6-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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This ice cream shop is one of my food checklists, as I have been seeing nice photos of its products on websites. The environment of the store was quite cozy and nice, being a good place to chill out! And it was decorated in European style and I like it!A lot to choose from the menu too!Finally, my friends and I chose "It's a Magic Lamp!" It is a rich milk ice cream with caramel syrup embedded, covering by tiny biscult bran. It's a cute design! And it didnt taste bad too, but just not very surprisingly good. The milk icecream tasted soft and creamy. However, it wasn't really a special one but just I had enough of honeycomb icecream already LOL! Guys could try honeycomb icecream there as I saw that was one of their main selling point. I was trying to taste their "side dishes", but it came off more of being creative than bringing incredible taste. Generally speaking, it matched with my expectation and was worth going!
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早在蜂巢雪糕盛行時,Softree就已經靜悄悄的在加路連山道登陸,但魚子醬一家路過幾次都無機會試試,這次做菠蘿雞跟著甜魔媽媽來吃雪糕,最特別要數這tout a coup pop-up store 期間限定的草莓玫瑰雪糕,將蜂巢暫且放下一邊,換上暖色系的配料迎接夏日其實Softree的店很好找,就在丹麥餅店後面,旺中帶靜又有不少座位,比起同區其他蜂巢雪糕店較為優勝,最緊要是冷氣充足 =P 在這天氣大家最關心的事情吧雪糕的配搭很多變,而且朱古力的款式都會配上海鹽,將甜膩度大大減低,魚子媽對沾滿小麥粉的可愛款式好有興趣,不過吃牛奶雪糕始終吃杯裝會比cone安全,大家吃Cone的話就要快手吃了~~~影機食先都要快快手啊!魔法神燈 It's Magic Lamp [$42] - 牛奶雪糕之上加了焦糖醬,再沾滿小麥粉,真的好可愛啊這造型!! 而且三者在味道和質感上都相輔相成,小麥粉本身比較味淡,剛巧可以中和了中層的焦糖,雖然會吃得論盡豬一點,但下次都好想再吃啊!!!店舖有點西斜,以雪糕店來說不是好事,坐在室外的位置會有點赤熱的感覺,但又是拍攝的好時光;情意棉棉 Snow Like Sel [$45] 又是有趣的配搭,牛奶雪糕加棉花糖,再灑上法國天然鹽花,魚子醬追吃棉花糖,個人覺得鹹度可以少一點,鹽花跟朱古力會比較匹配,但這杯很適合跟小孩分享,不會太狼狽,而小朋友又有棉花糖吃草莓玫瑰雪糕 Fraise Rose [$42] 筒裝跟杯裝都是同樣的價錢,魚子媽覺得較為杯裝比較可取,跟三兩朋友坐下來慢慢享受,將草莓乾再磨成粉,灑上雪糕後再加上玫瑰片裝飾,草莓粉本身偏酸,與又creamy又rich的甜甜牛奶雪糕,一酸一甜,比想像中更美味,不只賣相美美的,味道同樣出眾店內以高桌椅為主,也有一張普通桌椅,有小孩同行的也不必擔心安全魚子醬最後再Encore Guerande Sel 法國天然鹽花朱古力雪糕 [$42] - 看見姐姐起勢將朱古力醬唧滿一杯,唧完雪糕又再起勢唧,哇聲不斷,超搞笑,不過下次會叫姐姐落鹽輕手d,忘記了小朋友不宜吃鹽。以味道計,又真係好唔錯,眼見半小時內,點蜂巢的客人不多,不同款式都會有人點,看來蜂巢雪糕已經由潮流變成主流,是好事啊~來這裡,雖然有冷氣有座位,但魚子媽還是建議大家吃杯裝,又或者加快速度吃筒裝,免得狼狽收場~!! 最可愛是看見Menu上有 $9的 一口雪糕,迷你的雪糕筒裝著不成比例的軟雪糕,又方便又可止止口癮,推介路過一試~
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今日同友人一齊去銅鑼灣行街,行道累累地,就想食D 野。於是就來到呢間餐廳食雪糕。我地點咗一個棉花糖雪糕,奶味好香濃,對於我呢種好中意牛奶味既人來講就簡直一流。而且棉花糖同賣雪糕配搭起來其實都好夾。真係冇諗過原來咁食都會咁好食。同埋,我覺得呢度既環境都唔錯,設計好似酒吧咁,但當然就唔會好似酒吧咁嘈啦,好適合同朋友一齊坐響度傾計。
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Decided to try this after hearing about how yummy softree is. It definitely did not disappoint! My friend and I shared the "Liquid Honey," which is milk ice cream topped with honey. Loved the texture of the ice cream -- it was milky and light. The size of the ice cream isn't very big, but it was definitely enough since it was so sweet. I have a huge sweet tooth, so this was the perfect afternoon dessert treat for a hot sunny summer day!
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