8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:00
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Review (8)
Level2 2024-08-04
中環大館gelato on a stick😍😋由扶手電梯行到入大館 🏃🏼‍♀️再行幾分鐘上條樓梯就見到大大條雪條啦❣️呢間gelato除咗一般嘅gelato 佢嘅gimmick就係gelato popsicle😛仲可以自己揀coating同toppings🤩🤤Popsicles好貼心有個紙兜🥹唔怕跌到周圍係第一次係weekday去 個staff好熱情主動提供試食(雪糕)🥰🥰試完味之後決定揀chocolate hazelnut雪條, white chocolate coating🍫同hazelnut ($39)雪條冇太大gelato嘅感覺 同普通雪條差唔多🤔coating同toppings就一啲都唔馬處Dip得超大area㗎🤤好多榛子碎 唔會得個角落仔有雖然冇dine-in area, 但門口有張超打卡able嘅枱凳坐係度慢慢食chill到以為去咗渡假鋪頭入面都有另一個打卡位❣️選擇困難⚠️雪條口味每隔一段時間都會轉 今次就冇咗strawberry雪糕都好多味揀 有gelato有sorbet塊餅係連埋 另外可以額外加toppings第二次食咗mandarin & blood orange sorbet ($49)😋😍2隻味都好有真水果味🥰唔會死甜 超解渴又light 食晒2 scoops都0罪惡感呀🥹Tbh個scoop嘅size係比一般細啲嘅🥹幾啖食晒會唔夠喉 可能揀gelato會有實在感啲Weekend真係唔可以睇少🥵🫡超多人 2個staff忙到踢晒腳 打卡就更多唔洗諗啦🥲想影到張冇人攝鏡嘅相都難 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢排大館都有好多唔同嘅展覽,今次嚟到就試吓呢間主打西西里gelato嘅cafe🫶🏻同平時嘅gelato唔同,呢一間有唔少都係用雪條棍造型嘅勁cute cute~加埋西西里風格瓷磚同埋檸檬樹裝飾啱晒打卡✨今次嗌咗一份招牌意式雪條Popsicle,今次揀嘅strawberry sorbet($39)啱晒又想減肥又忍唔到口嘅女士(我)🤰🏻呢到仲可以按個人喜好揀不同朱古力醬及配料,每款都係加$5🍓今次加咗黑朱古力醬同埋開心果碎,唔單止個樣ig-able咗,成個味道同口感都昇華咗🍫Gelato ($49/2; $59/3; $69/4) 以中環地區定價嚟講算係合理啦😛今次揀咗香芋、花生、荔枝同豆腐,如果平時鍾意食重口味嘅話,花生就會最適合,因為佢食落去係最nutty🥜 其他口味食落去都比較輕盈👌🏻Cookie parfait ($69) 曲奇雪糕好特別🍪同平時嘅Cookie and cream唔同,佢係比較朱古力味出,加埋大量嘅Oreo碎同埋粟米片,食落去口感較豐富,不過比較快會融,要食快啲🤣除咗gelato,佢哋仲有意式沙冰、croffle雪糕、Arancini及鬆餅等,想嘆杯啡都得☕️未食夠喉仲可以買自選口味嘅禮盒裝拎返屋企品嚐~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-17
同朋友去大館睇完展覽經過見到一間望落好chill 好有特色嘅小店😳原來係一間來自西西里嘅意式雪糕店,店內裝潢用左西西里風格嘅瓷磚同檸檬樹裝飾🍋仲播放住好柔和嘅音樂🎵入到嚟輕鬆寫意好好feel☺️ 第一次嚟當然試埋招牌意式雪條啦😍揀咗開心果同草莓味雪條,再按個人喜好配上唔同款嘅朱古力醬同配料,配搭出自己鍾意嘅外觀同口味,淨係睇個樣色彩繽紛已經食指大動❤️開心果味香濃👍草莓味就係酸酸甜甜嘅雪葩類,食完透心涼🍧呢度主打天然低卡同埋無麩質,食多幾款都冇罪惡感😈除咗雪糕雪條🍦呢度仲有沙冰、牛角窩夫雪糕、咖啡、西西里傳統意式炸飯糰同鬆餅等小食~見到雪糕奶昔有幾種選擇,揀咗芒果味唔會太甜太漏🥭芒果香味好出!三文魚炸飯糰用risotto沾上麵包糠整成,個面炸到脆脆地,再配埋香草蕃茄醬,越食越想食😋食完唔夠喉仲可以買禮盒裝返屋企~口味可以自選,禮盒裝仲包埋醬料topping可以自己DIY,好食又好玩😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-23
之前已經知道大館有呢間雪條但成日落雨影唔到相終於去左啦除左門口條打卡雪條鋪頭雖然細細間 但入面都有兩個影相位有檸檬牆同水池仲可以用IG Filter同門口條雪條影相可以變唔同味道ga又好味又有得影相😍又好食又唔肥嘅雪條用天然食材 健康低卡 不含麩質同乳糖 零罪疚感仲有好多味道😋揀左Melon Sorbet另外加左white chocolate / pistachio 加完toppings之後更靚更好食Sorbet解暑一流scan店鋪內嘅QR code登記完任何消費都可以送多條雪條即係買一送一好抵食揀左榛子味同Sorbet唔同 呢條好濃味由於太熱 未影相就食左了  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The first time I had Stecco Natura, it was located in K11 Art Mall. I would get a frozen gelato whenever I was in thearea during the hot summer months. But then out of the blue, it closed.Then one hot summer day, I came across it again! Located in a Tai Kwun, it was a bit hidden away. There was still a location! I was so happy!Menu is in English and Chinese. They offer frozen gelato on a stick along with granita and gelato  by the scoopful and other cold treats. It's take away only so there is no 10% service charge.The counters have  display of the gelato sticks. You can get a plain one or add a bit of money to get it decorated with toppings.When we were there, they had an offer of a free gelato stick with any purchase. We decided to try a granita ($29) as I remember loving them when I was in Italy. They have a various flavours but we chose a lemon one. This was served in a cup. It was ok but not as good as the ones in Italy. Way too icy and not as sharp in lemon taste as well.The gelato on  stick was the freebie and we could choose any one. This is blood orange. Intense flavour and wonderfully cold. Smooth and soft to bite into. It also didn't melt too fast in the heat.Definitely only stick to the gelato sticks. Perhaps may try the gelato next time.  Otherwise, glad they are still around. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)