Exit D1/ L1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level2 2016-12-21
Place smelled really bad. Cutlery were very oily. I am Malaysian but their nasi lemak was awful, and their sambal was cold too.. the only good thing there was their beef briyani but their sweet lassi had solidified milk residuals in it which put me in doubt.. will not go back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-05-18
第一次有朋友提議入重慶大廈食印度餐,即管一試。我們進去坐進小小的餐店裡,不知如何點餐,唯有看餐牌一些圖片,和看看其他食客吃些什麼,再問問店員是什麼。最後點了幾款,首先點了Roti Canai with Curry. 係其他印度餐館,也有吃過,這是印度烤餅點咖哩汁吃,熱騰騰,滿有油香,有幾塊,吃不停。咖哩也香,不太spicy, 要再來多一碟才夠滿足。Masala Dosai, 我第一次吃這種脆餅。是一種一大片圓形脆餅卷成的一條長長圓筒形的脆餅,裡頭有一團薯蓉夾雜些許洋蔥。碟上有三種醬汁,咖哩汁,白色汁和橙色汁(吃不出是什麼味),但這個脆餅,我建議要趁熱食,凍了唔脆,唔好食,所以一送上來,大家都係食不停的。只食簿餅脆餅,雖然會飽肚,感覺似吃小食,唔太實在,都要食點飯,肚裡才有米氣。Butter Milk 似咸味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-27
We stopped off at Syed Bukhara for a snack and enjoyed a delicious roti canai and cup of masala chai.The menu here is small, but has lots of great dishes on it.  We opted for two roti.  The roti were buttery and crispy with a good chewy, elastic centre.  The kari they were served with was a flavourful and spicy vegetable based one.  Dipping the roti in, the kari coated and held the bread perfectly.  The chai was good and had a nice level of spice with cardamom being the predominant flavour.  The service was quick and casual.  We ate and drank for only 36 dollars in total - hard to beat. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-06-16
是說香港有很多家整東南亞菜的餐廳,像是泰菜,新馬菜等等。不過我對這些餐廳採取的是"能避則避"的態度,若不是在朋友中以少數服從多數的情況下無奈敗下陣來,否則我並不會去幫襯這些餐廳。因為身邊的朋友對這些餐廳的評價不是太好,而且我自己之前試過一次,覺得口味既不正宗,味道又不好,而且價錢也不值。(一想到在當地以廉宜的價格大嘆多種美食我就。。。)不過這一次朋友試過這一家新開在重慶大廈的餐廳後覺得不錯,然後這家店本身在馬來西亞就是知名連鎖餐廳,理應素質不會太差,所以便應了朋友舉辦的"馬來西亞美食之夜"來試一下這家新開的過江龍。朋友訂了7點送到外賣,結果過了半個小時還沒送來雖然朋友有一直在做聯繫,不過其中詳情我們也不清楚,不能斷定誰是誰非。有一點特別要提的就是他們送外賣的方式!不知是否我們訂的數量太多,他們竟然是用我們平時搬家打包行李用的那種紅藍相間的大袋子把食物裝在裡面lol 太奇葩了 Nasi Lemak with egg這份量其實不小,而且裡面有飯,雞蛋,青瓜,花生,脆炸銀魚干,森巴醬。完全是正宗椰漿飯的搭配!而且店家應我們要求慷慨附送多幾碗森巴醬(不過我們人數太多這完全不夠分啊啊)。飯的椰漿味很香,很多店家都在用料上不慷慨,椰漿飯整得很像普通白飯,不過這一家就沒問題。而且搭配的森巴醬又辣又香,可以吃到各種香料在嘴裡的感覺。 Roti canai with mutton curry這個薄餅算是和在香港其他餐廳的一樣普通,和在當地吃的比較之下算是差太多了。因為在當地,上薄餅之前一定要有一個把薄餅拍鬆的動作,這樣薄餅才能外表香脆,內裡柔軟可口。可惜在香港並沒有這個動作,白白讓薄餅變得和超市買回來煎的沒有兩樣。不過羊肉咖喱算是不錯,味道香濃,配上薄餅簡直是天衣無縫。最後大家奉上50大元,謝謝舉辦此活動的朋友,讓我們得以度過這麼美好的一夜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)