4-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2024-05-12
今年訂了兩款蛋糕慶祝母親節 🎂🔥 Yuzu Jasmine Burn Cream Cake with Apple柚子茉莉蘋果麻薯燒蛋糕 HKD$488gently ignite the cake's surface and it gradually melt away 🔥 revealing a hidden illustration or heartfelt message 💌 creating a delightful surprise for your mum 🪄輕輕點燃蛋糕表層,圖案會慢慢融化 🔥 露出另一個隱藏的圖案或祝福語 💌 令媽媽充滿驚喜 🪄smooth and tangy yuzu hokkaido cream 🍊 soft and fluffy sponge cake ☁️ caramelized fresh apple with jasmine fragrance 🍎 chewy mochi filing and crunchy base for added texture 🍰柚子北海道忌廉 香滑酸爽 🍊 海綿蛋糕 鬆軟柔軟 ☁️ 焦糖鮮蘋果肉 帶有茉莉花香 清新芳香 🍎 煙韌麻糬 脆脆餅底 增添口感 🍰 🥭 Mango Yogurt Mousse Cake in Bouquet Shape花束造型芒果慕絲乳酪蛋糕 HKD$488mango slices arranged like flower petals 🌺 combines the joy of receiving flowers with the indulgence of a sweet treat 💐 adorned with fairy lights for atmospheric ambiance 💡 includes scissors for easy enjoyment ✂️蛋糕上的芒果片排列像花瓣一樣 🥭 讓媽媽同時收到花束的喜悅和享受甜點的愉悅 💐 蛋糕加上燈帶裝飾營造氛圍 💡附送鉸剪方便享用 ✂️smooth and velvety yogurt mousse made from Hokkaido cream ☁️ infused with sweet and tart fresh mango 🥭 soft sponge cake and crunchy base for added texture 🍰慕絲乳酪以北海道忌廉和新鮮芒果製作而成 軟滑輕盈 酸甜得宜 ☁️ 鬆軟海綿蛋糕 加上 脆脆餅底 增添層次感 🍰📍中環皇后大道中93號中環街市1樓122-123號鋪 (various locations) 🇭🇰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Sweet Memories💗由畢業於澳洲藍帶廚藝學院嘅專業甜點師主理👩🏻‍🍳我就訂左Sweet Memories 花束造型蛋糕為親愛的媽媽送上驚喜 並留下美好回憶💭💗花束造型慕絲乳酪蛋糕:花束造型超級靚啊 打卡影相啱哂📷蛋糕有芒果🥭/士多啤梨🍓兩款口味我就揀咗士多啤梨味❤️蛋糕面已經有大大粒士多啤梨作花瓣點綴粒粒士多啤梨食落都好甜呀士多啤梨慕絲口感軟滑輕身 入口酸酸甜甜加上吸睛Happy Mother Day裝飾花牌~同閃令令嘅燈飾 真係超有儀式感呀❤️係中環街市門市拎都好方便✨而且店員親切有禮 連蛋糕包裝都好靚呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
就到母親節 諗左排送咩蛋糕比媽媽😚可以考慮下呢款花束蛋糕~Sweet Memories將蛋糕設計成一束花咁 仲有燈泡串🤩一次滿足收花和收禮物嘅願望 不過要提早3日預訂花束造型士多啤梨慕絲乳酪蛋糕 ($488)面頭有大大粒士多啤梨🍓蛋糕體用新鮮士多啤梨乳酪打成mousse 口感輕盈柔滑 每一啖都充滿士多啤梨乳酪嘅甜酸滋味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🌸《SWEET MEMORIES · 蛋糕甜品 · 中環街市》📣甜品界最潮「燃燒蛋糕」,母親節向母親大人送上驚喜留念‼️📣📣用我的優惠碼即享95折📣-以北海道忌廉蛋糕打響名堂既「Sweet Memories」由畢業於澳洲藍帶廚藝學院嘅專業甜點師Vanessa主理✨ 今次母親節誓要以精心挑選嘅高品質原材料同新鮮食材製作而成既蛋糕,為各位母親慶祝🥳-為左迎接母親節,「Sweet Memories」推出全新蛋糕 - 柚子茉莉蘋果麻薯燒蛋糕,更聯乘插畫師 @aimaihk 推出新品客製化Burn Cake‼️點燃火焰後,蛋糕既表層圖案就會慢慢融化,最後會出現另一個圖案✨大家可以準備定同母親大人的甜蜜照片,爲佢帶黎最火熱甜蜜嘅視覺及味覺雙重享受!❤️-📍 Sweet Memories (中環)@sweet_memories_jvs 中環皇后大道中93號中環街市1樓122-123號舖-#母親節 #母親節快樂🌹 #母親節蛋糕 #母親節快樂 #母親節禮物 #burncake #忌廉蛋糕 #蛋糕 #客製化蛋糕 #蛋糕訂製 #訂蛋糕 #甜品 #甜品控 #甜品控🍰 #節日慶祝 #節日聚餐 #節日餐廳 #拍拖紀念日 #拍拖週年 #拍拖周年 #生日慶祝 #父親節蛋糕 #生日蛋糕 #中環街市 #happymothersday #happymotherday #happymothersday❤️ #本地創作 #本地品牌 #貓奴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
近期大熱Burn Cake🔥🎂每逢生日或節日都會煩惱買咩蛋糕慶祝,留意到𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨新品Burn Cake可以自選照片或語句,獨特又有心思❤️嚟緊就到母親節,快D訂個蛋糕送驚喜比媽咪啦💕𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨聯乘插畫師 @aimaihk 合作製作燃燒蛋糕Burn Cake😍 輕輕點燃蛋糕表層,就會慢慢融化並出現另一個特製圖案🪄 只要提供2張相片製作蛋糕,其中一張相更會由插畫師幫手畫☺️❀ 柚子茉莉蘋果麻薯燒蛋糕蛋糕口感鬆軟,面層用上柚子忌廉,酸甜開胃✨ 切開有多層餡料:焦糖蘋果粒、麻糬及茉莉花忌廉,底部仲有香脆餅底~味道好清新,甜而不膩,層次感豐富😚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)