6-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
其實平時行街成日見到佢啲野飲好邪惡都好想試,今次終於係朋友慫恿之下一齊試左🤣 我叫左‘’等一個人咖啡’‘,而朋友就叫左’‘可遇不可求’‘(🍓味)。先講咖啡味,我其實本身唔係飲咖啡嘅人,因為覺得好苦,但係我又好鍾意咖啡味嘅野食野飲,而呢杯野飲絕對滿足到我嘅需要,因為佢嘅cream同朱古力醬、牛奶加埋,變左做有咖啡味但唔苦嘅甜品😍而朋友果杯士多啤梨味嘅,佢真係好士多啤梨!唔係單純比士多啤梨醬你就當交功課,佢係真士多啤梨嘅味!好有誠意!店員姐姐知我地想影相,仲專登幫我地杯野嘅花紋同cream再整得突出啲,好體貼!🤗
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Total去左shake up 3次先出食評夠曬持平啦🥰我同男朋友3次都係去尖沙咀分店 其實都要行一段路 係因為朋友介紹好飲先去去到shakeup 出左名係飲milkshake同沙冰 第一次我同男朋友反而想飲啲fresh 少少既就揀左“葡萄老祖“ 仲唔到大熱天時係勁透心涼 飲品唔係死甜 又有薄荷葉啲香味 果陣仲做8折店舖好細但都有啲打卡位~第二次行過都係買左同樣既野飲 值得一提係店員好用心整每一杯飲品 啲cream同toppings 都整得好靚第三次就做“醫護買一送一“ 我同我男朋友就encore番呢杯同叫左small size mango milkshake點知就真係好細杯 而milkshake就係唔凍唔熱 係我最唔鐘意既temp. 但係濃郁既 都唔會太甜但飲過咁多間milkshake 就算係外國既都好 都係好凍 所以呢點就令我唔太鐘意啦總括,我覺得呢間都有🌕🌕🌕🌓 (滿分5分)~
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I have bookmarked Shake Up! for quite some time. So happen I walked pass it by chance on last Saturday, and there was no reason not to try it.Shake Up! is famous for its signature milkshake made with Movenpick ice cream. I chose this Peanut Butter Milkshake to try, and I was surprised to see that there were two pieces of buttered toast that come with my milkshake! (I asked for takeaway, so the toasts were put in a separate cup) If you don’t like fresh cream, you can also opt out for that.The milkshake was so smooth and delicious! Probably because of the Movenpick ice cream. Very enjoyable and not too heavy! Yet, it tasted more like coffee rather than the peanut butter as expected, even though there were bits of peanut chunks in the milkshake.The buttered toasts were very delicious too. I dipped them into the fresh cream and milkshake to enjoy them as a dessert treat.
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天氣仲係好熱😥要飲返杯凍飲解渴🤤🤤試下開咗無耐嘅奶昔飲品店 👅瑞士朱古力奶昔🥤.採用以自家制嘅兩大球雪糕moven pick加上低糖嘅朱古力再加上新鮮牛奶攪拌而成感覺唔同M記果種比較結身有碎冰係偏向水D🤔又好濃郁嘅朱古力味😋成杯嘢非常邪惡🤤🤤🤤好容易吸引到我呢個朱古力迷🍫🍫😳個人覺得好飲過M記👍🏻👍🏻飲完好想再飲多杯😳😳而且仲有好多種口味😋睇黎要試混晒要經常黎至得喇
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聽朋友仔講,尖沙咀the one 附近有間milk shake 好好飲,夠濃味 賣相又靚。果日咁啱出開去就試下!😀😀小店位置唔算太難搵係諾士佛臺行前少少就到,鋪仔細細,但睇到佢地d product photo就已經流曬口水。最後我決定叫左杯瑞士朱古力奶昔,賣相果然好吸引同張相有8成似,打卡一流。飲落朱古力味都幾濃,不過我就略嫌太甜,飲得太多有d膩,可能本身自己中意食dark chocolate🤓不過整體黎講都算唔錯,無太失望🤤🤤
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