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Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
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Signature Dishes
In most cases, you don't see a long queue in Subway. Today is no exception.As I want to save more time for work, simply go to Subway and grab bread will be a good idea. Therefore, I go ahead and do so.Sub of the day is attractive in terms of price. So I will take a look to see if the Sub on that day suits me.Turkey and Ham is the Sub on Thursday. Fair one but I want to try Spicy Italian with yellow mustard.I also make it a meal by adding $12.After I carried it to back to office, I found it to be a bit cold. Unwrapping the bread and you will see it doesn't look attractive.I think I made a mismatch about Italian Spicy and yellow mustard. They don't do well together.The cookie, double chocolate, is better than the bread I think.
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Subway is famous for subs, but this time I got the muffin, there are three fillings you can choose: egg and cheese, egg and ham or egg and bacon.The egg was different to the egg they served a while ago for breakfast, the one I had before was scrambled egg, and this time it was crushed egg and mayonnaise.I was asked what sauces I would like but for an egg muffin, I felt that salt and pepper was the best choice for it. After saying no, the staff put some mayonnaise on it.Overall, it tasted better than what I expected, perhaps there was too much mayonnaise, because the egg itself already had mayonnaise in it.
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能夠屹立香港而歷久不衰的美式三文治專賣店,Subway可算是這類餐廳中的俵俵者。它的分店在近一兩年越開越多,單是灣仔這區已有三間,對我這個為食鬼來說實在是大喜訊。見團購網正推廣這間連鎖店的優惠券,只要付出$25便能作$60使用,而且有效期長達一年,於是便買兩張傍傍身。還記得網上說此券可購買特價食品,本想買幾個Sub of the Day作晚餐,怎料外籍侍應表示不能使用。嘗試據理力爭作解釋,但姐姐態度十分冷漠,一副不想做生意的樣子,最後還是要妥協。在Subway買三文治有四部曲:1)選款式、2)揀麵包、3)加配菜、4)落醬汁。我點了意大利經典和公司潛艇堡,兩者均要了蜂蜜麥包,前者揀了燒烤醬,另一款叫了千島醬。可能要了所有配菜的關係,三文治被塞得脹鼓鼓的,而且非常墜手。麵包非常鬆軟,麥粒增加了嚼勁,咸咸的很滋味。意大利經典饀料包括義大利香腸和火腿,重點是那個燒烤醬,配合起來很惹味。至於配菜方面,喜愛甜洋蔥和生菜,清新爽口。雖然有加芝士,但味道不太濃郁。另外有一種配料很辛辣,我不太能接受。另一款公司潛艇堡則比較失色,餡料有火雞肉和牛肉,前者沒甚麼味道,牛肉味亦是淡淡的。千島醬不夠濃郁,可能是選錯醬汁罷。強烈建議這店的侍應改改服務態度,否則只會留失越來越多客人。就我而言,在灣仔的話會多走兩步,幫襯其他分店。
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初初知道在藍屋旁邊開了家 Subway, 雖然已不記得之前那一手的店鋪是什麼來的了, 感覺有點不是味兒, 全球化的爪牙已經伸到我所愛的灣仔舊區了也...(沒辦法, 四周現在都是幾萬元一呎的所謂豪宅, 商鋪的租金自然如坐升降機, 如不是連鎖店又怎麼能夠生存?!)就是為了支持一下灣仔的有心街坊們, 去後街土作坊入貨之前, 先來了醫肚。連裡的三文治起碼要廿多三十元一客, 比起四周的茶餐廳來說, 消費相對較高, 難怪別的店的人都坐到出店外了, 這裡也好像沒什麼人的樣子。其實因為這裡主力做外賣, 堂食只有兩個座位之故, 這裡倒是蠻受白領們歡迎的。好在還有 $19 的 Sub of the Day 特價三文治, 是日 (星期一) 的是 Turkey Breast, 就是慣常會吃的款式, 麵包今次選鹹不選甜, 要 Parmesan Oregano, 加芝士, 雜菜也是每樣來一點, 醬汁就要 Sweet Onion (Fat Free)。沒有轉餐, 因為不想吃曲奇或薯片, 散點了可樂一罐 ($12)。次次都吃的 sandwich 因為轉了麵包有點新意, 包身的芝士味挺濃, 於是整個三文治都偏向鹹一點, 好在有先見之明, 有罐汽水解鹹。最喜歡的, 其實是每次都會加的 jalapeno 辣椒, 酸酸辣辣的很是過癮。埋單 $31, 其實不比外面茶記便宜, 如果手上不是拿著很多東西的話, 應該去會別處吃。(反正都是時候去土作坊訂有機蘿蔔糕了, 又可以過來呢頭探索一下。)
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以前在澳洲吃了不少次Subway,但在香港卻是第一次了。今天選了一份6吋的Steak and Cheese,份量比澳洲的少,但作為下午茶就一定夠食。三文治配上酸菜感覺一流,芝士牛肉味道也很不錯,比起快餐店的茶餐好多了。
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