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好野!終於有新野食喇,上次聖誕冬季果期D新野已經試完又食再食喇,唔知點解果期果幾個月好似過得好慢咁,定係出得唔夠多野食呢?冇新野食真係好慘哩~~今次都覺得新食唔係好多架,包類和甜點各4款,真係容乜易就試勻丫!而家希望款款都好食,能讓我可一試再試都唔厭就好了。<荔枝慕司 Lychee Light Cream Cake ($29)>夏天食荔枝,Starbucks係咪第一次用上荔枝作甜品呢?我本身唔食荔枝嘅,不過係Starbucks咯,都要試吓嘅~~嘿!頂層一粒荔枝果肉藏入荔枝果凍內,幾靚仔,果凍好有荔枝味,好清新,算幾甜。果凍內層是冇乜果味的海綿蛋糕,一層一層到輕軟的荔枝慕司,的確好有荔枝味,幾清香又唔會過甜都幾恰當,好味。<黑松露野菌火腿卷 Wild Mushroom & Ham Wrap with Black Truffle ($38)>每次都係試新Cake,今次倒不如試吓多D其他新食啦,見到呢個卷好靚仔,餡料又好似好豐富喎,最正係有薯片係側邊,即時令我更想食喇....哈哈哈!!我鍾意食墨西哥卷皮,所以對呢舊野特別有興趣,其他三文治就唔會試架喇,卷內餡料真係好多,有兩種菜、菇菌同厚火腿條,好味,唔知係咪我未食過黑松露所以唔知咩味呢?佢話有黑松露醬係卷內,我又真係唔覺喎!?雖然係咁,都覺得呢個卷幾好食,不過最好食都係側邊果堆Lays鹽味薯片同塊墨西哥卷皮囉...哈!<咖啡撻 Coffee Tart ($10)>09年夏季推出嘅咖啡撻喔,雖然你只有都爹利街冰室同海洋中心先有得食,好彩你依舊係到冇被淘汰,突登外賣拎去其他分店,實在太愛你喇,總之有你係到一日,我都會繼續食你架!<榛子咖啡卷 Coffee Hazelnut Roll ($12)>出咗超過一年多了,真係好彩佢冇被淘汰,因為Starbucks定期出嘅蛋糕都係限定架嘛,點知係上年3月冇被介紹過而無啦啦推出後就生存到而家,真係好。雖然你每隔幾個月就變細咗,榛子Cream又少咗,不過我就係鍾意而家冇咁多Cream的你,價錢又依舊,希望你繼續生存,雖然你唔係我每次的第一選擇,但每逢試完新野冇野好揀時我一定係揀你架!真心覺得好食。
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Starbucks is not just a place for drinks, but also a place for snacks and desserts! Accidentally, I came across this Starbucks when I got lost in the underground tunnels of MTR stations. It is near Kowloon Hotel Seibu departmental store, which is a quiet place for coffees and food! I didn't order any drinks, instead I've ordered two tarts as my appetizer before dinner gathering with my friends in Tsim Sha Tsui! Lemon Tart- Classic dessert in Starbucks, as refreshing as drinking a bottle of lemon juice, but not so sour. The tart crust is a little bit crispy with strong smell of butter, which is like eating lemon custard with butter cookies. If you're sick of the usual egg tarts found in bakery in Hong Kong, you can have a go for this.Strawberry Tart- Personally I am not a fan of tarts, but I was attracted by its appearance and gave it a try. The Strawberries are not sour because there is a thin layer of sugar coating on top of them. Under the strawberries, there is a layer of creamy custard and then the tart crust. Compared with Lemon Tart, this Strawberry Tart is not so typical, a special one among all Starbucks snacks!What a pity that I was too full to grab a drink there. Oh well, it's already satisfactory enough to have the two tasty tarts for my evening.
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