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放工到商場window shopping。還是第一次光顧stick stick's。要了一條朱古力raspberry(我還是不記得中文...)的條狀蛋糕充當晚飯。左半面頭上有cocoa powder,右半面頭上dark chocolate sauce。咬起來很spongy,亦很濃朱古力味,但我較喜歡dark chocolate所以覺得有一點點苦澀味更好。Raspberry味不太嚐到,只吃到微微酸味。但朱古力蛋糕而言是不錯,但標榜有raspberry的它則味道不太平衡了...
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After trying the apple and cinnamon crumble last which failed to impress me, this time I tried the strawberry cream cake and also got one of those waffle sandwiches.The cakes there are not really good, the strawberry one was just cream.I was a bit skeptical with the waffles, they just looks like colourful cartoon food, especially the berry ones.The waffle itself was not crunchy, but slightly soft, and the cream inside was hazelnut and chocolate, I was enlightened by the hazelnuts because they were quite big in size, rather than tiny nutty particles.The chocolate cream, which I thought would be too creamy, turned out quite light, yet the texture was quite thick.Previous review:http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2098534
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放工經過 Beard Papa做緊promotion, all items $10 (三件以上), 好似幾抵, 走埋去八卦吓先。心大心細唔知買咩好, 太多選擇。我之前食過長條型果d cake, 未選過食佢d窩夫。所以選擇咗下面果幾款:朱古力+芒果窩夫薄荷朱古力窩夫紅豆綠茶窩夫Tirimusu蘋果甜薯 (有個白色嘢整住的)朱古力榛子卷整體嚟講, 窩夫比較硬、入面全部都係cream, 味道都ok。我個人就like 薄荷朱古力味。 而D cake我就淨係食咗朱古力榛子卷, 個卷唔會太硬, d榛子cream都ok。佢d窩夫平時每件$12, 而d cake就$12-$19, 咁梗係買貴d款式d啦..哈哈。我total買咗6件, 店員見一個盒只能放5件, 所以另外用紙袋裝果件朱古力榛子(呢個應該係最唔會搞到一pat pat的一件甜品), 都幾細心。
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行行下公司肚餓, 於是買些未吃過的東西咬下。在這賣條狀 cheese cake 的店, 發現了像三文治般的夾餅。試了一件 藍莓忌廉芝士夾餅 Blueberry Cream Cheese Waffle ($15), 這件甜味的三文治, 麵包是夾餅, 三文治的餡是藍莓味的忌廉芝士。夾餅雪得太久開始發淋, 不過 cream cheese 餡就幾好食, 冰冰涼涼的, 除了有粒粒藍莓, 還有朱古力碎, 令普通不過的藍莓忌廉芝士增添層次。其他口味包括朱古力皮+芒果餡和栗子味等。只是十多元一件麻麻地好食的夾餅有點貴。
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前排佢做Discount, 50蚊5件任簡~咁核試好耐~ 就簡左tiramisu, mago, cheesecake, 仲有個咩berry +chocolate, 仲有一件chocolate muse唔係好記得~我覺得原價$18o個d 真係好食d~佢地既biscuit base 真係好好食~我地有4個人丫ma 就cut到一人一口, ok 架!!個chocolate 同埋個berry+chocolate 好濃~ 好好食!!mago 就d酸cheesecake就一般左d~50蚊5件就抵食d平時18蚊就..太貴啦~
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