Additional Information
人手製作需時,糯米糍或需提前預訂。 生日及派對蛋糕亦可提前3-4日訂製。
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
Level2 2025-01-12
依家呢個時道小店越黎越難經營,今次想同大家分享一間位於南丫島嘅一間小店-《南島甜品》,希望大家可以多多支持本土小店❤️黑芝麻抹茶卷🍵食落口黑芝麻味喺口腔不停打轉😳抹茶cream都好香,有茶味,但略為被黑芝麻味搶晒focus~蛋糕本體唔會太乾太硬,所有野都剛剛好~最重要係呢個蛋糕食完唔會覺得好膩👍🏾伯爵茶巴斯克蛋糕🫖呢個蛋糕有啲surprise到我,食巴斯克蛋糕好多時個收尾都會覺得好濟,但呢個無論係甜味、口感定係佢個茶味都恰到好處,食完一件都唔會飽到食唔落其他野,大推🫶🏾鐘意食甜品又去開南丫島嘅你請務必一定要去試呀!!!Revisit!?: For Sure✔️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-09
糯米皮痴住張紙 仲要好似溶咗咁 溶咗落啲cream 度之前食好地地冇乜問題 今次個皮完全冇口感服務態度極差 舖頭明明無客 我哋4個買4粒都唔俾坐喺度食唔好食就真係太貴no texture, everything seems to have melted togetherthe shop owner's attitude was very bad, didn't even let us to sit down to eattoo expensive when it doesn't taste good #foodie #FoodieLife #bad #唔值得食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-29
Soy Milk Mochi 豆乳糯米糍 ($25)When eaten, it feels very soft, similar to tofu, and has a rich soy milk flavour.食落好似好軟好軟嘅豆腐咁,豆乳味好濃郁Taro Mochi  芋泥糯米糍($25)The mochi skin is smooth and thin, enjoyed with cream and taro paste. It has a subtle taro fragrance and a smooth and delicate texture.糯米皮好滑好薄,同忌廉同芋泥一齊食,有淡淡嘅芋香味,口感好綿滑細膩Watermelon + Tea 西瓜+茶 Watermelon juice mixed with tea, it's quite refreshing and quenches your thirst. However, there is more ice than the actual drink in the cup.西瓜打汁加茶,都幾解渴,不過冰就多過杯野飲Note: Possibly not frozen for long enough, the two mochi may have melted a bit when eaten, but the texture is still melt-in-your-mouth.可能雪得唔夠耐,兩粒糯米糍食落有啲溶咗,不過口感仍然係入口即溶。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日莫名其妙落腳咗係間我一眼就鍾意嘅店。店面唔大不過一落座,色彩斑斕嘅糯米糍就引咗我注意。首先,黎個New York Cheesecake,外層唔係普通嘅鬆軟,係層灰常韌勁嘅鬆化,芝士味就足足嘅,幾滑口,藍莓醬嘅甜酸得嚟岩岩好,食落咁滿足!😋再講吓芋泥糯米糍,呢個係真心推介👍。糯米糍好得黎,皮薄韌而唔黏牙,咬落去層層相疊嘅口感,簡直係芋泥控嘅天堂!而家講返個Ice Caramel Latte,講真嘅話,呢個就真係幾好飲,咖啡同焦糖嘅甜,均勻分佈每一啖嘅快樂。🥤總嚟講,呢度嘅甜品真心不錯,對得住一個下午茶嘅時間。喺呢個不起眼嘅店裏面,我食到咗幾份快樂同滿足,實屬意外嘅收穫。下次仲要試埋其他款式!🍰👀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-07
呢度純白色走圍系Feel既甜品店好精緻, 熱咖啡杯勁靚, 見到真係會少女心爆發😍Rose Latte 🌹 ($40/$45)用左偏nutty既咖啡頭配上淡淡既玫瑰香飲完真係會好舒服, 加埋粉紅色花花杯飲完心情更加好😊Osmanthus Latte🌼 ($40/$45)揀左凍既桂花Latte有少量既桂花碎味道唔算太出🤨Strawberry Roll Cake🍓($50)粉紅色既士多啤梨卷蛋係新產品, 整個卷蛋屬正常唔算太特別🤓舖位唔大入面有兩張枱, 門口有兩組位, 都有唔少人黎買外賣走😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)