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Review (7)
Level4 2010-07-13
Yes Taipei is for drinks, but I came here for potato balls.Not many places serve fried potato balls, the one that does is in the New Territories called Breadman, but its too far away.I like potato balls because of the light outer crunch and starchy potato filling inside if its fried just right.Here they offer many sauces to go with it:Wasabi mayonnaise, ketchup, mushroom and herb sauce, cheese, sour cream,I chose cheese and wasabi mayonnaise.The cheese was nice, but it wasnt cheese sauce, so it went hard after it had cooled, otherwise it tasted good as it was cheddar cheese.The wasabi mayonnaise didnt taste that nice, I think the wasabi spolt it.Next time I will choose mushroom sauce, but you need to ask them what the sauces are, as the English translation and Chinese menu are a bit different.DEEP FRIED PHOTO BALLS!Apart from spud snacks, they have fried mussels, scallops and squids, the scallop and squid sound ok, but trying to imagine how a fried mussel would taste~The bad thing about this place, there is no where to indulge the food, it is people, trafflc, smokers everywhere.It is hot enough already, and they have four spotlights in broad daylight to grill you!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2010-06-30
環境衛生:見到佢個廚房都好大。門口收銀前有個凹位比人等野食,不過太多人,所以都要企喺行人路。望入去個廚房好企理,唔會周圍都係野。所有飲品連飲筒都係獨立包裝,覺得好乾淨。味道: 玫瑰奶茶:$10/中杯,偏甜多奶,但勝在好有玫瑰味,飲飲下先知原來杯入面有玫瑰花lum架。 黑椒味一口腸:$12/半打。新出品,姐姐仔講明要等3-5分鐘,不過好似等左成10分鐘有多。我拎到返office都重熱既,讚。好香口且唔會乾曾曾,可以一試。不過兩蚊條迷你腸,個人就覺得貴左少少。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-06-30
I don't usually write on Open Rice, but i just felt i gota release my feeling this time, i brought a milk tea with large bubbles, this the other day. Igota say what on earth they're selling here, their milk tea is even worse than what i can get in the 7-11 (seven-eleven), it's just like a cup of water with some milk and not sure what type of tea mixed together. without much services, and the money and time wasted on this type of product is just not worth, I'm very sorry, but i'm not gona try it again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-06-12
開會開到九點幾............肚又哦!!都唔知食咩好!!行下行下發现一間有小食買既臺北站...........之前都聽過下佢個名!!但係都係末試過!!橫掂都肚哦!!就試下啦!!行過去排咗4,5個人到先到我!!去到收銀就問下收銀姐姐有咩好食??佢叫我試下鹽酥雞!!佢話好多人叫既!!咁就試下啦!!個姐姐又話有套餐問我要唔要買埋嘢飲??都好啦!!我叫咗珍珠奶茶.......等咗一陣...佢地話備咗珍珠奶茶比我飮咗先!份雞要即整要三分鐘到!!都好飮咗先!!飮落去.....Ok喎!!都好有茶味!!因為本人好怕冇茶味既奶茶!!甜度都算適中!!好飮!!過咗陣,終於有雞食!!我一口食落去......仲係好熱!果然即整!!食落去佢味道非常香口,雞肉裏面仲好滑!!估唔到佢哋o乍完件雞仲可以咁滑!!非常出色!!一定要試!!我係现場食~眼見真係有好多人叫鹽酥雞,果然好出名呀!!下次一定要再試!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-06-11
2010-5 (weekday)等巴士想飲嘢, 隔離就係臺北站, 基本珍珠奶茶700cc少冰要細珍珠, 茶又淡珠又淋, $12 咁就跌咗喇......點解唔去對面的 '輕鬆飲' 呢, 又或者做緊 promotion 的'串爆'都好呀, 竟然揀呢間!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)