Exit C2, Diamond Hill MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
亞參叻沙 特式蛋春卷 馬來西亞蝦麵 椰漿叻沙 椰漿雞脾飯
Review (7)
那晚小妹相約幾名友好,到某君家裡拜年兼食住家火鍋。小妹深知友好中不乏大胃王,而且他們都有如小妹這般節儉,一定不會大買特買食材的。所以,小妹唯有先為自己的肚子「打個底」。某君住星河明居,那樓下的荷里活廣場,大大個food republic 應該可以滿足我的要求。在這裡走一個圈,要在晚上六時許吃少許東西打個底,找對的食物可說是有點難度,不能吃太飽,但又不想吃甜品,怪怪嘛。看到有一間東南亞食品店。也好,蓋因小妹比較少接觸到東南亞食品。在店面先看看食物的模型。看到「蛋春卷」的造型不錯,驟眼看去有點像在酒樓吃過的「甜薄罉」,不過這裡的重點是:買一條盛惠 HK$ 18,買兩條盛惠 HK$ 30。小妹當然買一條試試啦。收銀靚姐笑容滿面地問:「買兩條抵食喎…」小妹答道:「一條夠了,陣間還要食其他o野。」收銀靚姐保持她的燦爛笑容,一讚!然後由另一位靚姐負責製造這條「蛋春卷」了。我想不到原來這「蛋春卷」是即叫即做的。做法是首先將雞蛋漿倒在平底煎板上,技巧地推平城蛋皮,然後將餡料排在中間,再技妙地將蛋皮卷成春卷。時間上應該需要拿捏得好,否則蛋皮會燶。同時推出來的蛋皮不可以厚厚的,要薄薄的蛋皮才能做到皮脆如炸起的春卷皮一樣。整個製作過程都要三至五分鐘,難得可以全程欣賞靚姐快樂地做「蛋春卷」。她們邊做邊閒談說笑,真是樂在其中,敬業樂業喎!做好的「蛋春卷」上碟,然後分別加上甜醬和沙嗲醬,單看由醬料拉出來的花,感到有如一件甜品作品一樣。賣相加分!小妹用箸子夾起「蛋春卷」,外皮是硬脆的,如同炸春卷。試第一口,慘了…因為小妹的櫻桃小咀沒有這麼大,咬了一口但餡料跌晒…有點尷尬呢!內裡的餡料很豐富,而且很有東南亞特色的,例如炸蝦米仁,這種炸蝦米仁,口感有如中國的米通,是東南亞普遍的小食。其他餡料還有沙葛絲﹑青瓜絲﹑肉鬆﹑紅蘿蔔。這些餡料都很新鮮而且可以生吃的,所以吃起來很爽。而醬料有增添「蛋春卷」的惹味,帶出東南亞食品的味道來。我覺得個人吃一個都差不多,因為實在大件夾抵食。Good continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-26
走到food court便想起「姊妹」是有點特色野要吃。一看便記得晒!就是芝士春卷。額外再買蛋卷。店子由馬來西亞引入到港,半咸淡廣東話的女店員,會滔少許喇沙給客人試,味道不錯。芝士春卷,芝味不出,和春卷不太夾味。春卷是零食─蝦米小春卷的味道。加入沙葛,有清新感。蛋卷,看著店員包,原來是由兩片蛋皮包起的。包著蝦米/沙葛/青瓜/紅蘿蔔絲,味道比春卷惹味。蛋很香。兩者也沒有驚喜,難道food court真的難以發揮好食物? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-05-15
約了朋友午膳, 在大食代走了一圈, 很久沒吃到肉骨茶, 擺在Display的似乎不錯, 一試!打開湯盅, 肉呢?骨呢? 拿湯匙攪一下, 一條肉排, 半夥冬菇, 半夥蘑菇, 半邊豆卜, 十數條金菇, 以及約十粒杞子。湯本身味道不錯, 藥材香料亦夠濃。但白飯中有很多硬飯焦,還是要外加的。我跟那職員說這肉骨茶會否太過份, 她回應「那是正常份量, 只有一條骨, 」, 那都不用只剩半塊豆卜, 她只連聲道正常。已再外加奶茶, 但仍跟「飽」字有好一段距離。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-16
這天來到鑽石山廣場看電影, 晚飯煩惱吃什麼.商場內其實還是清一色大大小小的連鎖餐廳, 沒什麼特色.所以跟另一半開始進駐FOODCOURT那邊看看有什麼新玩意.看到近門口有家鐵板燒, 不過人龍頗長, 唯有留待下次.見這家吃南洋美食的有叻沙, 又來試試吧.叻沙選擇不多就只有一款亞參叻沙 (忘記了HKD$43還是HKD$46...)都算幾大碗, 先嚐湯底, 嘩!!超辣的! 亞參叻沙一向酸味比較重, 而這裡做的辣和刺激度都比外間更強, 椰汁反而比較少. 面條較軟但吃起來頗煙韌的, 配料不算多, 基本的青瓜絲,薄菏葉,豆芽等都有, 蝦也有2大隻, 新鮮說不上但不算太差, 還有2舊罐頭沙甸魚, 有點怪但味道尚可接受.另加HKD5有碟生菜, 份量有點小不過一人吃就OK了.吃完嘆一句物價上漲很利害, 現在在FOODCOURT吃碗面都差不多要50元.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
After seeing the photos of the egg rolls on OpenRice, I found them quite appealing so I bought some to try.I have not tried these before nor do I know what they are.I thought they were sweet pancakes at first with chocolate sauce drizzled over it according to the photos posted on OpenRice.Anyway, got some egg rolls and the Buk Kut Teh soup.They also had CHICK kut Teh soup which sounds cute because it is chicken instead of pork!I wonder if they have it in Malaysia because there are lots of religions there that can not eat pork.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Popiah Egg rolls:They looked quite different from the rolls sold two months ago, they did not have any sauce on it. (Left top corner of this picture)I asked if there was meant to be any sauce so they gave me some vinegar which looks nothing like the sauce used before because the sauce on the picture is thick.Inside the rolls were mostly white carrots, a few shreds of cucumber and some crushed peanuts. The roll was sweetish with some Satay sauce taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Buk Kut Teh soup:The soup tasted really nice but there was too much oil on top.The herb taste was really strong especially the wolfberries.In the soup there were button mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, tofu puffs, beancurds and a piece of pork ribs.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)