Exit K, Central MTR Station/ Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
07:00 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
07:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday
07:30 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
starbucks每日禮拜二就會推出三款20蚊嘅特飲又凍又熱 所以我逢禮拜二都會嚟留意下有陣時可以一日飲幾杯 機鐵的一間starbucks個從來都未嚟過 就算係經過匆匆忙忙去機場都冇時間坐低飲 一係我等樓下外賣嘅時候上嚟買咗杯嘢飲中環嘅starbucks真係唔同啲呀 旁邊坐住一個model 中環啲人真係唔同啲 不過你同我畀你坐 坐喺到 覺得starbucks款式同埋啲食物越來越多款都係一件好事嚟嘅有時都會嚟食下正餐 下星期再去
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Tried the new frapp which is such a good drink to cool myself with during the summer.It has a layer of fragrant earl grey jelly at the bottom topped with a layer of cream.A lovely combination and then the green tea has a brilliant earl grey tea infused into it.Absolutely heavenly.....
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失禮香港人一直相信機場配套的商店兼負代表一個城市的印象。呢間starsucks 污槽之餘服務又差,員工零表情,看到排在我前面的旅客搖頭真令我感到非常醜,失禮哂香港!
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飛豬今日早左反工,又買左我覺得好難飲既咖啡綠茶大杯4x原來佢覺得好好飲wo,見到上面奶茶色,下層係綠色,佢話貪佢有奶味,咖啡味ok,仲有gt味呢,我就唔覺,根本覺得咖啡星冰樂正幾皮,佢好無眼光awful choice
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前幾日同事請飲starbuck, 即試佢杯新野 "芒果啫喱乳酪星冰樂",個賣相同廣告嘅有d出入,都見到有d果肉同芒果啫喱,飲落味道酸酸甜甜,非常開胃,飲一啖都有啫喱和酸甜乳酪,口感豐富,至於芒果果味濃郁,而且果肉都好香甜。唔中意飲咖啡嘅人係咖啡店都有另一個好選擇
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