6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
Sheer coffee 係位於卑利街嘅新店由兩位店主打理💪🏻有吧枱同埋三張細枱適合同一兩個朋友嚟飲杯啡傾吓偈😌😌環境唔錯~木系設計🪵同朋友仔試左咖啡☕️紅豆多士🫘同埋豆腐cheesecake 🍰好開心🤩老闆仲拉左個小狐狸嘅拉花俾Luffy🦊朋友仔就飲咗春夏秋冬咖啡嘅其中一杯☕️Menu係店主手寫上麻布😌非常有質感🫶🏻當日星期六早上唔算太多人希望下次經過中環再嚟試吓其他飲品☕️☕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-26
今日同朋友去左一間中環新開既Cafe 裝修好靚係我鐘意既日式設計風🥰一入鋪頭感覺好舒適 有放鬆嘅感覺Meun都好特別係布黎嫁😍最後我地叫左一杯Matcha Latte同Sesame Kinako Latte 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-25
呢間位於卑利街既咖啡小店, 舖面唔大, 淡黃色配深木色既格調有種好溫暖既感覺, 用左狐狸做咖啡店Logo好可愛🦊 呢度有4款以四季做主題既四款特色咖啡, 仲有幾款輕食可以選擇😎Spring - April Showers 🌸 ($50) 春季咖啡用左茉莉花梅冷泡茶配上Expresso, 清幽既花香好突出, 完全唔似飲緊一杯咖啡, 係一款易入口既特飲☺️Biscoff Latte🍪 ($45)呢杯相對地更清淡, Biscoff既味道再濃郁啲會更好, 可能熱會出味啲😉Ogura Toast🫘($30)即叫即烘既多士配上北海道紅豆配上Whipped Butter好Creamy🥰呢度真係幾好Chill, 用布做Menu係好有質感, 係一間用心做好啡既小店🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
地方細細但驚喜多多就講個布質餐牌!全手寫手字仲要非常靚💮🐇意式咖啡同茶飲之外仲有以春夏秋冬命名嘅4款特飲、必試!整體定價算親民、新開張期間Follow 店家社交平台 仲有9折優惠、抵👍🏻🔖 Tofu Cheesecake 質感絲滑、輕盈🔖 Okura Toast 脆口多士配滋味小倉紅豆蓉🫘簡簡單單已很好🔖 Flat White 奉送小孤狸仔拉花!🥰好襯小店個LOGO 亦好襯銀孤仔Luffy 意式有兩款豆可以選擇Fruity: Eth Yiragacheffea Nutty: Brazil 🔖 Spring 🌸春回大地所以要將春天飲落肚!咖啡外另外加咗茉莉梅子Cold Brew Tea 有完整一粒梅子喺入面味道酸酸咪咪口感非常清爽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-09
中環新開cafe 裝修係今期流行嘅日式設計風格:侘寂風 一入鋪頭感覺好舒適 有放鬆嘅感覺 係主打咖啡嘅coffee shop 今次試左佢地嘅cold brew 飲落層次十足 有好強嘅果酸味道 但又唔會有苦澀嘅口感 非常清新 10/10 問咗店員話今期係Colombia黎嘅咖啡豆 帶士多啤梨同熱情果味 而且見佢有其他homemade pastry同埋open toast 賣相吸引而且價錢合理 CP價極高 不過可惜今日太飽無食到… 下次一定會再返黎試埋其他飲品同食物 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)