
3-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:45 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:45 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:30
*Lunch Last order: 15:00; Dinner Last order 21:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB OpenRice Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
All You Can Eat Korean BBQ Restaurant
This is a high-quality 5 hours all you can eat Korean BBQ, featuring over 100 authentic Korean dishes that reflect the culinary tradition. Offering a wide variety of premium grilled meats and seafood options, including Wet Aged Black Angus Beef and Korean Pork. Must-try items include Chuck Flap Tail, Top Blade, Karubi Plate, and Korean-imported Pork Belly.

Rare finds like Soy Sauce Marinated Crab and Soy Sauce Marinated Shrimp are available. Traditional Korean dishes like Tofu Stew, Kimchi Ramyun Noodle, and Fried Chicken are also served, recreating the atmosphere of Seoul BBQ restaurant. Don't miss this chance to indulge in an authentic Korean BBQ experience!

Review (36)
Level4 2025-02-17
// 𝙆𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝘽𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙚 𝘼𝙡𝙡-𝙔𝙤𝙪-𝘾𝙖𝙣-𝙀𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙮 𝙏𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙎𝙤𝙮 𝙎𝙖𝙪𝙘𝙚 𝘾𝙧𝙖𝙗 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 - 𝙎𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡 🇰🇷 //-Located in Kennedy Town on Hong Kong Island, the Korean Barbecue restaurant "𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥," run by Koreans, has introduced both unlimited barbecue all-you-can-eat and a two-hour all-you-can-eat package. Featuring a variety of high-quality grilled meats, including specially imported wet-aged black Angus beef shoulder steak, beef neck, and Korean-imported pork belly. -In addition to Korean barbecue, the restaurant offers over 60 traditional Korean dishes for unlimited selection, including stir-fried kimchi, spicy stir-fried pork, Korean stir-fried glass noodles, cheese kimchi pancakes, seafood scallion pancakes, spicy stir-fried rice cakes, and Korean marinated squid. For soups, guests can choose from beef rib soup, kimchi soup, beef doenjang (soybean paste) soup, kelp soup, soft tofu stew, and budae jjigae. The restaurant offers dedicated grilling services, and the all-you-can-eat package includes a complimentary soy sauce crab and soy sauce shrimp platter.-For beverages and sweet treats, the package features a variety of Korean sodas, teas, and juices (Ps. You can bring your own soju there haha), as well as unlimited popular Korean ice creams and ice pops; all for just over three hundred HKD, allowing guests to enjoy 5.5 hours of delicious BBQ from 5:00 PM to 10:30 PM. There is also a 2-hour discounted buffet package option available from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.-ʙs-sғsɢ-ǫᴘʟ-ʙғɴ-sᴄɴ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We heard online about this all you can eat Korean BBQ place in Kennedy Town that includes soy sauce crab so we went made a reservation to try it out.Located just a walk away from the Kennedy Town MTR station, is SeoulSoul. I'm glad we did make reservations because it was fairly full. We came on a weekday at 6 PM so the price was only $348. There is no time limit but we did notice that the QR code ordering menu ended after 5 hours.The place is larger than we expected so it was nicely spaced out and not cramped. They have a selfie spot where you can have your photo taken for $20 or it's free if it's your birthday. I thought a nice idea if you want to celebrate a birthday somewhere that this is included.Each table had a grill that was slanted downwards. A bit different than the usual Korean BBQ where they are often in a circle. Instructions said to place marinated meats in the middle and nonmarinated and seafood on the side.Drinks and ice cream are at one corner of the restaurant.  It was a decent selection of Korean items.  I was especiallhy pleased they had the mango popsicle. It's one of my favorites. There is also hot water which is helpful after eating ice cream, it got a bit cold.They start you off with a variety platter of beef, pork, potatoes, eggplant and various mushrooms. There was two types of beef (short rib and a marinated galbi). This initial  plate is grilled by a staff member. After that you're on your own.They also placed a large plate of sweet kimchi. This wasn't spicy.A large plate of salad was also provided. Very crisp with a tossing of kimchi so there was a bit of a kick.And finally the soysauce crab and shrimp. Apparently each person gets half a crab and two shrimp. This is not unlimited. Children and elderly are not provided this as it's raw meat. It was pretty good. The seasoning was salty and spicy. The crab had some crab fat but I loved the shrimp a lot more.The rest of the items can be ordered by QR code. The menu here is in English and Chinese and there are a lot of things to choose from. Lots more items to BBQ along with cooked Korean dishes. Portions were not large so you can sample a lot.  So we could order rice and noodles and still have enough for other items.The kimchi octopus was our favorite. A bit more sweet than spicy and it was well marinated.The short rib soup was also excellent. The beef was so soft it literally fell off the bone.Items ordered came out quickly and no item was missed.  The place was clean and the staff was helpful. Food quality was good and we loved the time limit was so long. You don't have a need to rush to finish everything you ordered. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-22
任食5小時🥰抵食韓式燒肉系列—▫️餐廳:韓魂SeoulSoul▫️地點:全香港有1️⃣間分店📍西環堅尼地城卑路乍街84號Imperial Kennedy 1樓11號舖▫️營業時間:星期一至日11:45 - 16:00 & 17:00 - 22:30▫️價錢:~$300+—美味:🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷環境:🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷(環境幾大,唔駛排隊,冇乜煙)價錢:💰💰💰+0.9💰平日:成人 $398 (小朋友長者同埋早鳥時間有優惠)服務:👨‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍🍳—依間都有幾多款燒肉🤩🌟無論燒肉定係熟食都唔錯😍😍一開始仲有Oppa幫你燒肉😍😍任食5小時🫶🏻食到你飽—▪️芝士泡菜煎餅▪️芝士味炸雞🥰🥰🐥 ▪️韓式調味炸雞▪️泡菜湯▪️部隊鍋▪️脆紫菜碎拌飯🥰🥰▪️美國特級牛五花▪️美國黑毛安格斯牛肩扒▪️韓式黑毛安格斯牛仔骨🥰▪️韓國直送生醃魷魚🥰▪️杏鮑菇🥰▪️白菌🥰▪️扇貝▪️辣炒年糕▪️藍莓乳酪雪條🥰▪️綠茶鯛魚燒雪糕🥰仲有其他款式🥰特別推薦🥰—#燒肉 #韓式燒肉 #燒肉放題 #堅尼地城 #無限時燒肉 #hkfoodie #hkfoodblogger #餐廳食評 #美食推薦 #香港美食 #香港餐廳 #食評分享 #香港美食 #美食餐廳#食べ放題 #燒肉外賣#amy_in_syp #日式 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-03
早幾日放工帶左閨蜜去港島一間獨特既韓式燒烤餐廳🇰🇷有5小時任食高質燒肉放題,可以坐足5小時,都等於無限時了🤩 一入到去就到餐廳環境好寬敞,樓底高,空間極大!而且裝飾得幾有心思,空氣亦十分流通唔會覺得焗,完全無油煙味,要加分.第一Round會有專人為你服務~我地果枱來左個真正由韓國來的韓國Oppa為我地燒肉,正啊乜都唔駛搞!而且好有技巧咁燒好同剪哂俾你,服務貼心!.先講肉類,全部都好高質!有美國黑毛安格斯牛肩扒、韓式黑毛安格斯牛仔骨、美國特級牛五花、韓國直送五花肉、薄切豬五花等🥩 每款肉都各有不同風味,爆哂肉汁!.逢晚市或週末時段仲限送一碟醬油蟹添🦀 係多膏!我地另外仲叫左甜辣炸雞、牛肉大醬湯、辣炒年糕、脆紫菜碎拌飯、韓式芝士粟米等等!其實仲有好多好想食🥹例如部隊鍋、海鮮香蔥煎餅、炸魷魚⋯但實在食唔落了🥹 所以如果多人來一齊食就最好‼️.呢度仲有汽水罐裝飲品同韓式雪條任食😋超正!真係大滿足!而家仲做緊生日優惠🎉就係餐廳會免費為你拍一張即影即有📸 新年想同一班三五知己或家人來個高質韓燒放題,可以去呢度 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
日式放題同任食火鍋食得多,可以試下呢間由韓國人主理嘅韓燒店🇰🇷~ 最平$348 dinner就可以無限時任食燒肉♨️,以家dinner仲有醬油蟹送,60+款熟食+多款飲品,環境闊落可以慢慢坐慢慢食,港島區嚟講真係好抵玩🤑!咁親民嘅價錢竟然offer韓國直送五花肉✈️,牛肉都算係高質~ 咩都未order就上左一盤燒肉拼盤🥓,有齊熟成黑毛安格斯牛肩扒、牛頸脊同豬五花等。店員會幫你燒~ 估唔到放題都咁有service🫡!醬油蟹&蝦拼盤限送一份🦀,可能係你唯一覺得唔夠嘅野😆!熟食方面有超過60款🤩,全部都係傳統韓國菜,海鮮煎餅、部隊鍋、炒粉絲、辣炒年糕全部都有~ 炸雞有驚喜~ 兩隻味都出色🐣。最後當然要食甜品~ 雪條雪糕都係韓國品牌唔係hea你🍨。總括嚟講,如果你係meatlover,真係可以坐幾個鐘食好多好多肉,就算你唔係食肉獸,都大把韓國菜俾你揀🥢,一個價錢食晒大半個韓國。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)