Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level6 2009-10-06
星期三收工時黃色爆雨所以爸爸打電話比我叫我留係灣仔食飯。媽媽已約好幾位auntie係Cova飲完茶上去Conrad個bar飲野。飲完野我地就去左Stefanos食晚餐。講起有段古 - 其中一個auntie R 因為係某雜誌睇到篇食評話Stefanos既意大利餐好家庭式,個廚係西人,食物重好一流添,所以一直都好想去試下,點知每次黎到門口都無開,失望左好多次。 當日撞啱大家都唔返屋企食飯,佢就提議一齊去試下,重驚冇位所以特地打電話去訂位,非常認真。我地係Conrad飲野時爸爸就話上過Open rice睇食評話Stefanos出名食Pizza同埋食物好有家鄉feel,所以我地都好期待。我地由金鐘行去Stefanos一去到個門口第一個感覺係唔起眼好容易會miss。入到去見到一D好簡單既裝修,木造既摺枱同摺櫈,同行一位"high-class" auntie S 見到個格局就已經好反感。佢就問waiter攞個menu睇。waiter哥哥就話佢地"整"緊個menu,就比個舊既比我地睇,重提議我地食個HK$148既龍蝦牛扒餐。講真個句,個menu真係好簡陋好殘舊,不過要食過先知間restaurant得唔得。因為爸爸上Open Rice睇到Stefanos 最出名食pizza,而waiter哥哥又無介紹到,所以就問佢係咪pizza最好食。佢答:係,不過個廚放假。 最想黎既auntie R 就追問放假個pizza廚係咪個西人廚。無錯,無廚,無pizza。(好似另外位食評話齋 bad sign #1)我地所有人都O哂嘴咁個廚唔係到我地一定唔會食pizza啦,第日可以再黎試之嘛。我地再睇返個menu,真係睇唔到有D乜野既家鄉意大利野bor...首先等我講講我位auntie S,佢對食係好講究,價錢唔係一個問題,但係食野時要知道食物係邊到黎,新唔新鮮,而且佢係唔會比面人,有野唔鍾意就會照直講。所以佢睇完menu同聽完waiter哥哥就問佢menu上同佢介紹既牛扒係邊到黎既,係咪US prime,因為佢只係鍾意食美國牛。waiter哥哥就望下counter 後面既女仔然後答係"頂級安格斯",我auntie S 就好無耐性大聲再問佢係邊到黎既angus beef,係咪美國?(bad sign #2!!! 英文唔叻唔緊要,不過你都要知道自己賣乜野先得架)佢就再望個女仔溝通後答係New Zealand黎既。一聽到係New Zealand黎我auntie S 就不停同我地同行既人話佢唔會食New Zealand既牛,然後就再問龍蝦係邊到黎。聽到係Boston黎既就追問下點解價錢咁平係咪新鮮龍蝦定係急涷龍蝦。waiter哥哥就好唔願意咁答係急涷龍蝦。我auntie S 面都黑埋話佢乜都唔會食,最多食個最安全既肉醬意粉。(講真個句我地其他4個人都預左佢會好唔满意,不過因為推介佢去既係佢好朋友,重要話想去左好幾次,所以佢都無計。)我媽媽最鍾意係飲湯見到menu上冇湯所以就問waiter哥哥有乜湯飲。答案係冇湯飲!!! (bad sign #3) 當我地重商量緊食乜既時候,我地位已經好不耐煩既waiter哥哥就行去個counter叫後面個女仔落單因為佢唔落啦。(bad sign #4!!! 發老脾?? 咁都得???) 因為我坐係個counter前面,所以我見到哂聽到哂。當然見到大家都咁火既時候我乜都無講,只係記係個腦到,留返係Open Rice到報告比大家知。 (Note: 我媽媽話佢有少少奇怪因為未聽過意大利餐出名食牛扒何況係家庭式意大利餐???重要係New Zealand 牛扒?? )到姐姐仔黎落單,佢比我地第一個感覺係不太友善,好冷,只係想落完單就走人個隻。(sorry... 已經由bad sign變左做 problem #5!!! 我比既服務分一定會好低) 我地就叫左一份肉醬意粉,一份煙肉意粉。當我auntie聽到我叫一個龍蝦牛扒餐同爸爸分時,佢就大叫我地要一份整angus加一份整龍蝦分,我地就順佢意思比佢幫我地叫左兩份angus加一份整龍蝦大家分。令外一位auntie J 就睇完menu想叫份New Zealand Rib Eye (請留意: menu上串錯字 "rib eye" 串成 "rip eye"),姐姐仔就問佢想要幾成熟同跟乜野。我auntie J 就話要七成熟跟意粉。當然我auntie S 又comment 話七成會太熟叫auntie J 要生D。Auntie J 就解釋話佢怕生所以七成啱架啦。咁我地其他人就要五成既angus。姐姐仔好有禮貌地confirm張單時就話我地total 叫左六個餐。我地當時先知全部都係餐。我地就數下係六份。auntie S 就話係五份,姐姐仔就好大聲且頗不客氣咁話係六份。Auntie S 就叫姐姐仔repeat一次,聽完兩個意粉,兩份angus,一份龍蝦同一份rib eye,auntie S 就話係要兩份angus唔係要rib eye,我地就幫佢解釋話auntie J 唔要angus佢就話比姐姐仔聽咁每樣牛要一份就得啦。其實我地同行大家都好明白我依位auntie係好難服侍,不過我諗每一間餐廳都會有機會遇到依款客人,waiter們係可以比多D耐性既。因為auntie們飲酒好講究,所以為免出事我地多數自己帶酒。今次我地帶左枝紅酒黎。因為我自己唔飲就叫佢攞5隻紅酒杯。黎到原來間餐廳係冇5隻紅酒杯,因為其中一隻係白酒/香檳杯(problem #6: 餐廳唔夠紅酒杯或對酒唔係好認識)。雖然枝酒係自己帶黎,不過佢地除左幫你開酒之外,其他就要自己黎,包括倒酒(problem #7!!!)。到食物啦,唔好問我點解,不過五個餐係分開上既(problem #8,西餐大忌)。首先係黎個肉醬意粉,個賣相OK,唔會太多蕃茄醬,不過味道咸左D同D意粉唔得彈牙好"林"(媽媽話好有港式西餐feel)。跟住auntie J 個rib eye拼意粉,auntie J 鍾意佢個牛扒汁分開上,因為佢最驚D汁太多或者係一pat pat。客觀D講句,我就真係唔覺得依個牛扒有任何homemade feel,我喺扒王之王或其他扒房或茶餐廳都係食咁上下既野。我諗其實佢既價錢HK$78一早都暗示左依一點。我冇試到,不過auntie J 話個rib eye 係比較薄所以咁熟都唔un,味道冇乜點ok啦。我見到佢食剩左大部份既意粉所以我諗唔係好好食。跟住就黎左個煙肉蘑菇意粉,意粉唔夠煙靱,不過唔係太多cream,只係咸左少少。食完意粉就有"頂級安格斯"食,同rib eye 一樣個汁(黑椒)係另上,最適合大家分黎食因為個個對幾多汁既要求都唔同。我諗個汁係冇得揀既,因為冇人問過我地(problem #9: 如果冇得揀係一個problem; 如果有得揀而冇問我地都係一個problem)。我食左四分一份angus,以依價錢肉身冇問題,只係個汁又係咸左D。唔知係咪又係冇得揀,冇人問過我地,依個餐係跟好普通既薯菜(problem #10: 又係一樣如果冇得揀係一個problem; 如果有得揀而冇問我地都係一個problem)。到最後終於黎個龍蝦餐,我同爸爸有少少意外,因為唔係一份整龍蝦,而係waiter哥哥一開頭介紹既一半龍蝦一半牛。我同爸爸打左個眼色就好快咁食哂成個餐,以免auntie S 有機會再面黑,因為我地知道auntie S 原意係想叫一份angus 加一份整龍蝦(problem #11: 不了解客人叫乜野)。咁既價錢既急涷龍蝦係咁上下啦。我地食完之後等左一陣都未有人清理枱上面既野(可能覺得我地依張枱既人太麻煩唔係好想理會),我爸爸就好有禮貌地問哥哥仔係咪有餐飲哥哥仔就話有想要乜(problem #12: 不友善,不清枱,且唔問就好似唔想serve 餐飲)。我地就要左一杯涷檸茶,一杯熱檸水同一杯熱咖啡。飲品冇乜特別。我地一早就己經諗住去星街間喜宴食甜品,所以我地飲完野就急急埋單走人,而且有人塊面真係好黑。原本今日係auntie S 請客,不過提議黎Stefanos 既人auntie R 見到 auntie S 黑哂面就搶住比錢。最估唔到既係到最後個waiter哥哥入去廚房攞野時,我望入去見到一個男人係廚房入面食緊煙(problem #13)。我係好鍾意食甜品,不過大家食到咁唔開心,又冇人介紹,所以我都冇去問人攞個menu黎研究(要問人先會有既甜品menu都唔方好得去邊啦)。所以對唔住,我係一定唔會再黎試佢個pizza,就算人請我都叫佢唔洗預我,好簡單,就係因為服務態度欠佳,完全食唔到有homemade style/taste,大廚唔係到就冇pizza食,真係好荒謬,係室內已經實行左禁煙既香港,居然係Stefanos廚房內有人吸煙。今次真係好失望!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本來是要去 Spuntini 的,但經過 Stefano,是新餐廳呢,又見 set lunch 價錢不貴 ($58 起),就先試這家吧!現在已經很少在沒有上 openrice 做 research 的情況下去試新餐廳了。餐廳賣的是 Homemade Italian American Cuisine,我就認為是港式西餐了。Set Lunch 有六個選擇,都是跟是日沙律或餐湯,主菜,及咖啡或茶。 餐飲:先來的是餐飲,有點本末倒置,但因為天氣實在太熱,甫坐下有凍飲也是好的。要了凍檸茶跟凍咖啡。給的糖漿份量很少,兩杯凍飲才給這小小的一瓶,再添加後也不夠,但已經不好意思再要了。 忌廉粟米湯:然後是餐湯,可以選忌廉粟米湯或羅宋湯 (仲唔係港式?)。要了忌廉粟米湯,味道像罐頭湯,但也算煮得「杰」身。 煙肉蘑菇意大利粉(餐$58):餐牌上寫的是 Speghetti Carbonara,連 Speghetti 都拼錯,又要加蘑菇,心想一定正宗極有限。意大利粉一來,一看已經知道是白汁意大利粉了,一點也不像 Carbonara。還好我也不討厭港式白汁意粉,加上有我喜歡的洋蔥「吊」味,份量也大得驚人 (是其他義大利餐廳的兩倍!),算是抵食。 香煎石班魚(餐$68):第一份主菜吃到一半才來第二份主菜 (我們是唯一的客人呢...),香煎石班魚可配飯,意粉,或薯菜 (又一港式例子)。看樣子比意大利粉吸引得多!煎魚及烤配菜都極油膩。石班柳肉質不夠軟滑,但煎得很香口,只是略嫌太鹹。薯菜有炸薯角、烤茄子、烤三椒、蘿蔔球,非常豐富。值得一讚的是薯菜中的炸薯角。炸得極為香脆,真的是即叫即炸 (因為沒有其他客人?),由配角「升呢」為今日的主角。餐廳就在馬路側,透過玻璃窗可以看到街外的「風景」-在炎熱的天氣下看著街外的工人搬運材料和收垃圾,也慶幸自己可以躲在冷氣室內。可惜餐廳的椅子很硬,坐得極不舒服,只好食完就離開了。其實我是不介意吃港式西餐的,但因為餐廳寫明是賣 Homemade Italian American Cuisine,所以有點被騙的感覺。不過,餐廳的食物和價錢定位跟舊的 La Bons Cafe 相似,味道是略勝一籌的,總比只是心太軟做得好的 La Bons 高一班吧。不收加一服務價,是日消費 $126。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今篇係小妹第一篇同大家分享既食評。 琴日lunch突登同同事去依一間餐廳到食lunch, 因為成日都經過, 都未入過去試, 今日終於可以踩上門! yo!!! 我地係之前book左3位既, 所以當然5駛等啦。 入到去, 見到個abc好加洲feel既小姐(我覺得佢係好international sch feel) , 我就覺得:"嗯!english time!!死就死!!!" 但點知原來佢曉中文家wor...開玩笑(普通話)...嚇死我。個位小姐好nice , 好細心同好有耐性甘介紹同答我勁多既無聊問題 ,我要係到畀1000個good佢~~~~~ set menu上面既items , 我叫左parma ham pizza, 而我既同事們就分別叫左個tomato basil意粉and長通粉set. 佢地係因為怕肥....= = 首先, 一開波, house sald . Olives + Rome lettuces + Cherry tomatos + cheese powder + salad dressing . 食沙律最大鑊係d ingredients唔新鮮, 霉到想跳河, 但個到既house salad食到出真係咩叫新鮮到爽脆, 講堅。我自己係好排斥生既蕃茄類既, 但見到個2粒好似5知點解....5小心...我就放左入口....我覺得可能因為salad dressing + cheese令我覺得其實食cherry生既蕃茄都ok ACCEPTABLE。olive , 賣飛fuc~ 我都欣賞個dressing , 好refreshing , 真係可以醒胃等黎清, 清得黎5淡味 .所以overall , 我係buy佢個salad既。 之後等左10分鐘左右 ,我既"愛人"parma ham pizza出現啦...."未見其人, 先聞其味" , 真係好香, 見到之後 , 我話畀你聽, 你係5會捨得同人share家law...我擔保。甘因為係新鮮出爐,甘你一定係夠哂熱同脆家啦(廢話)....個base係我既好dream既base , 我個人好憎太thin or over 厚既base , 我要既係脆得黎 , 係有咬口, 係有少少yin un既。依個pizza base係真係exactly我look forward既個一type 。cheese ,厚厚一層溶哂甘既樣, 如果你抗拒到....我都覺得你應該係聖僧黎家啦wor....真係好好好好好正....parma ham ,因為第一次食 , 我5食分係咪應該係好or not , but我鐘意個match law , 味道match得好好。真係好義大利 ,5係講笑... 見我同事食個pasta , 我都要試下, 因為要寫食評。dressing係蕃茄底, 好清olive oil同一d herbs既味, 你會feel到自己好似0係外國既farm yard甘 , 好refreshing , 好healthy同好,,,er...舒服?...hahah...但係因為冇肉 ,所以我都係最luv我既pizza~~haha ~我同事要我share畀佢地食我都5畀~haha...鬼叫自己走寶~~(伸利)~講下笑者...我都畀左2啖佢地食..~~ 之後開始坐左好多人, ,見到小姐甘好人, 但又好似好忙甘招呼d人, 甘我地都5想阻住佢甘耐, 起身諗住走, 但係佢叫我地等一等先, 之後入左kitchen出返黎, 原來係拎ice cream畀我地呀!!!!!真係好好人!!!!!!不過原來係包埋set入面既...but我都覺得佢真係人好好law... ice cream5係 haagendaz , 我估係dreyers , 不過都應該既...個set lunch甘平,,,,用haagendaz既話都幾5駛賺....所以我覺得係ok既 , 我都食得開心既。 小姐問我地試5試下d dessert , 係tiramisu or 南gau pie.因為隔離個2隻野已經食5落野, 所以唯有自己心yuk yuk就叫左個tiramisu. 好食, 堅係好食, 5講得笑, 係soft等黎個cheese味係到位家 , 同個base既酒味係夾到你想喊law唔該....真係好好食....好好食...係feel到係非一般貨色law唔該...我真係好鐘意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!個2隻野真係勁抵死~~~見到我讚個dessert又想食, 我真係鬼睬你地~~~hahahha~~~講笑~ anyway , 我琴日真係食得好開心, 我下星期一定會再去過, 真係好食同好italian , 講堅!不過其實我都好想夜晚去食, 因為我聽小姐講有steak同lobster個d , 好似好吸引甘....(流口水)...真係要搵人陪我去下先呀唔該....= = continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-08-16
This restaurant doesn't look very Hong Kong to me: a black plastic banner as the shop sign, dark red walls but light grey carpet that will look more appropriate in the office, terrace-type wooden furniture, a hard bench on the wall side with a sharp edge that scrapes your thighs, one or two pictures from italian films and ornaments that look out of place - the deco was an odd mish-mash and I thought I was on the set of Top Chef restaurant challenge lol. They use a very small home-style coffee machine, a cute sight but a further hint of their amateurism which is also starkly borne out in other aspects as I saw. Back to the food: we only had a choice of pasta, and it was either a meaty bolgonese or the vegetarian variety. The pizza had already sold out - the place is tiny, but at 1 pm they have already sold out one of the main items on the set lunch menu lol - a sign of poor kitchen management maybe? First bad sign.As I would rather have pasta anyway, I wasn't disappointed and ordered the carnivorous penne. My 2 lunch companions also ordered pasta, but strangely enough, one of them arrived first even before the appetizer salads. Second bad sign.As the waitress brought over the one solitary plate of pasta, she told us that the salads would arrive later, but it seems she wasn't quite aware (or cared) that it was the wrong way to do things, but she was not unfriendly. Third bad sign. It took at least another 10 minutes before the other 2 pastas arrived - fourth bad sign. Why brought out the first one so early? If it had been a wrong order then it could have waited in the oven in the kitchen and served together with the other 2 pastas. Only serving one dish out of a party or 3 customers could only point to inept service and a cock-up in the kitchen.For desserts, some tables had both tiramisu and ice cream, but we were not asked what we liked and were served chocolate ice cream all round. Drinks took another 10 minutes to arrive, and as befor they didn't come altogether, even though I saw the younger waitress flaffing around the bar table with cups and stuff. Finally it was 2 pm and we had to flag down the equally clueless older waitress to do things on the double. In terms of the food (gosh I almost forgot to mention this lol) things were ok, the bolognese was made with tomato paste and did not have a lot of oil in it, and the pasta was cooked al dente. The portion was a bit meagre though. The leafy salad was quite ok as well, and the ice cream probably Dreyer's chocolate cake(?) The food does have promise, but they must realise that homey is one thing, but lackadaisical and inefficient service is quite another. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-07-29
Travel past this road almost every single day but usually fallen half asleep. One day, I noticed this restaurant's signs and came later at night to check it out. Was told that the chef here is an American-Italian and has 'worked' in some well known establishments in Hong Kong. Where exactly? - the answer both times I asked was: "not exactly sure".... Usually this is not a good sign but to-hell-with-it, let's give it a go!Eggs (Uova 'something' Style) - This is suppose to be one of the signature egg dishes. I didn't register what it meant from the Italian name and didn't ask what it comprised of, I mean I'm a pitiful sucker for serendipitous options when it comes to dining! Eat it first - judge later! When it arrived, its actually Uova Tonnate - cold egg whites filled with a mixture of tuna, mayonnaise, herbs and egg yolk, etc. I probably should have asked about it earlier on as I thought this dish didn't satisfy the hype behind the naming.... Mind you, it wasn't bad but anyone could have replicated it at home and do a better job. Egg yolk was overly cooked and dry.Home Made Lasagne - I love Lasagne. Its one of the dishes that is readily available overseas and I probably eat it every week. Surprisingly its been a rarity to find good ones in Hong Kong. The version here was definitely more Americanised than Italian - commercial lasagna sheets filled with minced meat and topped with baked mozzarella. Truth be told this was executed quite well indeed. Lasagne layers weren't overcooked, meat was seasoned properly, tomato and herb based sauce was done right, cheese was aromatic and slightly 'burnt' the way it should be from an oven. GOOD JOB but....... no signs of the white Bechamel sauce, the pre-requisite to classify it as an authentic Italian Lasagne! Apparently, upon further research today - the most authentic & traditional lasagne is in fact made of green Spinach based pasta sheets! I've certainly had that before overseas but never had I realised that the more normal, yellowish pasta sheet version I grew up on is already a more modernised version. The one here is probably the 3rd generation I liked it, most definitely. But sometimes, I don't mind a bit of bechamel to go with the tomato based sauce.Parma Ham Pizza -As much as I am tempted to think the 'review' before me is a 鱔槁, the pizza base here is actually really good indeed. It was half way between flimpsy and crusty - just the right balance of texture, also not too biscuity thin but nowhere near a pan pizza base.The Parma ham was really salty though and so was the rest of the pizza, due to the black olives. Also had mushrooms and commercial mozzarella cheese, the same as that covering the lasange. I think the pizza base was excellent but the toppings, from portioning to seasoning to ingredients could be vastly improved.*******************Also had a glass of Red Wine and it was pretty good for the price. Pity they don't have the Grappa on offer yet to finish off my meal!The dishes and drinks here are quite cheap, the execution whilst not top notch was highly edible and at least not Hong Kong-nised! Would I recommend here? Only as a normal meal rather than one with a load of expectations. Deserves a low-mid '4' relative to the affordable prices, but don't take this score as an endorsement and therefore come with high expectiations. Try it out for yourself to judge! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)