4-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Shore Steak specializes in serving their meat dry-aged the traditional way - hung in house to dry for many weeks. The restaurant features dishes from the Field, Farm, Sea and Grill. They even have an outdoor terrace for guests to enjoy their meals in. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (76)
Level4 2019-12-02
不知是否職業病的原故,認識所有從事會計行業的朋友,其性格一般都是比較斤斤計較、吝嗇功利。一位好久不見的會計師忽然約飯飯,還鮮有大方客氣地說由他請客。老伴知其性情,故挑了一家中低價錢之中菜。然而,餐廳位處會計師之公司大樓,日吃夜吃也吃得厭了,竟然主動提議選別家。於是老伴便轉場到中環上樓的一家牛扒店去。Shore Steak坐落皇后大道中L.Place,黑壓壓的裝潢時尚新潮,直是打老外們的市場。小的曾在Shore Steak吃過一次飯,記得其價目並不平凡,心內有點遲疑,怕精明的會計師面有難色。用手機平台訂檯,七時入座可享七折優惠。老伴與小的準時到達,卻被接待小姐刁難,表示咱尚未人齊故不能安排。縱然是週五晚,但餐廳依舊人跡罕至,然而接侍小姐特意留難,為的當然是不想提供任何折扣優惠。咱倆被迫在該層的酒吧區等候,餐廳職員卻馬上遞上酒牌,還詢問咱們飲甚麼。這樣的銷售手法當真令人咋舌!等了十分鐘,接侍小姐走過來,表示時間已過,手機平台之折扣再不適用,問咱們吃還是不吃。要是只得咱們,小的可能就此拂袖而去,卻因邀了朋友,唯有被迫就犯。老伴不停推廣這個手機平台,但小的卻開始發覺許多餐廳會千方百計地留難,務求把食客騙來了,再來劏羊牯。離開酒吧區,拾級走上樓上之用餐區,廣漠的餐廳只有一兩檯坐了人。咱們安頓以後朋友便剛巧到臨。看看餐牌,單價在三數百元左右,為了照顧會計師的荷包,就讓他吃貴價的牛扒,老伴揀了二百多元的漢堡包,小的則挑了二百元有找的海鮮前菜。誰不知侍應回應道漢堡沒有供應,老伴無奈一起吃牛扒。除了主菜,所有伴碟均須另外點選,單價亦要七、八十大元。侍應詢問咱們是否須點伴菜,小的自知主食份量小,本想要個薯條或蘑菇,便貌地問問會計師吃不吃薯條。誰不知會計師大搖其頭,煞有介事地說他不需要。這樣的環境小的當然不敢再叫了。侍應問咱們飲不飲甚麼?會計師繼續搖頭。一家主力推銷宰羊的餐廳,遇著一個一毛不拔的公司老闆,結果當然是不歡而散罷開胃菜有一小件的三文魚醬多士,另外再附以餐包。平常小的一般不會吃包,這回則需要破例了!餐包咬下比外表柔軟,不過亦乏善可陳。反而開胃三文魚醬多士味道清新,底層多士亦非常香脆。小的之吞拿魚、八爪魚在碩大的碟子上精緻地陳列,份量卻是預期裡的小得可憐。一粒粒的吞拿魚切成方塊狀,大小與方糖相約,這般的區區幾堆,只可視為開胃菜。八爪魚相對新鮮,入口有嚼勁之餘又不至堅靭厚實。菜式整體配搭清新。老伴與會計師的牛扒份量自然多一點,牛扒的質素不錯,厚厚的肉身仍是軟軟綿綿的,外層燒得滋香,內裡則沁出香濃的肉味。這樣的價位配以這種的質素,價性比其實尚算匹配。老伴見小的沒甚麼吃,故不斷地將牛扒分給小的。小的卻知他自己也兼不夠,有點互相推讓。不過老伴碟旁的那枚烤蒜頭,人棄我取,小的便不客氣照單全收矣!完成大業侍應遞來甜品餐牌,小的看著好想要一份芝士蛋糕,礙於會計師的態度卻不敢有為。然後甜品牌置於席上,會計師則不斷地向老伴詢問投資問題,又要老伴為他介紹人脈,繼而獨立溝通。原來有求於人,難怪肯打破慳囊。吐吐不絕地要老伴表演平日見客的風泛,檯面只剩下三杯白開水卻賴著不走。有趣的是在演個戲的爭一爭,最後埋單的人居然屬老伴!要是如此小的便叫個甜點矣!扮作回敬地送咱們一個小禮物,還重覆又重覆地說他不知小的到臨故買了個男性化的東西。回家一折封口已被開過,只用膠紙重新貼上,裡頭的更是商戶送贈之小禮品。小的不介意你轉贈,卻不要做大戲地扮作自己買罷!若要人不知,吾好太低B⋯⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-09-22
best keep secret 系列 - 暫時至愛西餐,好食到好快又 encore 🙈 上次得三個人食唔得多,今次揾齊 8 個人就可以試多 d !重要既事要講三次: 牛扒!牛扒!牛扒!我地一次過試左 4 塊扒: dry age/草飼/穀飼/粟飼+ 澳洲/美國/加拿大,原諒我宜家真係諗唔返個組合,但記得每一塊既分別都好明顯,塊塊都牛味濃,軟稔,媽好想返去食啊🤤每塊扒都可以揀2 個 side dish,mac & cheese 是皇道😍仲有個海鮮拼盤,真係一個字:鮮!兩個字:鮮味!三個字:海水味!生蠔鮮活,蟹腳鮮甜,蝦彈牙。。。。仲有一定要叫既芝士包,係自己挖個芝士落麵包架,想食幾多就挖幾多😍 呢度真係一次過滿足哂三個願望👍🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-05-27
價錢唔太貴,食steak 唔錯。唔係食最好食既steak既地方,但環境幾舒服,平時唔多人。最鐘意佢地個camenbert,每次都點。岩岩溶既芝士加岩岩焗脆既提子包,正😍😍佢地個雞做得一般,主要唔夠moist 同個sauce 都麻麻。但整體呢個價錢,好ok continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This place had terrible service, we came here to celebrate a birthday and they forgot to include the birthday message in the dessert we ordered even tho we confirmed this morning. What’s even worse is, we sent back the dessert to have the message written on, and they said they don’t have any material to write a simple happy birthday! They took another 20 mins to rearrange our dessert and finally had the sense to write happy birthday with jam..... we ordered the lemon tart and it was terrible. Then we asked for the bill.... manager acknowledged us and carried on serving other customers... which is fine and then she seemed to have some goldfish memory and pretended we did not ask for the bill. Waved her over again but she did not see. And waved her over gesturing “we want the bill” she acknowledged and carried on taking dishes to other customers.... waved her over again “she nodded” what is this!!!!! I almost literally walked out of the resturant at this point! Then 20 mins later she had the nerve to come over finally just to confirm my reservation and then another concierge asked if we reserved under my name. Another 10 mins later the bill finally came. So in total it took 30 mins just to ask for the bill and no apology just the bill and they did not charge us for the dessert they screwed up! Worst service I have ever experienced during my 8 years in Hong Kong! Wouldn’t recommend as the food was average ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-05-01
一直想試 dry aged 牛扒上網搵見呢間餐廳有自己熟成櫃餐廳網頁又有自己 dry aged menu入邊有好多六七款,仲有 wet aged所以專程黎試。去到坐低問佢拎份 dry aged menu,佢話冇!冇? 冇 dry aged?佢話只有 a la carte 既牛扒。咁冇計啦 唯有響 a la carte 入邊揀兩款牛扒個心已經好失望,咁柯打果陣我冇留意到個名後邊個細字寫 "dry aged"(我真係唔知你 a la carte 入邊混左一隻dry aged)個女侍應用左一個重語氣+反左一下眼講左句" NO DRY AGED TONIGHT"hey 冇咪冇囉唔駛咁既 我又唔係叫你突登整俾我你冇 dry aged 我已經好快揀左其他野唔駛你等你都唔駛咁惡。(我地6點鐘到 只係得三枱客 唔忙架)服務差係真既 基本禮貌都冇想食 dry aged 唔好黎因爲呢度冇中高價版既 扒王之王only continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)