15:00; Dinner Last order 21:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB OpenRice Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
All You Can Eat Korean BBQ Restaurant
This is a high-quality 5 hours all you can eat Korean BBQ, featuring over 100 authentic Korean dishes that reflect the culinary tradition. Offering a wide variety of premium grilled meats and seafood options, including Wet Aged Black Angus Beef and Korean Pork. Must-try items include Chuck Flap Tail, Top Blade, Karubi Plate, and Korean-imported Pork Belly.

Rare finds like Soy Sauce Marinated Crab and Soy Sauce Marinated Shrimp are available. Traditional Korean dishes like Tofu Stew, Kimchi Ramyun Noodle, and Fried Chicken are also served, recreating the atmosphere of Seoul BBQ restaurant. Don't miss this chance to indulge in an authentic Korean BBQ experience!

Review (31)
早排去左西營盤呢個SEOUL SOUL試左呢個韓國燒肉放題,超正!佢人均三百令蚊,雖然有少少貴,但佢D肉真係幾好。前菜先上泡菜+沙律菜先黎佢會上一盤乜都有齊的牛肉雜錦,之後食左一轉你就可以再ORDER其他食過覺得好食嘅肉~全部肉都係美國黑毛牛肉 (唔係黑毛和牛)有好多唔同部位唔知係咪韓國風格,佢有人幫我燒埋,幾好喎。燒完佢仲會擺埋一邊比我慢慢食,招呼真好。一次過燒好多野,職員燒到咁上下就會交返比我燒,我地食野食得好慢,所以佢好快燒好哂我都食唔切。呢個蒜蓉蝦好彈牙好厚肉,好好食,另一款係普通蝦。小食方面唔欣賞炸物,因為好乾韓式煎餅開頭以為會好大塊,點知細細塊,又OK,唔會太飽有個蒸蛋有少少DRY過熟,不過都幾好食。有個豬手薄薄地都幾好食,份量唔會好少多,可以每樣試少少點左個醬油生雞蛋飯,本來無期望,點知好好食! 咸咸地有少少麻油味好香甜,真係撈埋好開胃!有個芝士粟米,好正,我倒左落去個醬油飯度撈黎食,更加好好味!炸雞有韓式炸雞 芝士炸雞 同韓式大炸雞,我唔要原味,試左另外兩款味道咸咸地新鮮炸起幾好食,不過放題來講都幾HEAVY食兩舊都飽左一半,唔划算,我食少少就OK,我留肚食牛肉。韓式水冷麵都OK,凍凍地少少酸幾開胃。最後單點散叫左醬油蟹同醬油蝦黎試,味道真係好咸,係幾好食,但咸到要用黎撈飯先搞得掂!同埋我唔敢食生蟹,所以試左少少就算。最後仲食左好多支雪條。整體都好多選擇幾好味。整體性價比都合理,不過不失,唔算得上好抵食,但環境就肯定好過好多放題先,樓底好高好大好闊落,有高級感,所以如果同朋友食想坐得舒服我覺得係可以一試架。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係用餐前職員並無向我地解釋過收費詳情,用餐後餐廳向我地收取每人約$500嘅費用。我地向職員查詢後,職員表示餐廳由21/12至1/1期間加價,所以貴左。環顧成間餐廳,只有收銀機旁邊有一張不起眼嘅A4紙有寫加左價,連餐廳外面貼住嘅價錢都只有舊價錢。我用餐前一日透過電話聯絡餐廳預訂,然後當日亦曾經有透過訊息聯絡餐廳。餐廳有多次機會向我地說明新收費,但卻係埋單個時候先比我地睇到新價錢,實在令客人有被欺騙嘅感覺,亦覺得餐廳唔太誠實。另外,職員雖然友善但服務唔太好。僅僅一次用餐過程就已經倒瀉嘢飲、整跌野食、多次漏單。我相信咁多樣失誤並非偶然,職員嘅服務質素令人失望。同埋韓燒放題唔再提供醬油蟹同醬油蝦,想食要比錢買。肉嘅質素亦都非常惡劣,幾乎每碟都係8成肥,實在難以下嚥。不過肉類質素可能有浮動,想去賭下自己嘅運氣就去試下吧。不可一,不可再。500蚊位,我去買兩大塊和牛扒俾自己好過🥲食完一肚氣😇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-16
中西區高質放題,食物質素好不在話下,服務超貼心,除左會幫你燒,出餐嘅速度又快,雪糕方面都正,如果係九龍人嘅,真心要去試,真心推介,小弟都係第一次去食,真心有驚喜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日一個人諗住去食韓燒,我行左去imperial kenndy 嗰間韓國人開嘅韓燒餐廳食放題,點知行入去餐廳,我話1位,店員就話唔接待一位客人,餐廳只接待2位或以上嘅客人,我問原因,店員叫我直接問餐廳負責人,負責人回覆公司規定不招待一位客人入座呀!完全係歧視一個人食飯啦…以後一個人想食韓燒都唔使去呢間餐廳啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
So I went for lunch in a weekday and was planning to try the $148 multi course set meal they advertised at the store / open rice. To my dismay, the waiter said that set had discontinued because there were “too many procedures - on this count I feel totally scammed. If you don’t have it, don’t put it on the menu?As I was pressed for time (only have 1 hour lunch break) - I ordered a seafood pancake and chapchae. I feel like the cook must either be a very bad Korean cook or just not Korean. The pancake was extremely soggy - worst pancake ever - even I can make better seafood pancakes learning from YouTube !The jap chae glass noodles were overly cooked - soggy and stuck to each other. The only commendable item was the zero calorie milk is. But I’m not going to come here again - at least not order these items (or sogs) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)