Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
10:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
10:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Last time we tried the Waraku Luscious Matcha Chocolate Cake which was on promotion selling at $50 compared with the original price of $250:This time we tried another flavour given how good the Matcha flavour was. However, the Matcha flavour was indeed better. Again there were quite some different layers, with the outer surface being a very thin layer of chocolate, with some shiny golden spots seemingly making it sparkling. Then there were 2 layers of chocolate cake inside, which was quite moist, maybe due to the wine. Overall, this one was a bit too sweet. There were some semi-dried raisin, candied orange and kumquat which was probably the reason why it was so sweet. There was just one type of nuts - walnut, compared with the many different types of nuts/beans to add texture for the Matcha flavour. That said, it was still good given the discounted price of $50 for such a deliberate cake. However, go for the Matcha one if you get a choice!
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一直以為這間店是Yamakawa 但原來Yamakawa已經結業了,變成了這間蛋糕店。蛋糕的賣相倒是差不多。叫了四件小蛋糕,合計$135。算是很划算了!最喜歡是栗子蛋糕,可能因為剛好是秋冬的栗子盛產季節,它的味道非常濃郁,手磨栗子蓉的質素也非常高,配上裏面的忌廉很滋味。奇怪的是栗子蛋糕底下沒有餅皮。不知道原因何在?綠茶卷蛋也是他們的名物之一。綠茶的味道不會過苦,忌廉也打得很幼滑。份量十足。另外的兩款蛋糕朋友都說很好吃,絕對會再回來買的!
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用The club積分換了兩件蛋糕,去到只淨返忌廉卷蛋。再問其中一位職員,點知那位女職態度非常之惡劣,完全唔想理你。店舖當時大約有三四位staff, 除了那個瘦瘦紥馬尾的staff 面口好差之外,其實都好好。見卷蛋樣子不錯就換來試試,蛋糕好硬沒有蛋香味,像雪了好耐。好失望
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朋友生日諗住買個細細地ge蛋糕來切下慶祝來到時隔許久沒吃過的super sweets gallery先發現好多蛋糕款都轉咗!基於我們只有三個人店員都推薦我地買12cm款雖然話strawberry cream cake先係招牌但壽星一眼就睇中個藍莓芝士啦哈哈哈好靚...價格都算可接受 畢竟喺citysuper~最緊要係壽星鐘意嘛!食落有少少似布丁咁幾得意中間層藍莓醬中間真係有藍莓甜度適中~重點係無New York cheesecake 果種咁漏 食咗都無咩罪惡感期間店員都好nice 我要求寫日文又要畫公仔都無say no下次生日可以再幫襯!
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