All Branches (7)
It uses seasonal ingredients imported from Toyosu market to serve sushi and washoku with affordable prices. The shop is decorated with different logos of Japanese seafood markets. You can enjoy food with family and friends in the comfy vibe. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
*新春期間 正常營業
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (72)
Level3 2025-01-28
同同事一齊食午膳,就來到新鴻基中心日本餐廳試試,聽講係日本豐洲市場直送時令食材,餐廳原木色系,充滿日式風格,卡座位舒適,店員有禮。極上壽司御膳 ($248): 有6貫魚生壽司,1件厚燒玉子,2件太卷,1件三文魚籽軍艦,1件海膽軍艦,1件葱粒吞拿魚腩軍艦,1碗沙律,1碗麵豉湯,分量足夠,可能我個胃喜熱食,個熱湯最啱我,其他味道尚可。同事食牛扒,佢話好味道。可能我下次試其他啦。鮨樂 (新鴻基中心) (灣仔)灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心1樓137-139號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
唔經唔覺,都已經係灣仔翻工一年!每個星期五嘅最大樂趣,當然就係約埋朋友一齊去新鴻基中心食鮨樂!今次就叫咗梅壽司盛合,12 件超滿足,三文魚控朋友就叫咗個三文魚壽司盛合,熱辣辣嘅火炙三文魚,見到都流晒口水!.見到餐牌上仲有做緊不定期半價優惠,大大隻生蠔都唔洗50,梗係叫番幾隻試下啦,結果無令人失望,又鮮又甜,如果唔係驚腸胃接受唔到,一定 Encore 嚟多幾隻啊!熟食方面,都有好多選擇,充滿蟹香嘅甲羅燒、香脆嘅雞泡魚乾,送酒一流!.再飲埋杯清爽嘅巨峰提子梳打,TGIF! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-07
平時經常見到,但竟然冇機會食過,今日約了朋友一齊,佢推薦呢間。我叫了一個性價比非常高的套餐,竟然有勁多魚生,我同朋友講,我覺得D飯唔夠食!而且魚生好新鮮,每一啖都好回味!一定會返來再食!極度推薦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-03
以前都有食過呢間,食材新鮮好味,今次週末都去左食,可以3點先去完成吾洗等位,同友人食左一個超級豐富既午餐😋週末都有午市套餐,有刺身飯,熟食,壽司,好多選擇。最後揀左一個午市套餐「竹」$216,包麵豉湯,沙律同蒸蛋。壽司啲魚好新鮮,全部都係鐘意食。仲散叫左壽司,軟殼蟹手卷,脆又好味😋仲有熟食,牛舌好好味,其他餐廳試過太厚,呢間岩岩好。當然仲有味醂魚乾,日本餐廳必食🤤🤤燒岩蠔都好新鮮 $68一隻,值得推介😍仲叫左兩杯燒酒$52一杯最後仲食左菠蘿芭菲$68,椰子雪糕$48 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-19
Booked a table here via the Openrice app for 2pm, so we practically had the entire restaurant to ourselves. It’s in a bit of a hidden location so maybe that’s why? It was quite cold inside, but the staff helped turn off the AC for us Food was really good! We ordered some items from the 50% off menu (amazing deals there) and some from the regular menu, and everything was delicious. Sushi was very fresh, too. Got the tuna sushi set for half off which was an amazing deal. Super tasty too! Soft shell crab salad was great as well. The bara chirashi donburi (角切櫻花丼) was a generous portion of different fresh sashimi on top of rice, and the steamed egg side dish was appetising as well. We also got the Angus beef set (I’ll give it 4 stars; good but not amazing) and the inaniwa udon sushi set (5 stars), then ended the meal with some ice creams. The coconut ice cream came in a coconut shell, while the pumpkin ice cream came inside a hollowed-out pumpkin. Cute! and tasty to boot. Perhaps the only downside was that any hot food cooled down quite quickly as they couldn’t turn off the central AC. But in any case, I will definitely recommend this place to all sushi lovers! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)