4-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
日式混合港式的茶餐廳,店中當然不少得中式炒粉麵,而且有日式拉麵和BBQ選擇。晚飯提供各式海鮮及串燒。 continue reading
Opening Hours
星期一至六:06:00-01:00 星期日:星期日
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
日式炸雞拉麵 豉椒豬頸肉飯 魚鬆通粉 燒芝士牛油什業 燒鰻魚飯 蠔仔肉碎湯飯
Review (5)
On my last visit I got the oyster omelette, this time I got the four treasures because it seemed quite substantial for $30 because you get pork chop, BBQ roast pork, egg and even luncheon meat!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Four treasures:When I opened the box, it was jam packed with a piece of pork chop, BBQ roast pork, fried egg and luncheon meat.Although I do not like meat, I liked the egg and luncheon meat, there were a few pieces of roast pork that were lean.The pork chop had been over done.The egg yolk was still runny and tasted delicious with the rice and luncheon meat.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★While I was waiting for food, I noticed their homemade pulley for the door because the original one does not work, they have used a basket of coins to hold down the door when no one is using it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-04-13
第二次來這間茶餐廳.小菜的款式多過一般茶餐廳.除了魚, 豬, 牛, 雞, 還有蟹, 蝦, 蜆...等.原本想叫炸子雞, 可惜已售罄.那麼就叫了蔥油雞.以為像白切雞, 原來都沒有白切雞普通, 沒有令我們失望.半隻雞, 很多肉, 挺新鮮, 好味!這道雞跟灼菜, 我們叫了通菜.另外再叫檸檬蒸烏頭.檸檬, 蔥, 辣椒加豉油, 魚全沒有腥味.味道不錯, 魚也新鮮.餐包湯或飲品.這餐廳出名的, 還有它的燒物.看見伙計拿著燒好的什麼釀野菌, 口水也想流下來. 看見伙計拿著一碟扇貝, 我也想吃呢! 但問過價錢, $40多一隻,很貴呢.看見廚師剛煮好的炒蟹, 眼也要凸出來了, 因為份量很多.喜歡吃蟹的人, 要試試.這裡的小菜雖然比一般茶餐廳貴少許,但以它的食物質素, 也是值的.下次要試它的炸子雞, 也要再試它的蒸魚. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-12-09
近排晚晚OT到凌晨, 一次亂打亂撞去左呢間茶記醫肚, 自此, 呢度就成為我OT飯堂固定晚餐有8款選擇, 推介炒野, 有鑊氣, 特別係炒飯, 絕對唔會痴埋一舊其實, 佢令我對佢忠誠o既原因係佢o既老火湯, 足料之餘仲煲得夠火侯, 對於我呢D 冇住家飯食o既人黎講, 絕對係沙漠甘泉除此之外, 就係佢地o既煲仔菜, 野味之餘又熱辣辣, 比好多酒樓都做得出色 呢度仲有得食燒烤野, 暫時仲未試過, 有機會試完再寫報告 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2006-08-18
本人多數都係打電話落去叫午飯外賣。因為落到去就可以拿得,唔駛係到呆等。其實佢地嘅午餐外賣飯盒款色都算ok。星期一至六每日都有6款唔同嘅選擇同埋嗰日嘅例牌味精靚湯。話就話有唔同選擇,但係佢個午餐外賣飯盒款色成年都唔轉吓,咁樣攪發,食乜都厭啦!好心就改改佢啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)