5-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (141)
Level4 2024-07-29
Let me introduce a rather special drink shop today, sweet and sweet , and specializing in sugarcane juices.The shop is located right next to the Fei Chee snack shop, which is very convenient. 😆😆😆Sugarcane American Coffee:The Sugarcane American Coffee has a rich coffee aroma and a thick, full-bodied texture. The coffee has a slightly bitter and sweet taste, which blends perfectly with the sweetness of the sugarcane juice. The coffee is smooth and silky, providing a comfortable drinking experience, making it an excellent choice for coffee lovers. 😋😋Vibrant Coconut Milk Latte:The Vibrant Coconut Milk Latte has a robust coffee aroma combined with the refreshing notes of coconut milk. The coffee has a subtle bitterness that is perfectly complemented by the sweetness of the coconut milk, creating a well-balanced flavor. The coconut milk provides a silky smooth texture that pairs beautifully with the coffee, resulting in a delightful taste. The vibrant colors of the drink also uplift the mood. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻It's worth mentioning that the coffee is freshly ground and brewed on the spot, so the aroma is always impeccable. Highly recommended! 😆😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-27
對於熱愛咖啡文化的香港人來說,這間以甘蔗做基底嘅飲品店可以試試!每一杯組合都令人驚喜。推介的是招牌的凍斑蘭椰香拿鐵。一開始聞到淡淡的斑蘭香氣,頓時心情愉悅。入口後,濃郁的咖啡味與班蘭香味交織,口感滑順豐富,甜而不膩,加上冰涼爽口的口感,更是消暑解渴的絕佳良方。另一款凍甘蔗美式咖啡同樣別具特色。咖啡的濃香中帶有甘蔗的清甜,清爽怡人,消除了咖啡的苦澀,更添飽滿的口感。冰涼順滑的質地,更是完美滿足了香港人愛喝冰咖啡的小文化,實在是一杯非常舒爽的消暑佳品。這間飲品店外表平平無奇,但無疑是為咖啡注入了新一頁,帶來了前所未有的驚喜。期待未來能夠推出更多創新有趣的咖啡佳釀,繼續為的咖啡愛好者帶來嶄新的體驗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-16
作為一位熱愛甘蔗的香港女生,我今天有幸造訪了旺角的甘甘好蔗,一家專注於甘蔗飲品的店鋪。我選擇了外帶,點了他們的招牌冷甘蔗青茶和冷蔗打檸檬。冷甘蔗青茶使用了禦翠烏龍青茶,清新的茶香搭配著甘甜的甘蔗汁,帶來了一種獨特的口感,讓人回味無窮。而冷蔗打檸檬則是清爽怡人,酸甜的檸檬與甘蔗的天然甜味完美結合,讓人在炎熱的天氣中倍感舒暢。這裡的飲品不僅清涼解渴,更散發著濃濃的甘蔗香氣,讓人彷彿置身於稻田間般清新怡人。店內裝潢簡樸舒適,讓人可以放鬆身心,享受一份獨特的甘蔗饗宴。無論是想要清爽解渴還是尋找獨特口味的人,甘甘好蔗絕對是一個不可錯過的好去處。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
天氣太熱喇☀️超需要飲蔗汁解解暑🥲🥲.✨鮮榨甘蔗汁雖然冇落糖,不過都飲到甘蔗帶有嘅甜味💚飲落有少少蔗渣🎋,好天然嘅味道~最重要好解到渴、解到暑🥵 飲完又唔會有負擔👍🏻.✨蔗杯latte就係甘蔗汁 + (即磨)espresso +奶👈🏻☕️我好鍾意呢個‼️一開頭係飲到淡淡嘅甘蔗甜味,點知慢慢咖啡搶曬味 因為咖啡味好濃郁🤣而牛奶方面冇嗰種羶(?)味,飲落好順口😙🥛本身仲以為蔗汁同咖啡嘅味係唔夾添🫨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-10
最近日日都三十幾度🥵同朋友係旺角行到熱辣辣🔥🔥見到登打士街有間賣蔗汁既鋪頭就買兩杯店鋪推薦既飲品解解渴先💦蔗杯蜜瓜🍈 $34無添加甘蔗汁本身已經好甜加埋蜜瓜 超鮮甜入面仲有蜜瓜肉 好有咬口😆真係健康又美味蔗杯西瓜🍉 $32朋友飲既甘蔗汁加西瓜好重西瓜味 每啖都原汁原味又有西瓜肉食 夏日炎炎超解渴而且以加每買一杯野飲就會送張抽獎券俾客人個個都有機會獲得免費飲品一杯($34以下)不過今次同朋友都冇中獎🥲唯有下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)