1-min walk from Exit C, Kai Tak Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay BoC Pay PayMe
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
Level2 2024-10-03
咁啱黎開Airside,就順路買定個生日蛋糕for夜晚同朋友慶祝生日。之前聽講過呢一間專賣千層蛋糕嘅cake shop唔錯, 所以最後決定買咗個mini size 既港式奶茶千層蛋糕試吓~蛋糕第一啖食落去都幾Creamy,帶有一浸浸紅茶香。不過食食下就開始冇乜味 我估係因為頂嗰層cream先至係味道來源,而中間嘅夾心就唔係太突出 而個Crêpe邊亦都有少少乾 個人覺得可以再moist D,或者可以放多啲filling 落去總體嚟講性價比好似差少少 因為以接近$140 1個mini cake黎講我覺得味道同用料方面可以更加突出 另外如果包括埋刀同埋簡單生日牌應該會更加好但值得一提嘅係,店舖位Auntie店員好和藹可親 好好笑容 同好有禮貌加分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-05
之前也訂購過玫瑰荔枝薄餅蛋糕慶生,蛋糕無論是顏值還是口味都非常棒👏重點是唔會太甜💗家人和朋友都非常喜歡。今次生日再次預訂7吋彩虹🌈 派對上的小朋友看到都瘋狂,真的超級喜歡💕蛋糕質地也很好、派對上大多數都是孩子、味道不會太甜膩、不怕給孩子吃太多糖、很安心。拎蛋糕時、女店員還很細心的提醒天氣熱不要放太久,加購了保冰袋、還多給好幾顆冰粒保冷、實在是好貼心、需要大大讚賞一下👍絕對會再幫襯這間店鋪😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直都有留意Shaz Confections既蛋糕款色同味道都好獨特而佢地今年出既母親節蛋糕更係獨一無二💥母親節限定👩🏻The Present 禮物🎁呢款蛋糕以禮物為主題 盡顯對媽媽既愛😇珊瑚紅色 心型設計💖上面仲有好精緻既絲帶朱古力 打卡一流仲附上2個朱古力牌 1個係Shaz Confections 1個係I LOVE MUM睇到都勁SWEET🥰成個蛋糕好出色😛全手工製造 味道獨特少見 內裡好有層次粉紅番石榴MOUSSE 順滑輕身 唔會好甜夾住白桃果凍同杏桃幹粒 好有口感而餅底用上法式甜撻皮 成個蛋糕俾人既感覺好優雅清新 又唔膩😋回味無窮呀 相信媽媽一定會喜歡😇🌹母親節期間限定 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-27
I recently came across these gift packs from Shaz Confessions and thought they'd be perfect as a hostess gift. The package contained 5 assorted mini cookies wrapped individually. What made this package stand out was the adorable outer cardboard box - it was shaped and decorated like a smiling cartoon cat. Even though just the exterior, it instantly caught my eye on the bakery shelf. Despite their small sizes,the variety of flavors also allowed for everyone to find something they enjoyed.Best of all, the cardboard cat box kept the cookies together neatly for sharing. It was also fun presentation for my friends when I brought it as a gift. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-31
去咗買個蛋糕,問佢要生日牌答要加錢,ok fine。問佢比蠟燭,又要加錢,仲要分普通蠟燭(加錢),靚啲嘅蠟燭(加多啲錢),ok fine 。買完就咁俾個盒我拎住走,問佢俾個普通膠袋,again又話冇普通膠袋又要加錢要個靚啲嘅袋,ok fine。最後發現佢冇比刀問佢要,again都係加錢🙄🙄 心諗有冇咁窮…?🤷🏻‍♀️我寧願你markup貴啲然後你包埋啦,唔係價錢問題,而係咁樣買個蛋糕前前後後逐樣問咗五六次加啲濕碎錢真係好寒酸😅體驗好差,以後唔會再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)