3-min walk from Exit D4, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*last order: 30 minutes before closing
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (150)
Level3 2022-08-07
睇戲之前去食沾麵醫肚,麵嘅份量有大中細3個選擇,揀左個中size,感覺剛剛好。叉燒好食好香口,湯底濃厚,麵質彈牙,有點硬身不好消化,所以一定要細嚼慢咽,反而別有一番風味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-29
Well done for getting through to Hump Day 🐫💪🏼 here is a bowl of delicious traditional Tsukemen to fill your belly 😋.Price :$100-200ppQuality : 👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳Recommend : 💖💖💖💖💖Service : 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️(Ratings out of 5).OVERALL: with 3 different locations (central/causeway bay/quarry bay), you can pick the noodle temperature, flavour-level (original, light) and noodle weight (100/200/300g) 😋🍜 You would feel like you’re transported to 🇯🇵 in their traditional shop design. Their signature dipping bowl is a savoury wave of umami, made with sardines, mackerel, kelp and soy sauce.DISHES:🍜 Grilled Kurobuta Pork Belly Tsukemen: great portion of homemade noodles where you can choose the chewiness (hard/medium/soft) – but it is the slow-cooked soup that really makes the difference, it’s been fermented for 18 months in a 100-year-old wooden basket which adds richness and depth. The pork belly is really tender and grilled to perfection, we all ordered extra slices 😬🐷 Perfect to be paired with some Japanese beer 🍻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-07-20
成日聽人講周月拉麵好好味,行過銅鑼灣咁啱見到就決定試下。入到店舖見到裝修都好日式,環境較暗。叫左個黑豚香蔥拉麵同香辣沾麵試下黑豚香蔥拉麵有三舊黑豚肉同半隻溏心蛋,黑豚肉有啲細舊😅溏心蛋正正常常,但個湯底真係出晒事🙁唔知點解食落有浸梘水味,麵既心感係ok既,但個湯底我真心唔鍾意😢香辣沾麵都有半隻溏心蛋,其他啲配料係晒湯底到。日式既辣不嬲都唔算辣,呢款香辣沾麵一樣,咸味重過辣味好多。食完碗沾麵之後可以叫店員加高湯落沾麵汁到飲,加完都係好咸……我唔識欣賞。試完之後剚幾失望,無下次😔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
介紹番 我男朋友香港最愛既拉麵店( ˶˙ᵕ˙˶ )周月既醬油湯底係either love it or hate it既味道唔中意既人會覺得好咸/好酸/好油中意既人反而就會好中意佢既咸咸酸酸 重口味佢既酸味其實來自發酵過程係香港比較少甚至無主打醬油既拉麵店所以大家會比較陌生有啲拉麵店有搭單賣埋 但水準比較參差佢湯底有濃淡之分 圖中為濃另外佢沾汁都唔係常見咁厚身掛汁佢反而係用油依附係麵身(?)所以其實同平時一樣浸一浸就夠味即使未必人人接受到佢湯底佢麵應該公認係做得出色既首先沾麵最重要 fing得夠乾佢有小麥香 口感好彈牙但唔難咬同一樣價錢可以任揀100 200 300g我地叫左200g都夠了~蛋同叉燒粒都正常發揮啦✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿Follow @lastbitematters for more continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-06-30
一講起拉麵,一路都有聽到唔少人講周月,麵鮮醬油房周月既沾麵已經食左幾年,佢既吸引力真係唔洗多講,米芝連日式拉麵,網絡上一直都人氣高企,每次係食飯時間過去既話都係要等一等位,而今次都唔例外。.🍚周月沾麵今次一如以往地揀左周月沾麵,涼麵300g,有角切鹿兒島燒黑豚肉、脆筍同香葱,但蛋係配味玉而唔係生蛋。首先個沾麵賣相幾好,沾麵汁夠濃,而麵既光澤亦唔錯,尤其佢既麵比較粗,掛湯力較強,同埋佢既麵係自家製,所以麵既質感係可以控制。食沾麵揀涼麵會比較好,因為免得熱麵的話會痴埋一舊,依然保持彈牙。湯汁味道咸中帶酸。醬汁面層看似多油,但食落並冇油膩感。食完記得要叫店員加湯落沾麵汁度,有另一番風味。.🍚周月餃子食拉麵唔叫餃子就好似差咁樣野咁,餃子內餡唔算多,但勝在皮薄並帶微微香脆。.總括然而,呢個沾麵絕對係香港高質既沾麵,最欣賞係呢度既麵夠粗身,質感爽口彈牙,細味下會有麥香。一定要試下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)