7-min walk from Exit A1, Po Lam MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
一個人收晏咗又未食飯,非常肚餓,途徑寶林街市幾乎收哂咁滯,黑暗中見到呢檔仍然燈火通明仲未收,簡直係沙漠中的綠洲,於是買了個泰式香茅雞扒炒飯攞走,41元,抵食加好食,睇住師傅煮,夠鑊氣!職員態度又善,下次人多的話可試堂食,菜式賣相吸引,之前試過有芒果糯米飯,椰汁雞湯等等,可以話全將軍澳沒有像這家這麽便宜的泰國菜!擺明推薦,值得一試!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-05-14
寶林街市發掘好野系列💁🏽名叫鄉下仔😚 正宗泰國人經營😊 小編試左:炒泰國粉 hkd38😀 佢呢度唔叫金邊粉叫泰國粉😂 佢會問你要蝦定雞肉 小編食肉獸諗都唔諗緊係肉😍無論係雞肉定粉都勁重份量👍🏿 好好食架!冇過衰在冇白糖😂自制白糖點真係一流💯💯同係泰國食冇分別呀😀另外佢個海南雞飯 hkd40🙂 啲飯唔錯~椰香味都有既。啲雞都算幾滑下不過好似冰鮮雞🤔 勝在份量都多既~都算抵食架,會再番兜😇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-02-06
其實li度原本係KK茶餐廳,岩岩先轉左做泰國小炒,可能因為見到街市後面另一檔泰國嘢有得做。佢成個格局都冇變,只係轉左老闆。今晚嘗試下外賣芒果糯米飯椰汁: 老闆娘按要求俾多左椰汁,不過唔夠香,打左芡,唔太甜,沒有驚艷芒果好甜,好食,都俾得多嘅糯米飯,溝得大多粘米,唔夠糯,整體唔似泰國當地嗰d…38蚊來講,應該要做得好d老闆娘係賣點吧,佢俾人感覺好親切,有人情味,十分勤力。但既然係泰國人主理,好多人都會期望味道真係夠泰式。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
At first I thought it was a Spanish eatery because of the tables, but it turned out to be a Thai joint.I wonder if the people dining there even know the tables are Spanish because this joint is located in the outskirts of town.Anyway, ordered the chicken with rice.Portions are massive and good for sharing because they are in fierce competition since there is another Thai joint nearby.For me, the rice and sauce won.The sauce was a little different and it had yellow soya beans in it which gave it some extra saltiness.The chicken was ok but when I was expecting the bird to be small, it turned out to be a big bird hence the white meat was not that tender. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)