Opening Hours
Mon - Wed
09:30 - 18:30
Thu - Fri
09:30 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Level2 2014-08-21
've been this place for many times after discovering their wonderful handmade scones.Missed the scones I had in England and this place won't let you down. The amour, flavor, freshness that you should get from England are here in this cozy, little shop. Scones are always served fresh and warm, with the perfectly melted butter, jam and cream. I think their scones are better than many hotels'. Come with unique blend of tea - caffeinated or de-caf. Somewhere you shouldn't miss if you like scones. P.S my friend tried the carrot cake set and was amazed at the moist it had  (unlike those dehydrated ones) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2014-08-04
Openrice 不單是一個搜尋餐廳的人氣網上平台,也讓我認識到一班志同道合的食友們!  這 4 年來,我獲邀出席貴網的會員飯局,從而讓我與一班素未謀面的食友們真正認識及見面! 我沒想到,會認識到非香港人的食友!  早在 2011年11月中,出席 Dinner at the dark 的活動中,認識了一位看似混血兒的靚女食友 supersupergirl!   早前,我跟她一起認識了一位澳洲籍年輕靚女食友! 於英國土生土長的 supersupergirl 是英式小茶室 Shortbread Teas 的熟客,好讓她一解思鄉之愁吧!同時,令她嚐到英式自家製風味的美食甜點,滿足又享受!  這間英式小茶室成為她在香港最喜愛的餐廳之一!  而澳洲籍女食友喜歡食甜品! 於是,我相約她們一起到 Shortbread Teas 嘆英式下午茶! Shortbread Teas 隱身於中環威靈頓街,正是 Hero Sandwich 對面;門口窄小,如非 colourful 的招牌吸引視線,很容易便走過龍!  沿樓梯走到地庫,別有洞天!  這裡佔地不大!卻充滿英倫風格! 一踏進燈光略暗的店子,先見到彩藍色雀籠裡掛上精美的英式茶杯,還掛了英國旗裝飾,全店亮點正是以蘇格蘭格仔布造的窗簾裝飾!英倫風帶點中國風!  店內色彩鮮明的佈置,一室英式小茶室格調,倍感溫馨! 架上放滿了茶葉、茶壺和沙漏,井井有條!原來老闆是英國蘇格蘭人,而老闆娘則自小跟隨家人移居英國,兩者對茶很有興趣,一次茶室浪漫邂逅,就認識了同樣愛茶的老闆! 老闆及老闆娘待客熱情有禮! 店子主要供應:英式茶及茶點,茶點全是自家製,包括:Shortbread、Scone、三文治、蛋批、蛋糕等。如果,食客沒有 idea 品嚐哪款英式茶,可以先嗅一嗅其味道,是否適合個人口味?! 英式茶款式琳瑯滿目,令人花多眼亂! Black tea 10 款 $33 ~ $38/ potRooibos tea 3 款 $33 ~ $38/ potDecafeinated tea 5 款 $33 ~ $38/ potFruit and Flower tea 5 款 $33 ~ $38/ potChinese tea 4 款 $33 ~ $48/ pot我們分別點了屬於 Fruit and Flower tea 的 Bells of St Clements 及 Rooibos tea 屬於 Rooibos tea 的 Whiskey & Ginger!來自日本的茶壺圓碌碌,幾可愛!  泡茶等上 3 分鐘,以沙漏計時!   3 款不同的英式茶具,瑰麗動人! Bells of St Clements 開胃橙檸茶 (原價$33/ pot)這是一款由生果沖製的西茶,意想不到沖出來是泛紅色澤,相當吸引動人!  帶有酸酸的味道,清新宜人易入口,用來解甜膩的確不錯! Whiskey & Ginger 威士忌薑紅花茶 (原價$33/ pot)威士忌薑紅花茶帶辛澀!  兩者味道各不相讓!口味獨特得來不太容易令人接受! 英式三層架下午茶 Afternoon Tea set 有 Traditional 和 Deluxe 兩款選擇,另有 Cream Tea set!我們一行 3 人點了 Deluxe Afternoon Tea set $188/person (2人份)不用一會兒,華麗的英式三層架送到我們面前,大家也興奮不已!  底層:鹹點份量充足而且鹹點選擇豐富!  包括:Bacon Quiche with salad 煙肉蛋批、Mixed Pepper & Onion Frittata 彩椒洋蔥意式蛋餅、火腿麥包三文治、煙三文魚三文治及一大堆沙律菜。Bacon Quiche with salad 煙肉蛋批 ~ 中間的蛋焗得恰到好處,配合煙肉帶出鹹香及提升味道!   批身亦見鬆化可口!Mixed Pepper & Onion Frittata 彩椒洋蔥意式蛋餅 ~ 彩椒及洋蔥清甜爽口,口味清新! 火腿麥包三文治 & 煙三文魚三文治 ~ 跟 Cafe 的早餐沒有分別!普通貨色!  我個人喜歡食麥包多過白方包,起碼添上纖維及咬口!  第二層 :Scone2人份的 Scone 多達 8 件!  原來是把 Scone 切開一半,每件塗上士多啤梨味果醬及唧上忌廉;唧上一點忌廉好像 Scone 上添上星形唧花,賣相更精美!  Scone 本身鬆軟兼微甜,富有牛油味,食起來不會覺得帶乾!士多啤梨味果醬提升口味,忌廉則輕盈淡味!  媲美 <茶。家> 美味鬆化的鬆餅,令人有回味的感覺!  充滿自家風味,我喜歡!  頂層:甜點包括:紅菜頭朱古力蛋糕 1 件、香檸蛋糕 1 件、焗蛋白餅及曲奇各 2 件。  先講紅菜頭朱古力蛋糕,紅菜頭汁弄成粉紅色的忌廉,清甜得天然!朱古力蛋糕質感鬆軟濕潤,甜度不高!很合大家口味!  香檸蛋糕刨上檸檬絲,清新芳香!令人一試回味!  焗蛋白餅看起來似棉花糖!輕盈微甜,入口即溶!口感特別!  曲奇我沒有試!這裡的甜點美食的確吸引!全都是真材實料的自家製風味,整體水準令大家也很滿意!說不定下次我自己一個人走來的時候,會見到熟客食友呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Choosing a tea here is quite a headache because there are so many lovely choices!!My favourites are Duchess Grey, Highland toffee, Whisky and Ginger and Christmas pudding.Now, there are new blends to the tea collection.Here are the opening hours, so don't get caught out.A while ago, I went with friends and decided to try their picks which were Whisky and ginger and Bells of St Clements.The Whisky and ginger was surprisingly good with a warming strong fiery ginger taste while the other one was pleasant.The menu has healthy porridge too.I have been here numerous times which is why there are so many different items on this review.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Healthy Porridge:I have never liked porridge but I just felt compelled to eat it again because I havent had it for ages, anyway I was glad I had it because I was rekindled with that familiar creamy milky taste again.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Toasted teacakes:Had this during Easter and it was deliciously buttered.It was toasted just right with sticky sweet raisins.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Mexican ChaiChocolate and Chili)This has now become my favourite blend because it was just like drinking chocolate with a chili kick.The taste was amazing and extremely chocolatey, if you add milk and sugar, it is just like drinking hot chocolate.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Hot cross buns:These were Easter specials and they made two batches, the first batch was my favourite because it had pieces of apple in it.The second batch were traditional with orange peel but were nice as well.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Cherry slice:This was annoyingly delicious but again it is a seasonal special.I loved the vanilla icing on top with the layer of sweet jam in the middle.HOPE THIS WILL BE PERMANENTLY ON THE MENU.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $1xxService: goodService charge: noYummy factor: great or I wouldn't be here often would I?Napkins provided: yesToilets: yesGlass of water provided: self serviceEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: YesMusic Levels: acceptable◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-28
一個人午飯時間當然想坐得舒服D,最好無人搭台。然後我走到了這間小店,隱藏在小巷子內英式下午茶小鋪。點了份雞肉焗薯,雞肉切粒,用的是雞胸肉,有雞味唔「鞋」。焗薯十分淋,咬一口焗薯加一口夾雜著煙肉的雞肉,十分滿足。飲品方面點了檸檬橙皮菜,加一粒方糖,甜中帶酸,十分開胃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-28
前兩星期的天氣忽冷忽熱,鼻子的敏感又敵不過乍暖還寒的環境,結果這兩星期幾乎都在和藥丸做朋友。和英雄相約下午茶的地點時看到朋友在這兒,二人都覺得不錯便很快成為這次下午茶的地點。店子門口不太起眼,一不小心便會走過頭。走下狹窄的樓梯,來到佔地不大的地庫,左手邊放滿多款的茶葉和茶具,而旁邊便是餅櫃和廚房了。來到的時候剛好是午餐時間,全店滿座時環境有點吵離,但桌子之間保持一定的距離,沒有太大的壓逼感。這兒的茶送上之後都要焗三分鐘才把茶倒出來, 點了一壺 English Rose 分享。 起初的玫瑰味較香濃, 再添熱水後洋甘菊的味道則較為突出。Deluxe Afternoon Tea $188pp單單鹹點便有六件, 而且份量和平時的差不多, 要一人清光也不是容易的事。 Quiche 法式鹹批的味道很清淡, 而且中間的蛋餡又沒有其他配料, 味道就像沒有任何調味的焗蛋。 Frittata 意式蛋餅的味道則比前者好多, 加入各種顏色的燈籠椒, 口感上也比鹹批優勝。 不過比起這些批類, 個人較愛旁邊的三文治。 一人份有火腿麥包三文治和三文魚忌廉芝士三文治各兩份, 製作那份心意可以從味道上感受到, 要知道在外邊找一份有水準的三文治可不是螃麼隨意找得到。以前看到鬆餅旁邊的果醬和忌廉,都會各邊塗上其中一款,直至有一次朋友說把兩款醬料塗上同一邊會更美味,從那時就把這習慣改了。不單是把兩款醬料放在同一邊的鬆餅,次序的先後也是有考究。先塗果醬再放上忌廉,就可以避免果醬從忌廉上滑走。不過這兒的鬆餅都是預先放好醬料,個人不太喜歡放太多忌廉,如果可以自行調配份量就會更好。鬆餅的質感較為乾身,咬開便有零星的碎粒落下,沒有很喜歡這種質感的鬆餅。朱古力蛋糕有一層薄薄的紅菜頭糖層,甜味不會過濃又能為蛋糕帶來層次感,而且朱古力蛋糕又不會過乾。兩粒蛋白脆餅以忌廉連接著,甜味沒有想像中般過份,旁邊的牛油脆餅則鬆脆不油膩。Victoria Sponge $35 第一次接觸這款維多利亞蛋糕是在澳洲, 後來都沒有再遇過了。 蛋糕的密度比一般的海綿蛋糕高, 夾在中間的果醬甜而不膩, 味道就好像以前來自英國的住宿家庭弄出來一樣, 難怪曾經在英國留學的朋友都說在這可以找回在英的感覺。當天回家後把照片傳給住宿家庭的媽媽,他們都很驚訝在香港可以找到有如此道地的出品。店舖的佔地不大,在寒冷的天氣下走進來特別溫暖,不單是室內的關係,而是這兒的店員丶食物,還有精緻的佈置。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)