Restaurant: | TamJai SamGor (Harmony Garden) |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
This branch only employs one waiter/server during lunch peak hour as he keeps shouting to order via QR code on the table. That is fine but the QR code forces you to download the tamjai samgor app and register with your personal information and phone number in order to submit an order. This itself takes 10-15 minutes to register since they ask for so much information, in the end I just asked the waiter if he could take my order as I do not want to register for the app with my personal information and he told me to wait. So I just left. Note to tamjai samgor management: please allow people to order food through the mobile browser after scanning the qr code and use table number as identifier. Many restaurants in Hong Kong are able to do this so people don't have to waste time and data to download and register the app.
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真係未食過咁難食既譚仔 叫左麻辣十小生滾水味 完全冇味雞肉好鞋 都係白恰味 完全冇味外賣自取 等足半個鐘點解可以咁垃圾完全唔理解點解麻辣十小會冇味如果係清湯味都算係完全白生滾水味 好難食真係好嬲 好難食 放唔到落口
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一打開~超級香🤩 炆米就吃得多,炆米線頭一次吃~比起米粉多了份咬口,每口都掛滿醬汁😍😍 醬汁香濃但不死咸,帶點香辣~然後主角腩片以回鍋肉身份出現,吃得出有特別醃製過,愈咬愈滲出味道~不錯☺️ 但我還是不愛😆🙈 整體滿好吃的😋🧐廣告牌寫著可自選辣度,但下單時店員沒問我也沒為意,所以最後到底吃了什麼辣我也不知道🙈😂🎈總歸一句:唔伏~好味😉👍🏻 只是食三哥無啖湯飲下,總覺得缺了點什麼🙈🙈
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小西灣呢間三哥真係食過咁多間三哥態度最唔好嘅一間, 有個職員啲廣東話真係完全聽唔明,我都知譚仔有譚仔話嘅文化 但係 講嘢態度差應該唔係譚仔文化掛, 見好多間語言講唔正,都唔會差到咁 啲語氣衰到呢 真係唔知佢哋公司係唔係請唔到人,所以唔理啲員工態度.....食物大部分都正常
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