Exit D3, Wong Tai Sin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
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Review (95)
SOYmart by 豆乳狂人 @soymarthk 🟡試齊3款唔同容器嘅飲品👌🏽落order後,店員會左一羹右一殻,即刻調製飲品🥄等嘅時候留意到玻璃窗後一組組製豆乳嘅機器,咁有規模難怪可以support到舖頭每日新鮮製造豆乳🥛8.6 特濃豆乳 - 鮮芋泥豆乳👾各口味嘅Hip Flask外形特濃豆乳放滿玻璃櫃🫙 芋泥甜度適中,飽足感滿滿💜 非常綿密,反地心吸力咁🤣 我地倒轉個樽啲芋泥都唔郁🌏 建議要用飲管!(紙飲管應該會fail🤣🤣🤣豆乳奶蓋系列 - 黑芝麻奶蓋🦓黑白分明但又和諧共處🎳 食落都幾似較傳統嘅芝麻糊豆腐花,因為奶蓋如芝麻糊咁稠密🔲 而豆香同芝麻香同樣好出👍🏽 類似罐裝拉環概念嘅錫紙封口,安全又方便🧷狂人豆花 - 超煙靭豆花🍠超級足料✨ 三色芋圓,珍珠同小丸子口感都好有嚼勁,同滑溜嘅豆花成強烈對比🆚 平時食豆花糖水同黃糖都會落🍯 一開始仲怕太夠甜,然而中間嘅奶蓋甜甜地,令成件事非常balanced✌🏽樣樣都各有特色,配料豐富,可能叫「甜品」比「飲品」更貼切😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-16
//05 10 24 晴天🌞17:30 黃大仙 黃大仙中心南館@soymarthk輕鬆甜一甜 ☺︎女仔最鍾意食甜品,但又唔想咁易肥,有時內心都會幾掙扎。不過「豆乳狂人」,就正正做到輕鬆少負擔嘅豆乳甜品,皆因黃豆含豐富嘅蛋白質及膳食纖維,有助促進腸道&免疫力健康,而且仲會比牛奶脂肪低,所以隨時食多兩碗都唔使怕肥啦🤘🏻!🔻超煙韌豆花 HKD$42ꕀ豆味香濃嘅豆腐花 入面會有小丸子、珍珠同芋圓煙靭𝘘彈嘅感覺 令人食得相當過癮而且撈埋一齊甜度亦恰到好處再配埋面層厚厚嘅鹹香芝士奶蓋 層次可以話係非常豐富🔻多芒小丸子 HKD$48ꕀ入口帶有椰奶混合芒果嘅清香 小丸子夠軟糯 加埋大量新鮮芒果果肉及西米後每啖都可以食到豐富嘅口感由於份量頗大碗 建議兩個人𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦🔻狂人粢飯 HKD$32ꕀ即叫即整 保證熱辣辣內餡佈滿榨菜、肉鬆、油炸鬼配上煙靭粢飯 味道鹹鹹甜甜 食起嚟飽肚之餘 仲零舍滿足要讚 油炸鬼炸得好脆 冇油膱味ꕀ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Sticky rice rolls made chic; fantastic soy dessertsI looove sticky rice rolls (perhaps) more than my valentines, and I’ve been longing to try this shop. Let’s grab two rolls: katsu pork chop with egg, and avocado tempura shrimp. Both are excellent, trust me cause they know well how to deep fry their Chinese crullers and battered goodies: extremely crispy and wonderfully complemented the hot sticky rice. Also everything stuffed inside was well-balanced, tightly fitted and cleanly wrapped. I especially enjoyed the addition of cucumber salads and egg into the traditional pork floss and pickles. Soy desserts and drinks: Got myself the Chewy Special, it’s insanely satisfying because you can have it all! In one bite: tofu pudding, tricolour taro balls, brown sugar pearls and mini rice balls. The coconuty sauce rounds these all up and you have a taste of valentines on your tongue. That is love! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
要買豆腐花探人,同埋有啲口渴想買嘢飲,即刻諗起豆乳狂人。🌟桃膠豆乳 (熱) $32頭一兩啖幾好味,豆乳足料所以比較漿口,配埋桃膠好似啫喱嘅質咁,兩者平衡返其實好夾,不過佢一樽份量真係超多,之後越飲越飽,當係一個下午茶好過當一杯解渴嘢飲😂🌟黑芝麻豆花 (熱) $28凍冰冰有個暖嘅甜品食係幾好嘅。不過豆花無咩豆味,加上黑芝麻味較重蓋過左豆花,而且唔知係咪走健康路線,所以偏淡。豆花質地較稀,口感一般。下次試第二款甜品先。順帶一提,如果要嗌熱豆乳,就要等大概8分鐘,因為佢哋係會幫你用啲凍嘅豆乳座熱返佢,但係熱豆花就係直接𢳂出嚟,所以如果你要嗌熱豆乳,再加熱豆花,又唔想啲豆花一早𢳂曬出嚟攤凍曬可能要同店員預早溝通下先😛又再順帶一提,幾欣賞佢哋裝嘢食嘅器皿同袋都好靚好衞生,店內又有好多可愛嘅裝飾同打卡位,食都食得心情愉快啲☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-01
今日到黃大仙同朋友食飯,見到豆乳狂人黃大仙都有分店, 即刻要買返屋企同屋企人分享。滋潤之選:作為主sell豆乳個店,無豆製品嘅甜品竟然意外嘅好食。口味甜而不膩,食完之後成個人都開心啲,一桶入面勁足料。桃膠大大粒,芋圓有咬口,芋泥細膩。最出乎意料嘅係西米,偏有咬口,豐富咗口感。芒果仙草:新鮮嘅芒果味道濃郁,甜而不膩,搭配西米嘅Q彈口感同仙草嘅清爽,整體口感有層次,加埋特調椰奶,增添咗絲滑嘅口感!豆豆仙草:入面有招牌豆花, 三色芋圓 ,紅豆,仙草足料製作, 豆花香濃幼滑, 芋圓q彈, 整體配搭豐富,食得好滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)