It provides omaksae with fresh and premium ingredients. It uses the spa water from Kagoshima which is natural and contains no impurity.
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Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
今日慶生朋友帶咗我嚟依間隱世小店〜本來都冇乜大期望,但呢間都幾有驚喜😎本面招牌細細個 都幾日本feel🎌前菜個白栗米有驚喜〜估唔到栗米都可以生食仲可以咁甜,同埋個蕃茄都好甜😋😋另外個螺都煮得好入味!!蒸蛋都好滑個味啱啱好 上面有d黑松露勁香😙刺身三款全部逐碟上 每款都好有心思!個蠔細細隻 但係都好creamy蠔味又夠🤤好想食多幾隻〜鰆魚原來就係成日起街市見嘅馬交魚😯估唔到生食都幾好味〜第三款唔記得咩魚 但加埋個sauce都好好味‼️魚料樣樣都好新鮮🐟飯嘅酸度都適中,真係冇咩可以彈〜重點….海膽簡直冇得輸‼️師父拎哂成棟海膽岀嚟比我哋影相 好甜完全冇苦澀味😋😋😋未食過咁高質嘅海膽👍正Btw 成餐飯好滿足😌師父望落都幾後生又健談,每款刺身壽司都介紹得好詳細…真係人不可貌相😂😂有時間一定會再嚟..
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三百幾蚊食到咁多嘢超級抵!廚師好好,會同你傾偈/ 問你啲嘢食點樣食物:啲魚子好驚喜,因為係佢哋自己加工嘅😳海膽都好食好新鮮,完全冇苦味。壽司都ok,佢哋用嘅醋飯唔會太酸,反而甜甜地👍🏻👍🏻環境:都幾靚幾舒服,打卡一流!
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I recently had the pleasure of dining at Sushi Misumi, a cozy Japanese Omakase restaurant located in Yuen Long that can accommodate up to eight guests at a time. I ordered the Kisaragi set menu for HKD 680 and overall, I found the food to be quite good.The chef was polite and made an effort to introduce each dish, although I would have appreciated a bit more detail. The waitstaff were attentive and kept my tea cup sufficiently filled throughout the meal.While the chawanmushi wasn't quite to my taste as the egg mixture wasn't fully set, I enjoyed most of the dishes on the menu.I made a reservation in advance and arrived at 12:30 pm. I was seated promptly and didn't have to wait for a table. The sushi rice could have been a bit warmer for my liking, but the chef was attentive and even asked if I wanted more or less rice with each piece.In conclusion, Sushi Misumi is a great spot for Japanese cuisine lovers in Yuen Long. The chef is meticulous and attentive to customers' needs, and the waitstaff are polite and attentive. I would definitely recommend this restaurant to others.en Long. The chef is meticulous and attentive to customers' needs, and the waitstaff are polite and attentive. I would definitely recommend this restaurant to others.
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試下元朗所有榜上有名既鋪頭 今次試到呢間一入去鋪頭環境光線舒服每個坐位有個錦盒咁放食物影相幾靚 主廚後生靚仔親切健談每款食物都有介紹 每款都有detail位食材新鮮 自制醬汁突顯到本身鮮味會回頭既一間店😚
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元朗區真係好多Omakase,今次食左鮨美澄嘅午間Omakase,佢有兩個餐價錢分別係3百同6百,貴嘅會多左啲刺身熱食,平嘅只有壽司。今次我就揀左個貴嘅試吓。餐廳一眼睇哂只有八個位,早去到可以坐正師傳面前。前菜好普通就省略了,刺身呢有三款,第一款係油甘魚腩加蔥,第二款北海道醬積帆立貝夾紫紙,兩款都好新鮮👍🏼壽司🍣有八款,其中六款比較值得提下,中拖,大拖都好香加左醬積處理令腥味消減左。兩款池魚油脂味好淡唔肥個人就麻麻地。有一款鯛魚都係淡口為主。最後加左加飯右口魚手劵燒到好香好油。贊🤩依個茶碗蒸表面平平無奇,食落個魚湯底濃厚到不得了,十個贊。仲有冇上鏡嘅鮑魚都係好軟身好入味。 一個午餐六百蚊加兩個小時嘅日式體驗絕對係值得嘅👍🏼
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