Exit D, Kwai Fong MTR Station, Exit E, Kwai Fong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (50)
Level4 2022-01-05
Had the steamed fish with black beans, stir fried broccoli with fish fillet and soup (chicken with dried scallop and red dates). The fish was really nice and perfectly steamed. Not too dry and the black beans definitely helped lift the flavor. The veggie was also good and well seasoned. The soup was a bit fatty, likely from the chicken skin but otherwise tasty. A good place for quick Chinese dinner with good price continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-28
晚餐同屋企人去咗太興食燒味 佢哋做緊優惠晚市消息滿150 可以用半價($34)就食到太興叉燒重可以免費升級做金箔叉燒 我哋嗌左 豆腐海鮮煲,西蘭花魚柳,燒鵝,雞,同埋金箔叉燒。豆腐海鮮煲同西蘭花魚柳都正常發揮。反而值得一提最有記憶點嘅係燒鵝同雞,燒鵝應該係用柴火嚟燒,有一陣柴火味,味道好特別,燒得都幾好,唔會太柴,依然保持到肉汁,唔錯。然後個雞,非常滑,好好食😋最後個金箔叉燒都ok 上枱都幾靚,都有幾多金箔。同埋個配菜係木耳 有一陣 柚子味 都幾清新 幾夾。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-07-02
收工唔想翻屋企等食,但又唔想使咁多錢,可能考慮下最近葵芳呢間太興做緊折扣小菜,半只雞同一條魚先係100蚊多少少。雞整得好鮮嫩,魚如圖竟然好大條,而且肉質絕對新鮮好結實,比一般茶餐廳質素要好了不少會再來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-06-25
太興葵芳興芳路223號新都會廣場6樓611-620號舖今日又專登出左黎<太興>開餐,主要係因為有2張現金券就快過期啦,所以緊係要快d用埋佢啦葵芳呢間分店係新都會廣場地鐵一出黎就到好方便,不過鋪頭既位置就有d隱蔽啦,要上到商場嘅6樓,但係今日8點鬆d黎到都仲有好多食客 梅菜扣肉煲---都幾大份扣肉肥瘦分明,岩岩好。。 完全唔會淨係得肥肉,唔使怕食落會覺得太膩,而墊係底既梅菜索晒扣肉既精華,用黎撈飯食岩晒 椰香咖哩牛腩飯---好香濃既咖喱,而 牛腩都煮到好冧唔會太硬,值得一讚瑞士汁牛柳絲炒河--- 唔同一般嘅乾炒牛河,加入左瑞士汁黎炒即刻加晒分,好似昇華左咁飲品都一樣係咁出色,飲埋冰鎮奶茶同埋忌廉紅豆冰,咁就好滿足啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-05-01
五一假期, 當然要外出活動一下啦. 我最懷念的是太興的下午茶餐(只限葵芳這分店), 因為幾個星期前, 來過一次, 好似發現新大陸咁, 好滿足. 自此, 也去過沙田和馬鞍山店, 叫同一個餐, 塊豬扒竟然薄了三分一, 分量也少了, 不得不重臨這裡!太興的下午茶餐越來越早結束, 由原來的下午6點, 至5點半, 到現在的5點, 有時去到才知道是小菜時間!推薦: 豬扒煎雙蛋飯/ 配熱飲 $49豬扒真的很大塊, 是厚切的那種, 煎得剛剛好,肉質嫩滑,有着陳陳的酒香, 還有薑葱蓉, 都好美味, 令人真的想再三回味一番. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)