13-min walk from Exit A, Wong Tai Sin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (45)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Eco-Friendly Details
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
2023年9月11日人生食過最難食嘅炒公仔麵而且份量極少麵炒完一舊嘢,得 三塊豬頸肉收61蚊連熱飲,最多只值40蚊因為阿爸話想食河粉所以先過嚟一粥麵 早知過返隔離茶記食好過2個人咁就食左過百 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【$35黑醋豬軟骨菜飯】//借用一張廣告相//好明白廣告相梗係靚仔好多,但估唔到現實咁慘咁頹,係完全唔係豬軟骨樣,話晒都三十幾蚊。外賣一打開以為佢俾錯野我,我第一次見豬軟骨咁樣,個樣奇怪之餘,係完全無味道,都唔好話佢入唔入味,連啲汁都完全水咁款,相信睇相都feel到吧。得個菜飯叫合格😂😂😂餸唔得,想搵啲汁撈飯都無~~~真係唔好試了,加多十元八塊食茶記碟頭飯仲好。人生食一餐少一餐,對自己好啲吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-08-05
數數手指... 睇怕 #小秘書 都有10年冇上過去 #竹園邨😅 適逢假期,又冇乜地方去... 一於去街市買餸同 #屋企人 #打邊爐🥢 人生路不熟,兜咗幾個圈先搵齊要買嘅嘢,不過當時距離晚餐嘅時間仲有幾個鐘,#媽媽 提議去「一粥麵」飲杯嘢先返屋企☕️ 講真我就唔係幾想 #堂食 嘅,不過難得一齊出去,見 #餐廳做防禦措施💨💨就就佢一次啦 👉🏻👈🏻講好只係嚟飲杯嘢就走,但係聞到附近啲 #雲吞麵 好鬼香,就叫一個 #雲吞麵 併 #炸雞翼 #下午茶餐 兩份食啦!點知 #收銀姐姐 話 #雞翼 賣晒😪 但係去到 #水吧 又見其他人order到😕係咪玩針對?好彩 #店經理 識做人,叫我補$3轉頭叫 #廚房師傅 炸一隻比我👍🏻👍🏻 #雞翼 新鮮炸起當然好味啦,不過啲 #雲吞 似乎唔夠熟,咬落去粉粉地咁👉🏻👈🏻 不過啖湯又幾鮮喎... 算啦本來我哋都係志在嚟飲杯 #奶茶 take個break啫🤪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-10-07
用餐時間10月4號1900早收工,返到黃大仙,搵間餐廳食飯今次去左一粥麵,粥腸套餐 $40碎牛肉粥加叉燒腸粉有專人送餐上台坐大約5分鐘就送到碎牛肉料夠多,粥水算夠味,有蔥花生仲有幾件油條配埋,份量都夠多最重要D粥夠熱腸粉真係唔掂啦,皮又厚身,腸粉肉餡料又少,幾乎係食緊一堆只有豉油味既粉皮一樣就算有蝦米同蔥花,但係唔香同無味道,只有粥品做得比較好吃黃大仙竹園道15號竹園廣場1樓S112號舖#一粥麵 #黃大仙區食評 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I met boyfriend here for afternoon tea time as originally he wanted to eat at this other place near his home. But as there was a long line, we just ended up here.Super Super Congee & Noodle is a huge chain of fast food restaurants that serve up Chinese food such as congee and noodle. We've been here a few times for dinner but never afternoon tea. We decided to try it. Like other fast food chains, you order at the cashier and pick up at the kitchen area. Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. All sets come with a basic hot drink with options for upgrades.I had the fish skin dumpling noodles with a chicken wing ($32). The noodles they used were the wonton noodle kind. Surprisingly springy and no starchy after taste. The dumpling skin was a bit thicker than usual but still ok. The chicken wing was delicious. Nicely seasoned, moist and tender and piping hot. Yes, the soup tasted MSG but it's expected.Boyfriend had the big deep fried chicken boneless chicken thigh with a bowl of imitation shark fin soup ($40). The shark fin soup just tasted like MSG. But the chicken was excellent. the skin was crispy and rather spicy from all the spices. The meat was literally juicy. We saw the fatty oil just leaking out.Super cheap prices for afternoon tea time. Food was quite decent. Quite impressed and I'd come again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)