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Review (18)
Level2 2024-08-28
近官涌街市的小型麵包店,店員有禮貌親切,生日蛋糕平靚正又好食,價錢又抵,雖然不是常食麵包,曾食過腸仔芝士飽,熱辣辣脆卜卜👍,仲又有其他糕點賣,例如杏仁條老婆餅等,支持吓小商舖,不要一美幫襯連鎖店。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-15
屋企人喺呢間西餅舖買咗個父親節蛋糕為爺爺(跟侄仔叫)興祝父親節,個蛋糕賣相、味道都唔錯,水果都唔錯,但最後都搵到一樣嘢係唔可以接受嘅!就係蛋糕上面嘅「足球」,侄仔見到伸手想拎,最初以為係朱古力,所以打算拎俾侄仔,但點知最後證實係橡膠「玩具」!首先唔知呢個橡膠足球有無做好清潔消毒,如果沒有做好清潔消毒,絕對有「食安」風險!如果無為意小朋友會以為係食物,小朋友拎咗絕對會對小朋友構成危險!個人認為如果食物上有非食物的裝飾品,應該要有警告字句! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-05-24
今日黎官涌打針,順便黎買d'手信'俾屋企人食 之前買過佢d麵包,不過口感比較死實唔係我杯茶 但唯獨佢嘅蛋卷令我食過番尋味拿破崙蛋卷$9/盒一盒有兩大件,係厚切架有蛋香唔太甜,中間d cream奶油啱啱好我屋企至愛蛋白蛋卷$17/盒拎上手嘅重量令我嘩言勁'墜手'呀! 口感又係好軟線,用刀仔切落去手感好順,唔會話散到d蛋糕碎周圍都係。甜味啱啱好奶油又香滑我一次過切左兩大厚片黎食我覺得佢嘅蛋卷好食過d地鐵鋪頭多多聲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-10-09
上星期屋企三個為食豬係油麻地快甜美買左個半磅蛋糕,食完讚不絕口,話唔太甜,又香又新鮮,食得好飽。我見過相片,都幾靚仔,於是前幾日去訂左兩個一磅蛋糕,今日下晝攞,準備今晚party食。一磅黑森林蛋糕,一磅芒果蛋糕,23蚊,平過連鎖店多多聲,溝通期間職員態度又非常Nice。今早掛8號波,我仲擔心緊Party搞唔成,但係蛋糕已經訂左比埋錢要自己啃晒,點知快甜美職員打電話來表示店鋪照開,問我使無使改期,令我好感動,相對以前光顧嘅另一間高級糕餅連鎖店,這間小店真係好照顧客人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This bakery shop is located close to Austin station, which is featured as cheap cheap cake shop haaGot a whole chestnut cake to try, it's indeed delicious with chestnut puree which is not too sweet, chestnut is my favorite food too haaa, smooth sponge and soft cream, even the layer mixtures just having chestnut puree, cream and sponge cake, already giving you rich flavor and i like this cake which always bringing us our childhood memory, good choiceeNot having splendid outlook but having really good taste chestnutValuable price with lovely chestnut cake with yumm yumm cream haaa, highly recommended one continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)