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Review (21)
Level4 2021-09-10
今餐係一個人的西餐午餐 行經附近 睇左餐牌有興趣就坐低試下番茄肉醬長通粉 沙律菜前菜 甜品一件 包茶或咖啡長通粉好處係中間食到醬汁,牛肉碎仲有芝士半溶,夾埋長通粉食味道香又濃番茄醬肉碎濃而不油膩,清新少辣易入口沙律菜用芝麻醬做調味,似日式多D,不過都好食夠清新甜品係芝士批,薄而長,餡唔多,中間食到果仁粒幾香甜平均消費$200評分7/10G/F, Jubilee Garden, 18 Sing Woo Road continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-02-14
The lady manager’s manner is getting worse and worse. The food is ok and the other staff are nice. However we don’t know what’s wrong with the lady manager there, she’s particularly hostile to Chinese customers. We used to go to this restaurant quite often and even recommended our friend to come before. But after the recent incidents, we decided not to come again. Last month, we placed our order with another staff, then the lady manager came and yelled at us that we didn’t place our order. (We were quite shock at her attitude) We assured her that we did order already, then she just insisted us to order again. While we are reiterating our order, the other staff came and told her that she had already taken our order. Then she just left, without even apologies. Her colleague, on the other hand, told us something wrong with her manager and told us not to worry. Couple weeks ago, we went with our puppy (totally very timid and quiet and good manner). We booked our seats in advance and already stated there’s a puppy with us. Once we sat, the lady manager impolitely told us our dog must leave the area... while next to us was a table of expats with a dog triple my puppy size and hopping around. I said why didn’t her say the same to the table next to us. And not to mention that the entrance area always have dogs sitting. She was very rude and insisted our puppy must leave. We were so angry about the unfair treatment then left immediately. This is the worst experience we ever had. We would definitely tell our friends not to order from this restaurant ever again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-07-26
一個遲來的午餐。餐廳的環境悠靜,餐桌擺放間疏,拉遠距離,所以坐得很闊落。一份辣醬海鮮意粉加Cobb salad,再加一杯清涼爽口的Virgin Mojito。兩款食物份量很足,大概跟價錢掛勾。意粉很有鮮茄味,配碎切魷魚蜆肉小蝦,很鮮味,每啖也很飽滿。Cobb salad 有雞或牛選擇,揀了後者。長長的牛排條,很軟腍不靭口。配上風乾火腿片、雞蛋、沙律菜、芝士粒、牛油果等,賣相已經很吸引,味道清新之餘又有肉質飽肚,一道很吸引的開胃菜。環境很靜,餐廳戶外設有幾張餐枱。炎熱下會翳焗納悶,若然是秋高氣爽的天氣,呷著Mojito,更悠閑。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(包捨 Contains both English & 中文 reviews 食評)About the serviceThere are a little plant, small candle, bottles of salt and pepper, napkins and cutleries on each table. After making orders to the waitress, I found the space on the table was too small and would like to move some items away. The moment I wanted to move away the plant (just a hand putting on it), a waitress came to me immediately and helped me to take it away. At that time I was just staring at the things on the table, and not yet started to look up for help, but the waitress has already known what. This is a thing that I appreciate her. Such small thing actually counts for good service. Observe and serve before a costumer asks is not a thing that everyone can do. 他們的枱面本來就放了很多物品 e.g. 小盆栽, 蠟燭仔,餐具,餐巾etc 正當我的手放在小盆栽上想移動之際, 服務員便立即上前為我移開, 咁張枱就冇咁迫. 當時我還未抬起頭找服務員幫助, 她便巳上前幫忙, 這是我在這餐廳其中一樣欣賞既地方聽起上黎係小事情, 但其實不是人人做到. About the food All items were in good presentation and looked tasty, however it turned out tasting bad except the chicken  caesar  salad...House White Wine - “Ok la”, it’s included in the $198 steak night set. Cannot ask for more for such good deal. 只售$198的牛扒餐包的餐酒不能要求太高, 合格但不是特別好喝. Pineapple Squash - Normal. No surprise~ 正常也沒有驚喜Chicken Caesar Salad - Taste good. Quite a lot of chicken is served 👍🏻 好食, 雞肉都俾幾多~ The sirloin steak - I asked for medium rare but it turned out medium. Beef quality is not so good as well. It tasted dry. Since it looked nice, but tasted not the same as its look. It made me feel quite disappointed.. Though $198 dinner set is a great deal, I cannot accept such beef quality. 我們叫了三成熟但最後應該有五六成. 本身肉質都不是很好,食落很乾. 原本賣相看似很正但食落不如賣相令人尤其失望! 雖然$198 set是很抵, 但牛扒質素如此我還是不接受. Linguine Vongole - the texture of the linguine was nicely cooked 👍🏻 but the taste was.... I don’t know how to describe, maybe it was like the chef forgot to add salt? Taste nothing and just have a bit spicy taste. Also the clams were over cooked! It tastes very dry!!!! So disappointing again 😭值得一讚是意粉煮得剛剛好, 不會太乾或過分軟熟! 但沒有太多味道, 就好像忘了落鹽只有少許辣味.... 蜆肉煮得太乾, 唔好食... 又是只有賣相沒有太多內涵之作.......... 令人好失望.The restaurant is quite cozy though. The overall yummy rating I give is a barely “OK”. I once consider to give a Bad rating. But considered that the salad was nice, the texture of the linguine was perfect, the drinks and fries were alright, I changed my mind. However, the taste of both pasta and steak was really disappointing!! I really wonder why nowadays many “good looking” restaurants give below standard food... 論環境, 餐廳裝修還不錯幾舒適. 餐廳好食程度最後我評為Ok啦! 但原本我真係想俾差... 但回想沙拉都整得幾好食, 雞肉份量又多, 意粉生熟程度剛剛好接近滿分, 嘢飲正正常常. 所以還是俾OK啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-06-14
星期日起身 瞓晏咗, 梗係一鑊過食個晏晝, 慳番個早餐。 同我另一半 去咗跑馬地成和道嘅呢間餐廳。老公喺度梗係老公畀錢! 天天咁食佢, 好自豪好開心。 侍應好有善,個個都講英文, 佢哋主力做外國人, 佢哋安排咗我去 天井到坐。 天井佢哋改裝咗有瓦遮頭, 雖然冇冷氣但係好清涼。 感覺不錯! 空氣又清新! 呢段時間清新嘅空氣好重要!呢間餐廳感覺幾好, 環境 好relax..講返嘢食,我哋叫咗..... 海鮮risotto好香好, 好嘢未。 但係個汁底我覺得佢用了1罐頭海鮮湯底。 有點兒人工化嘅感覺。同埋 order 咗個雞肉漢堡連薯條田雞肉 都幾新鮮, 裏面仲有肉汁㖭. 但係可惜個菜有啲濕搞到食到最後尾嘅時間有啲 Messi.薯條又冇炸過龍, 又夠熱.總括嚟講唔錯. 同我另一半咁樣喺啲咁relax嘅環境 渡過星期日上午! 真的有如放大假一樣! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)