Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
07:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
早餐要食得好食得飽,仲要食得開心!咖啡對我黎講真係好重要,無咗咖啡=無咗精神!這是一家我基本上每天都會光顧嘅咖啡店!人人都說連鎖式咖啡店不好喝,如同快餐店一樣!但我不認同這家閃快餐店,那怕閃第一次來,經常來或每天來,這家的店員服務,會令你覺得「家的感覺」。咖啡,佢哋沖製得很香很濃,當然口味上,要自己落單前提出吧!今天下雨天來喝杯咖啡,吃一份火腿芝士脆多,芝士仲有流心的,不會因為下雨而影響心情好!環境:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟服務:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟食品:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟飲品:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟#早餐時間 #咖啡店 #連鎖式 #享受每天 #家的感覺
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___________🏖餐廳簡介🏖___________相信大家對starbucks都不陌生了吧,裝修風格大致一樣,沒什麼分別。這間位於西環的店舖不大,約有十多張枱供客人坐, 整潔度還算不錯的。- _____________🍽食物🍽_____________Honeycomb Salted Caramel Oatmilk Latte $50 (Grande) 推介指數 ■■■■□味道與普通的焦糖咖啡多了一陣燕麥味,帶有微少鹹香感,反而味道不算太甜。客人一樣可選有忌廉或沒有忌廉,蜜糖脆餅會均衡地灑在忌廉上,如果沒有點忌廉的話,脆脆會直接放在飲品上嗎(? 由於🌶📝有點忌廉,脆脆到最後還是脆口的,而且不算沾牙,整體感覺很好😊-Iced Americano $39 (Grande) 推介指數 ■■■■□飲了數次,味道都是很平均的,不是酸類的啡種,而且濃度剛好。對🌶📝而言,Starbucks的黑啡算是非常容易入口,推薦給各位要消腫去水,想飲極唔肥的朋友們🔥-Belgium Chocolate Frappuccino $50 (Grande) 推介指數 ■■■□□🌶📝已經很久沒喝過Frappi這種邪惡的東西了,這次見有Belgium Chocolate,立即挑起條筋了。朱古力味濃,但甜度果然是很高!🥹罪惡感滿滿的,如果是很喜歡甜的朋友,超級推薦。- _________🌶辣椒紙總結📝__________整體:🌶🌶🌶環境:🌶🌶🌶員工:🌶🌶🌶食物:🌶🌶🌶(滿分為五隻🌶) - 總結,這分店的品質還算不錯,不過Starbucks 並不是甚麼特別的咖啡店,而且價錢不便宜,所以🌶📝不會推薦大家了。寧可大家去光顧支持一些小店吧😊🌟-______________________________ 📍 星巴克咖啡西環德輔道西322-324號The Henry地下人均消費:~$40-______________________________ #下午茶 #咖啡 #沙冰 #朱古力 #消暑 #西環美食 #852 #hkfoodlover #hkfoodie #foodiehk #foodie #hkblogger #hk #hkig #hkeat #hkgirl #mschillipaper #為食辣椒紙
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今日適逢有情人節優惠,3~7pm凡買任何大杯以上手調飲品可以買一送一😍 忍唔住即刻衝去買!呢間Starbucks座位唔多,有好多位都係高枱,舒適度麻麻,所以通常都係買外賣。不過店員真係好有效率,又親切,次次去買都好快手。今次試試新出嘅Mocha Kiss Frappuccino 🍫☕️🧊飲品顏色同平時朱古力Frappuccino差唔多,換上朱古力cream, 外表更加吸引!香濃朱古力加上淡淡嘅咖啡味,唔會苦,啱哂鍾意甜嘅朋友,碎冰攪拌得好碎好均勻,唔會飲飲下咬到大塊冰,好好味。買一送一另一杯要左冇咖啡嘅Chocolate Cream Chip Frappuccino🍫🧊,成杯充滿朱古力味,碎冰一樣攪拌得好碎好均勻,超正!
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Every so often, one of the perks of being a Starbucks member is the freebies they offer. This time, they generously gave out a free grande beverage so with this opportunity I got the iced Hojicha latte. I’ve never tried the iced version so I was pumped to have my first sip, I ordered it to be less sweet so I expected a mildly sweetened latte. Accord with my expectation, the latte tasted amazing with a slight touch of Hojicha but no where near as rich as the matcha or chai tea latte. So it really depends on your personal preference which tea you would go for. My friend ordered the Matcha espresso latte ($47) venti sized, the three layered drink came in such mesmorising colours. Maybe we never thought it’s such a beauty when it is served hot because of the non-transparent cup. The matcha blended perfectly with the dense flavour of the espresso, neutralising one another. Latte drinks at Starbucks are always so tasty and we love the milk they use, it’s never a disappointment!
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