2-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Level2 2015-06-08
朋友為我預備的生日飯,充滿驚喜!第一個驚喜,就是一到歩,單單是眼前的海景,已經令人好舒服好興奮。朋友點了幾個菜,都是熱辣辣天氣下的必選:海膽雜錦刺身飯,海膽和刺身都好鮮甜,特別正的是海膽,在口中溶化的一刻,不捨得吞下!和牛溫泉蛋烏冬,跟我在東京吃的是同一味道,那種清新、爽甜不是很多食店做得到。唯一挑剔的,就是每個菜都份量不多吧,3個人需要點5、6個菜才夠飽。不過,這可能是所有日本菜的共通點吧 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-19
朋友提議下, 到Sushi To吃了一頓日式半自助午餐。除了主菜是從餐牌上選擇, 其他都可自行在自助餐區拿取。餐廳高雅幽靜, 有大玻璃窗看到海景, 用餐環境甚為愜意。我們吃了蒸蛋、蜆、味噌湯等都覺得平平無奇, 當中較為滿意的是一道燒魚。鹽燒魚的魚皮燒得也夠香脆, 肉質嫩滑多汁, 沒有腥味, 無須蘸點任何醬料, 本身已極夠味, 魚的原味可謂發揮得淋漓盡致。同碟的燒茄子略嫌燒得不夠火候, 有點不温不火的感覺。至於小人的主菜蔥粒吞拿魚腩飯, 大碗是很大碗; 吞拿魚腩卻鮮美不足, 油份未算十分豐盈, 飯質糊了些, 即使連蔥粒一併送入嘴裡, 也未能感受到魚油在口腔內散發出來, 比想像中較為失色。這頓日式午餐, 食物方面不會予人深刻的印象。如果要吃美味的吞拿魚, 小人寧可到吞拿魚專門店定食Doraya。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-02
只怪自己成日唔做功課,到埗才知道原來這是Semi-Buffet的形式,還好大家也沒有介意。挑選了主食,便出去兜個圈,睇睇有咩好嘢。每樣取了些回來,豆腐質感還好,大板燒惹味,個人頗喜歡牛蒡的口感,反而箱押壽司比期中普通。另外,跟餐是有麵豉湯,以及茶碗蒸。麵豉湯好在不涸喉,蒸蛋卻稱不上很滑。想不到外面有小碗的拉麵,馬上拿回來。是自行加湯的。麵條令人留不下很深印象,不過湯頭做得不錯,喝下去頗舒服。吃過幾Round,是時候上主食。朋友的壽司,看樣子都合格,據知,各款的味道也正常,算是很穩陣。另一位朋友的什錦魚生飯,粒粒魚生似乎幾新鮮,但他說米飯仍有進步空間。至於小弟的碎蔥吞拿魚腩飯,連飯連魚吃幾口,喜歡有點蔥影,卻只覺吞拿魚有欠鮮美,一般而已。甜品的選擇實在不多,還好味道唔太差,個人頗喜歡香蕉蛋糕,朱古力蛋糕亦濕潤可口,各款水果,多汁清甜。說到尾,有什麼好得過靜靜的享受一杯咖啡? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喺旺角返工o既Auntie R,不時都會過海請小肥食晏,每次仲會費盡心思揀選灣仔及銅鑼灣區內之新潮點,俾機會XO仔寫多幾編食評 。舊年年尾,佢就帶咗細佬去名廚Harlan Goldstein先生新開不到半年o既日本料理「Sushi To by Harlan Goldstein」午聚。據悉,店名中之「Sushi To」乃取自Harlan大師多年來o既拍當杜先生之洋姓「To」,二人友好o既伙伴關係當真一目了然。講起Harlan先生,好自然地會諗起食牛扒,真係估唔到西廚都會煮理埋和食!打開餐牌一睇,原來佢個廚師班底有位名叫Maeda Norihisa先生o既日藉師傅助陣,理念為日西合璧。「Sushi To」位於銅鑼灣新興建成o既食府中心「Midtown」,街頭就有小巴站,離巴士站、電車站及地鐡站均不遠,地點方便得很。大廈鮮紅色o既正門非常當眼,升降機內o既指示牌亦好清晰,一啲都唔難搵。餐廳位於29樓,樓底高得好有氣派,間隔寬敞舒適,地方企理衛生,坐窗邊梳化式卡位o既食客更可欣賞港島美景,傍晚入夜最適合情侶談心 。當日一點鐘其實餐廳未滿座,但茶水卻要等完又等,落單又要再等高級職員得閒先 !樓面有位個子高大o既哥哥好落力地為我地送上食物及換碟,一個人忙得團團轉,其他人卻有懶散及不在乎之嫌,服務質素頗為參差 !午餐時段,餐店現推日式商務半自助午餐,大堂兩旁o既壽司吧及鐡板燒吧位午市就變為自助餐之食物區域。客人只需點選主菜,便可於大堂任食各款壽司、頭盤、燒物、咖哩、天婦羅等食品。聽落好似好多野食,但實際上熱門菜式如炸蠔及天婦羅一出就俾人掃清,要試都唔係咁易 。雖然炸蠔為搶手貨,但其實層炸皮偏厚同硬,唯一取悅細佬o既係經過炸製o既蠔隻質感仍能保持嫩滑,配上秘製o既松露醬味道更為香濃。結果小肥一件天婦羅都攞唔到,關東煮味道又勁腥,壽司都只係成功取得兩件加州卷,所以自助餐內啱食o既菜式都唔係太多 。最好食o既係新鮮煎煮出黎o既軟骨餃子 ,其皮薄餡脆,且熱辣辣,好夠香口。跟餐o既其實仲有燉蛋同麵豉湯,落單後隨即送上。燉蛋好夠熱,不過就唔夠滑溜,蛋中o既雞肉同魚塊都偏嚡同老 。麵豉湯味道則為正常。主菜方面,XO仔點咗個「碎蔥吞拿魚腩飯」。碗中o既吞拿魚腩、紫菜、蔥花及白飯o既份量均屬重量級。主角吞拿魚腩碎味道唔多夠鮮香,配角紫菜同蔥花就好香脆,白飯底都好軟熟。甜品o既柚子味雪葩有粒粒果肉,味道清新,酸甜消滯。小肥午膳時間有限,喺「Sushi To」內短短四十五分鐘,似乎只懂欣賞其高雅潔亮o既環境。午市套餐單價連加一平均都要三至五百蚊,絕對係行政級價錢,小弟對服務及食物o既要求相對地會較高,個人認為服務質素參差,主菜雖量足,但質卻只屬一般,講真唔係好食得出日西如何交匯,自助餐部份亦有多處要改良。其實餐廳可簡單地放棄自助餐部份,降低價格,擺多啲心機烹調主菜,相信店子午餐要坐滿人客絕非難事。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-03-27
Visited this place for lunch as I've always been interested in their semi lunch buffet concept. Prior to visiting, I had no expectations of this restaurant as I've heard mixed reviews, mainly negative but still decided to come and verify myself.Upon arriving, getting seated was a breeze. Decor was fair and the staff were friendly. I decided to order the deluxe wild 7 kinds sashimi selection while my two guests ordered the miso grilled cod and terriyaki beef set. On with the buffet section. The selection was a little lacking. There were about 10 items to choose from(excluding dessert and fruits) and salads took up 3 already. I definitely saw some items I dont normally see in a buffet like takoyaki and ramen. There were other standard items like teppanyaki fish, tempura and sushi. The quality of the items were between subpar and fair(very difficult to mess up salad). There was nothing done particularly well, though there were a few dishes that were really not good. The ramen was horrible. They have little cups of ramen noodles with some condiments inside and you just had to pour the soup in which was kept warm in a chafing dish. The key word to look out for is warm. It was just a little warmer than body temperature and the texture of the noodle was horrible. The noodle would fall apart with very little pressure applied, there was no biting texture to it unlike some of the other items which I will get into shortly. The tempura fish cake was done poorly too. The batter is still wet in the middle. On with the main course. Presentation was good. The steak was done well. No complaints the flavor and the meat were quite good. The flavoring of the cod was done ok, however it didnt feel very fresh. The texture was tough.Now my Deluxe wild 7 kinds sashimi selection... horrible. I do not expect quality of this kind from a restaurant like this.. or any restaurant as a matter of fact. It was not fresh at all. All the fish I had were quite fishy. I could get better quality from any chain conveyor belt restaurant. The sashimi was served way too chilled, in some of the items it felt like the middle of it was a bit icy, like chewing on a slushie. Texture of the items... now as I was saying previously about the ramen texture, the fish were quite the opposite. The texture was like chewing on rubber, no kidding. The uni, luckily wasnt bitter, but thats about it. There was no taste to it, it could have been anything. The scallop, was very interesting. This may be the first time I've had scallop that had texture to it. It wasn't soft and when I bit into it, it was a little tough. Now the best part, fatty tuna. It wasn't soft, it didnt melt in my mouth, I had to bite into it and the flavor? Missing. It should have been called Tuna fat instead.  The shrimp was probably the least unsatisfactory and I would give it an OK only. It was botan shrimp but not sweet at all. It was lacking in flavor which would have been good if it was applied to the fish sashimi which many tasted VERY fishy. The amberjack and what I suspected as saury were as I mentioned, very rubbery and fishy in taste, to the point I felt sick. Finishing it was very difficult and I had to beg my other two guests to take some of my items from me, which they did, unwillingly.What came with the set was steamed egg and miso soup. Miso soup very standard nothing to talk about while the egg didnt taste like anything.Service from the manager there was very good. He came to ask us how things were and made sure we were tended to. However, the person serving our table was not very good. He seemed lost and seems to not know what his job is. The manager on many occasions had to tell him to pick up the finished plates on our table and to give us more tea. Overall, I do not recommend this restaurant. I should have listened my friends who suggested against it. Much better Japanese food can be found at ANY price point around the area so look else where if you want to have an at least decent lunch. I will not be visiting this place again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)