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Review (20)
Level4 2013-07-11
Mama bought me a box of cookies as treat!! Star's Taste cookies... that's one of my favourite!!The box was purple in color, a luxurious colour, looked appealing!! It was a considerate design as each cookies was packed separately so just opened one when I wanted to eat!!This time it was with pistachioand some seeds. It was crunchy and extremely BUTTERY!! Very soft and and just melted into my mouth... tasted like HEAVEN!!There were small pieces of nuts inside which added an extra texture into it!! Extra CRUNCHY CRUNCHY!!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-17
公司同事知我快要調走,特意送來一瓶 Mrs Bridges 的 Fruit Marbles,預祝我在新崗位上,工作愉快,同事的盛情美意,實在卻之不恭。不過,正所謂來而不往,非禮也,知道同事也是個饞嘴的傢伙,所以就決定給他買盒曲奇,以作回敬。原本想買「曲奇四重奏」的蝴蝶酥,但醒起自己好像從沒吃過另一家同樣以蝴蝶酥打出名堂的曲奇店「Star's Taste 星之味」出品,決定因利成便,順道一試。其實店員也讓我試吃了多款口味,如甚麼橙皮曲奇、五穀曲奇等,不過始終只對蝴蝶酥及杏仁酥兩款印象最佳。女店員見我打算這兩款各購一盒 (原價每盒 $78),即鼓其如簧之舌,說買三盒可享八折,即合共 $188,也好,反正都想和老公、兒子分享這些酥脆餅食。先說蝴蝶酥,據說為確保質素,酥皮乃百分百自家搓製的,而且以美國麵粉造成的蝴蝶酥,竟然有 200 層咁多。輕咬一口,酥香鬆脆,面層砂糖入口毫不甜膩,與酥皮結合,邊吃還邊滲出陣陣牛油芳香,集 crunchy 與不膩於一身,用來歎咖啡最適合不過。至於杏仁酥,輕輕一咬,嚓聲即時響起,鬆脆得叫人吃不停口,而面層鋪得滿滿的杏仁片,入口又香又脆,杏香泗溢,更是誘人,亦屬出色之作。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-08-06
其實已經買過好幾次,因為覺得佢地個蝴蝶酥真係幾好味,唔似其它蝴蝶酥食幾塊就甜到漏!值得一試之選蒜茸芝士條就一般,唔值$38!開心果曲奇,牛油味頗重個杏仁酥都好鬆脆,最衰無細盒裝!但美中不足嘅係店鋪在白加士街,有點不就腳,每一次都要專登來買!所以當我行街經過LANGHAM-Market Place 百Star's Taste嘅counter時,我就興起去買返包食下啦。點知行到埋去Sales姐姐說宜家買4送1,即係($38x4 = $152 /5 = $30.4一包) 都幾抵喎!雖然我係Star's Taste嘅 member,但正價貨品只有八五折。計落都好似Market Place抵D喎!再者第一次要買成$300做會員,宜家Market Place又唔洗係會員都平D! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-08-04
曲奇美味, 店長態度差劣!! 一間企業, 老闆有心有力, 為了完成 父親心願, 不惜工本去用最好材料, 造最美味曲奇, 還做了一個美倫美煥的網站, 精緻的裝修.. 這一個美麗的故事.. 卻被那位大眼鏡女店長一一破壞!! 我想問一句, 這位店長可有想過老闆和開發人員是如何苦心經營... 好不容易才打響明堂卻被你一天一天的破壞!! ?? 本人拿著VIP 咭幫襯了這間店兩次, 兩次她的態度也非常惡劣, 最近一次是昨天晚上, 本人順道經過佐敦店,由於曲奇非常可口美味, 我打算再次光顧, 由於此店可以試食, 我得到另一位友善職員的幫助下試食了幾款, 在我試食期間我察覺到那位大眼鏡店長在釘著我, 面部目無表情, 我看到她很不友善的樣子遂跟她說.. 我是來試食.. 試完才買, 我之前有買過的.... 她竟然跟我說: 你買過又試.... 我說: 你們寫著歡迎試食, 我唔係唔試得吧??? 你有什麼不滿?? 我試食後就買了2包曲奇, 我想離開時她沒有跟我說半句多謝... 我對她的待客態度很不是味兒... 遂跟她說... 你不是當我白撞吧... 我成日來幫襯... 她說: 你成日來嗎?? 我不認得你喔.. 我說: 我認得你你卻不認得我是你的失敗! 遂不快地走了… 本人是一個白領, 平時恤衫西褲, 皮鞋, 衣著光鮮.. 竟然被看成是白撞…我看到其他食評也有投訴那店長服務差, 還望改善…再說曲奇吧…朱古力曲奇.. 朱古力味特濃同時帶有重重的牛油香, 中間隔雜果仁,有咬頭.. 真個香脆可口! 一吃再吃吃不停..蝴蝶酥.. 這是招牌產品, 牛油味香濃, 酥皮鬆化, 派給同事吃, 讚不絕口, 都問我從那裡買來… 綠茶紅豆曲奇: 綠茶味甘香, 厚重 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-07-17
It's all a coincidence. The day before I bought the cookies my colleague was sharing a box of palmier puff with us. It was so good that I wanted to buy it myself, but I could not remember the name of the shop. The next day when I was hanging around in Langham Place, I went to Market Place and recognized the box of palmier puff at a pop-up booth. Then I remember that was from Star's Taste. The chefs have worked in high-end hotels like The Peninsula, Mandarin Oriental, Kowloon Shangri-La,etc.They were having a promotion of their cookies at Market Place. The salesperson was very friendly and patient. She introduced all the 10+ different flavours and let me try all of them. That's very generous. I have never met salespersons who would let customers try that many flavours. She told me their bestsellers are Palmier Puff, Almond Puff, and Pistachio Cookies. I've also tried 5 Grains Seeds, Chocolate, Strawberry, Orange, Sesame, Grape flavours, and a limited pastry, the Cheese Sticks. I had a hard time figuring which was which after trying so many of them . Indeed, I like most of them and wanted to get an assorted box of cookies but they don't have it for the promotion.Their pastries come in different packages, big and small. They are offering a price of $98 for 3 small packs (originally $38 per pack). I forgot the discounted price for the big size. There is also a combination of 2 big + 2 small packs for a price of $180. I chose this one.The package and logo are elegant. I like the paper bag as well. I'll give full mark for the presentation. Palmier Puff 蝴蝶酥Rating: 5/5This is a must-try. The delicate layers make It crispy and light. It's not as flaky as the other ones in the market so that it holds its shape while eating and does not disintegrate. You can still eat like a lady without all the mess. The sweetness is just about right. It's so delicious that I can't stop putting another piece into my mouth 5 Grains Seeds Cookies 五穀種子曲奇Rating: 5/5This is a healthier choice because it contains sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, flax seed, black & white sesame. It has a crispy texture as well but it's more solid than the palmier puff. It is less sweet than the pistachio cookies. Those who don't like strong taste may enjoy this flavour.Pistachio Cookies 開心果曲奇Rating: 5/5This is my second favourite. I like this more than the 5 Grains Seeds because the pistachio flavour carries the natural aroma of nuts. I am a big fan of nuts . The pistachio stands out from the rich texture of the cookie. It has a pleasant taste and makes me feel happy as the Chinese name suggests. Almond Puff 杏仁酥Rating: 4/5The puff pastry is sprinkled with sliced almonds on top. The flavour is light and subtle. However, it is not too memorable.Overall, the pastries are of high quality. The price is reasonable. There is a wide variety of products and packages for gifts. I'm very satisfied with the detailed explanation from the salesperson. I'd like to try their cakes next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)