Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
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Alcoholic Drinks
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Review (96)
Level3 2017-02-18
喺ifc睇完戲之後, 都已經九點幾。 黎 Simply Life 問下仲有冇嘢食, 經理話舖頭十點就會關, 但係我哋可以坐喺出面嗰啲sofa area食, 照會serve 我地:)我哋叫咗一個蟹肉蒜香意粉, 另外要咗個黑松露忌廉汁煮意粉, 另配有南瓜湯同西柚果茶。黑松露忌廉汁煮意粉夠香濃, 汁同意粉嘅分量調配合適,整體值得推薦。 雖然佢哋嘅意粉應該唔係手製,但係性價比唔錯。整體上覺得個蟹肉意粉有待改進,因為蟹肉比較鬆散,意粉太黏口亦不夠香。 南瓜湯不過不失, 西柚果茶幾好飲, 麵包就有待改進... 起碼可以暖啲或者配牛油/橄欖油會更好。overall 性價比係幾好,最好係late night 可以任坐hahaa! 傾計耐d都得! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-11-03
是日活動lamma island hiking trip,出發前大家1點係ifc集合.因為地方就腳有而且朋友想食all day breakfast 所以我地就來Simplylife食返個brunch,之前係taikoo city食過印象還好.可是今天的水準超差的, 是因為在ifc沒有加價,所以用料差了嗎?麵包好硬啊石頭一樣 一般水準,不過係出面這樣的價格可以食到更好的!奄列淡而無味,而且出水. 我覺得salad係最好味的,因為的菜夠新鮮. 不過里碟菜要$120,無理由俾d爛菜我吧?!還有所有的飲品都要單點無得跟餐. 總結吾好味加吾抵食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-21
數年前在港島區打滾,幾乎隔天吃Simplylife的沙律,我所接觸到的分店就只有這裡有沙律午餐選擇,一道烤南瓜已迷倒了我,還可自選不同的沙律菜/Pre-mixed Salad,大盒細盒隨食量而選已經近兩年沒有來過,因為從前一個人,可遷就時間來閒坐,現在要遷就魚子醬的日程,在1-2這些Peak hour,即使周末只能走上商場頂層花園坐,又熱又曬,就當與他活動一下。久違的沙律,價錢貴了,選擇少了,份量沒變,味道還好沒失色太多,南瓜依然甜美,紅菜頭、紅酒醋沙律菜味道依舊,下次再吃又不知何年何月,還是以筆記錄一下好了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
When it comes to dining or lunch, in terms of taste, service, decor and price, the one in Admiralty Queensway outbeats IFC's . But there's only one thing I like about it and will only take--- the banana pieVery nice chocolate flakesRich, fluffy banana-flavour cream, the best match with choclate cream continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-03-02
跟友人看畢電影便找地方吃晚飯。。。看見這裡門面不錯,就二話不說進場去。。。可是他們的食物跟mojito都不太合口味。。。。 炸魚薯條伴沙律: 薯條還可以,但炸魚卻。。。炸漿跟魚肉的比例是6:4,淡而無味 而沙律就全是椰菜及紫椰菜,不太美味春雞伴露筍薯角: 這是唯一可取的,春雞及配菜均入味Mojito: 三個字,很難喝 比較外面一般酒吧喝到的更差 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)