4-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
There is a seascape in the restaurant. The ingredients always come from Japan directly, including Japanese black wagyu in Kagoshima and there are lots of choices on Hot pot soup. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level4 2019-03-03
OK. 整體一般般,不太好亦不太差,Set menu $690 , subject to 10% service charge. 不算特別貴,但是 portion 分量也不多 , 不過肉質還好, 味道亦跟價錢配合。打分:合格有餘,但難滿意!service 亦一般般,不太差但也不太好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-04
年三十晚,最後一日當然食個靚飯,為全年做個總結。一坐低,位置好寬闊,景色優美,服務員十分細心,服務周到。叫了個$169的牛雞豚午餐(加一後$185),湯底叫左鰹魚湯底。湯底味道濃郁,很清甜,牛豚非常薄切,十份好味;另外仲有好多菜,有蛙蛙菜,金菇,白蘿白絲,紅蘿蔔絲,不過食完後食肉獸表示唔夠肉。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-26
I often dine alone and there are some dishes that are a bit hard to do. One such thing is hot pot. It's so hard to do this alone. Yes, I can go to the fast food places like Yoshinoya but what if I want something better? I often have to wrangle  a friend.I discovered a new place serving shabu shabu for one. Located in Causeway Bay's V Point building is Shabu Shabu Shiki. They have sets for one so you can eat alone without sharing.Lunch time they have a sets that include udon or rice, pickles, vegetables and dessert. I found that the pickles are only available if you choose rice and not udon. I don't know why they are so stingy on that. Menu is in English, Japanese and Chinese. There are a lot of soup bases to choose from.The view has a great view of the area below. Seating is spacious and though there are a few tables, they have one long communal table. Perfect for one.They provide you two dipping  sauces: sesame (on the left) and ponzu (on the right). The sesame one was very rich and nutty.The soup base I chose was the yuzu soy sauce. This was excellent. Rarely have I found a place that had a strong yuzu taste in the soup base and yet it was not too salty from the soy sauce.I chose the $168 set which included chuck rib, chicken and pork belly. The vegetables included baby bok choy, Chinese lettuce, enoki mushrooms and shimeji mushrooms. The vegetables were fresh and clean. The meat was excellent quality. The chuck rib was a thick cut and just melt in your mouth fabulous.I chose udon instead of rice. Thus, I received no pickles. The udon was nice. Smooth and chewy.Dessert ended with a scoop of matcha ice cream. A good bitter taste of the tea was a good ending to my lunch.Service was good with constant refilling of my tea. Even an escort out to the elevator was a nice touch. Food was just enough for me but if you have bigger stomaches, this may not be enough for you. I'll be back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-16
天氣又降溫了,大家要好好保暖。姐姐放假的日子,除了忙於處理家務,也數週沒時間與老公大人拍拖... 趁昨晚天氣不錯,兩口子來到銅鑼灣 V Point 高層靚景的 Shabu Shabu Shiki,享用一頓精緻美味的日式涮涮鍋!  同樣位處登龍街上,V Point 比 Mid-Town 更方便易達,高層景觀也更開揚;這晚來到30樓、主打日式涮涮鍋/壽喜燒的 Shabu Shabu Shiki,使用高級日本食材的晚餐只由$348起,同時環境及服務又是一等一的好,性價比非常高! 這裡最馳名是全港獨家供應的博多「華味鳥」雞肉,晚市套餐價 $348,另外北海道「四元豚」五花腩的晚餐價也是 $348;牛魔們則可選擇鹿兒島黑毛A4和牛肩肉 (160g / $390)、鹿兒島黑毛A4和牛西冷 (160g / $490) 或鹿兒島黑毛A5和牛西冷 (160g / $690)。 優美環境下,店內還有北海道松葉蟹連同海老、大蜆的晚餐 ($790),以及同時兼得鹿兒島黑毛A4和牛西冷 (200g) 及海蝦、帶子的豐富晚餐。經過一番考慮,兩口子決定選最豐富的和牛海鮮餐,加上「華味鳥」晚餐一起分享。 店內共有12款湯底,和風的有昆布清湯、香濃豆乳、柚子鹽湯,以及味道清純的鰹魚高湯。洋風的有蕃茄高湯、海鮮高湯、牛肉清湯、咖哩湯;最後還有中華風的生薑豚肉湯、四川麻辣湯、藥膳清湯,以及味道鮮濃的香濃白雞湯。喜歡甜味或燒烤的,則可選壽喜燒~ 選了鰹魚高湯及香濃白雞湯後,開始 Shabu Shabu 前,我們還點了一杯梅酒 ($78),味道芬芳香甜,十分好喝;然後晚餐的其他食材也陸續上檯了~ 首先上檯是「華味鳥」套餐,除了160g 博多「華味鳥」雞肉,又有清甜美味的日本野菜盛合、自選讚歧烏冬或雜炊配香物,最後還有甜品。別看雞肉份量不多,由於肥瘦適中,雞皮也甚為彈滑可口,吃完都幾飽的! 接著黑毛和牛海鮮餐也上檯了,除了200g鹿兒島黑毛A4和牛西冷,又有海鮮及帆立貝,日本野菜盛合,加上讚歧烏冬及甜品,女士吃完相當飽足了;真的不夠也可以加$128起追加「四元豚」、「華味鳥」,或是$198起追加鹿兒島黑毛和牛等~ 食物上齊後,趁難得美景來張合照,然後忍不住要開動囉!肚子餓了,雞肉又要花較長時間烹煮,所以先吃A4和牛吧~嫩紅色的牛肉上,充滿豐富的雪白油花,雪花分佈均勻且密集,品質不比A5差太多,重點是不會太薄,放在熱湯中拖幾下,一轉色就可食用,超美味啊~ 由於和牛油脂豐富,開始煮牛時,不妨同時也烹煮蔬菜,一來間著吃菜,可以有效中和膩滯感,二來蔬菜在吸收油脂後,也會變得份外好吃。 吃到差不多,熱湯中開始有了肉香,此時可以煮海鮮了!無論是巨大的帆立貝,還是巨大多膏的海蝦,味道都十分的棒,嘴巴滿足不得了。 別忘了還有「華味鳥」!這款全日本第一名的雞種,養飼於天然環境,雞隻走動多,飼料也以大豆、海藻等混合而成,因此肉質嫩滑彈牙、味道鮮甜;即使烹煮時間較長,也不影響雞肉口感。店內細心配上柚子胡椒,吃時沾一點份外美味!愛吃雞肉的要來一試。 最後還有滑不溜口,沾上麻醬有點似吃腸粉的讚歧烏冬,以及臨尾每人一杯香濃美味的黑芝麻雪糕,吃完非常滿足了,連原本打算去再訪 Via Tokyo 焙茶雪糕的念頭,也打消了~特別一提,這裡的午餐只由$138/位起,附近上班的有口福了! 最後回程時,在迷客夏重溫了香甜好喝的大甲芋頭鮮奶,就滿足甜蜜而歸。下一次的兩口子約會,大概要在沖繩之旅回來後了;在這之前,大家都不要「胡亂去滾」啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-13
今日試咗間新開嘅Shabu Shabu餐廳🍲喺V point 30樓,一行入餐廳就見到個好靚嘅景,坐左個bar枱位面對住個景,好relax架😌叫咗兩個set,一個博多華味鳥雞肉🐔Shabu shabu set,揀咗柚子🍊鹽湯,雞肉好嫩,柚子鹽湯有驚喜,估唔到要嚟煮菜🥬,個味好夾,就咁飲都好味😋另一個叫咗黑毛和牛🐂sukiyaki set,牛肉OK,不過未係去到入口即溶🤭,個湯太濃味,食到後期鹹得滯🤢,下次建議揀第二次個湯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)