Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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The ladies work at the subway has bad attitude. I visited 2 times but experienced their lack of professionalism and lack of respect to the customers. Due to this is near to my office and I want to eat subway usually but I will say big no for this shop. Always they have rude behaviour. I asked them to chop the coupon the first time the lady was saying me the different rule than I ask her to call manager and she realised her mistake but next time the other staff denied me to chop they do not know how to service the customer. A big no to the shop
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店名: Subway地址: 灣仔柯布連道3號地舖灣仔站A3出口,行1分鐘環境: 外賣價錢:4/5味道: 2.5/5草莓白朱古力曲奇$10@1/$24@3經過見到呢期有限定口味,士多啤梨🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓嘅愛就買左一塊食落其實無咩士多啤梨味,得個色🫢☹️雖然望落有白朱古力粒,但食落唔覺有,下次都係買翻平時嘅曲奇🥲😶😶😶😶😶😶😶#stitchfoodie灣仔
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行過subway,突然間就走咗入去,諗起近排食咗好多肥膩嘢,諗住懶健康一下,食個沙律。 一入到去,見到好多菜可以揀,最後order左生菜底加咗啲蕃茄,墨西哥辣椒,同埋芝士係面,蜜糖芥茉醬,最後加多塊烤雞扒,諗住簡簡單單。不過呢一間subway嘅店員比較有態度愛你不理咁樣。有少少十問九唔應嘅感覺。沙律正常發揮,啲菜都算新鮮,食落口都算爽脆,蕃茄爽口,至少唔會淋晒流晒汁咁樣,不過份量就比想像中少。如果正常食lunch未必夠。
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- services with an attitude- lack apropriate equipments to communicate with customers- refuse to speak louder- the lady on counter prefers to be on her mobile phone rather than serving the customer first
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