Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE Diners
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (80)
Level2 2011-01-17
幾個禮拜前晚飯食呢個^^之前午餐都食左一兩次 好鐘意飲佢d冬陰功!!所以再黎食次次都眼闊肚窄 叫好多野..叫左兩個冬陰功湯 蝦醬炒通菜 菠羅海鮮炒飯 同埋個雞絲咩咩咩(已經唔記得個湯粉叫咩名!!)冬陰功湯仍然係我最愛!!佢好多香料同有隻開邊既蝦好好味 菠羅海鮮炒飯好多料 但個人覺得菠蘿味比較無~但係都好味道個湯粉都幾好味 比較普通 有d雞絲 白蘿蔔 仲有冬菜粒蝦醬炒通菜 average =) 都好難整得唔好味既=)會繼續去食!!個湯令我愛上左=) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-12-26
一行六人黎SIMPLY THAI 慶祝聖誕六個人黎講我地都唔算叫左好多野,但最後總算飽足海南雞半隻: 其實一D 都唔似平時食既海南雞,個樣睇落似油雞,不過味道唔錯,煮得armarm好,個雞胸都好滑串燒: okay,雞串最好食冬蔭功唔算好辣,隻蝦冇咩味青咖哩煮牛柳呢個幾好食 最失望係個炒豬河,河粉份量極少,每人分到一小撮,而且豬肉片幾鞋下確實係一試無妨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-12-25
今日真係好開心!!!平安夜食到咁好味既野今日等位囉左231號, 本來叫到190幾 以為有排啦點知行左轉 已經過左我地啦 哈哈哈 好彩補番比我地 一去到 因為我屋企人要早走 我地好快決定食左d咩,就立即叫個EE 勁好人 超快幫我地落左單, 服務態度好好 我地叫佢快d到d野食, 真係吹兩陣水 d野食已經好快尼到 前後唔洗10分鍾!真係好快手 上菜既速度, 已經d野食係熱既 !首先講下叫左咩啦 通菜- 小辣, 好味燒豬頸肉- 醬汁好野味, d豬頸肉燒得岩岩好 蝦醬豬肉炒飯- 食過番尋味!!!! 可能蝦醬既關係真係好開胃好香大蝦炒米- 較乾身, 但味道OKAY椰汁雞湯- 足料, 有香料味道 讚!順帶一提 甜品賣相好精美 另外價錢方面 每人只係150左右only, 平安夜節日食野 算係咁 一定會有下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-24
很久沒有到新城市廣場內找吃,今天趁着崇拜後有點時間,走上食店林立的七樓吃個午餐....七樓內的食肆多是多了,但像樣的卻差不多是全無的。此時只可點指兵兵式的隨便挑一間便可以....走進了在各區有多間分店的"Simply Thai"。被安排坐在一個頗寬敞的四人梳化卡座內,坐得舒服,小友又有足夠空間可四處滾來滾去,不錯....午市套餐是唯一的選擇。一人來一個餐前小吃,先端來的那個柚子沙律簡直是笑話 ---- 只是求其將一些炸蒜片洒在切成粒的柚子粒上,份量極小賣相更求其,味道又酸又鹹,兩者併合起來一些火花也沒有,換來的只是古怪透頂的味道...軟殼蟹米紙卷還好一點,起碼軟殼蟹是現炸即吃的,入口亦不過份油膩;米紙帶煙韌沒輕易破掉,懷內的菜蔬也蠻重手多料的...海南雞飯是另一個笑話 ---- 雞件不是白切風格的,用上了像燒味店的油雞,小弟倒不大介意,但問題是肉是無味之餘又有夠嚡口的;油飯一點雞油香也沒有,十分的乾,更遑論嗅到有甚麼如香茅等一類香草的氣味了是小弟吃過最差勁的油飯;醬料是最像樣的,特別是那濃杰的黑豉油,對版....由於吃後心情欠佳,連太太的喇沙亦沒試了心情差的另一原因是回看最近幾個吃評都是遇着些差勁的食物菜餚,您說怎不能令人氣餒 ?... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-10-13
Fried water spinach , fried spinach with garlicBoth were quite oily. Tasted so so.Fried rice with pineapple and seafood The presentation was quite good. There were quite many seafood, e.g. fish fillet, shrimps, squid and nut. Standard taste. Nothing special.Deep fried squid The squid itself is tasteless. But it was fried to be very crispy. Fried rice noodle with pork (wet) The presentation is quite terrible. I dislike the noodle with much sauce. There was only little noodle but quite many mushroom and pork. It think all ingredients seemed to be swimming in the "sauce pool". Very oily. Grilled beef It was very big. The beef was tender and quite juicy. Good for meat lover. Grilled eel The eel is quite small but quite thick. The meat will not be too soft. It was grilled quite well.Deep fried shrimp cake Crispy. yummy with the sauce. Overall, the food was not too bad. But it was HK-style Thai food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)