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10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
服务:本来也没期待有啥服务,但这家店在加收10%服务费的基础上,服务真是惊掉我的下巴。隔壁桌因上菜慢抱怨,老板大声挥手呵斥“if you want to go, you can go”。我们也有一份饭直到吃完都没上,礼貌催促无果,吃完饭坐那干等着,想干脆结账退掉吧,我一说退掉,老太太服务员没搭理我,头也不回的走进后厨,神奇的端出那份饭,我…味道:餐厅看似泰国人开设,但味道与内地商场里的泰餐无异,甚至更差。咖喱鸡肉腥味重,烤猪颈肉疑似预制。心机:门口菜单标注$98 for one set ,菜单密密麻麻写了很多,但进去后发现所谓的套餐只是从众多选项中选择一份饭、一杯水和一个学生食堂的免费汤,非常具有误导性。环境:普通餐吧风格,餐具感觉黏糊手。消费:五个人消费800多,还受了一肚子气。亲身经历,劝退各位!
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【老闆惡言喝客!食物質素極差!】Owner Yells at Customers! Terrible Food Quality!慎入!以前光顧尚算不錯,今次帶外地朋友同小朋友特登來食,竟遇上如此惡劣體驗!BEWARE! Previously decent, but bringing overseas friends and children this time led to a horrendous experience!入店無人招待,老闆更兇神惡煞大聲喝止我們坐卡位,5人被迫屈居4人枱,仲要自己搬枱!等左好耐無人理會,老闆終於拖著臭面來落單,態度極度惡劣!No one greeted us upon entry. The owner aggressively YELLED at us not to sit at the booth, forcing 5 people to squeeze into a 4-person table and move furniture ourselves. After being ignored forever, the owner finally came with an extremely hostile attitude!點菜時更變本加厲,老闆對著客人大聲咆哮,要求必須用數字落單!之後又無故大叫今日所有印度菜全部無得賣,完全不作解釋。如此狂妄無禮的態度,實在令人髮指!It got worse - the owner SHOUTED at us to only use menu numbers when ordering! Then rudely yelled that ALL Indian dishes were unavailable without explanation. Such arrogant and disrespectful behavior is absolutely outrageous!食物質素極差,明顯是預制菜,魚更是生的!毫無誠意可言。最離譜是如此惡劣的服務竟敢收15%服務費!簡直是搶錢!Food quality was awful - obviously pre-made dishes, and the fish was RAW! Showing zero effort. Most outrageous was charging 15% service fee for such HORRIBLE service! Pure robbery!強烈呼籲各位千萬不要光顧!老闆態度極差,對客人大聲喝罵,食物質素更有安全隱憂,完全不應繼續經營!STRONGLY URGE everyone to stay away! Owner's attitude is atrocious, YELLING at customers, and food safety is concerning. This place should not continue operating!評分 Rating:食物 Food:0/5 (預制菜,生魚!Pre-made dishes, raw fish!)服務 Service:0/5 (前所未見的惡劣!Unprecedented terrible service!)環境 Environment:1/5性價比 Value:0/5
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Boxing Day 去赤柱行市集,行到攰見到有間泰國餐廳。一入去坐低,六七分鐘都無人協助叫野食。最後,我excuse me一個男侍應,聲大夾惡手指指叫我please wait。當下真係好想離開餐廳。見女朋友肚餓,就無走到。過程間,男侍應仲同其他客人有罵戰。野食方面,青咖哩雞飯不過不失。冬陰功湯酸味過重,欠缺香辣味道,入口第一啖偏酸,然後有一浸嘔吐物味道衝上嚟。配料方面,只有一對切開對半的蝦,並沒有其他海鮮,例如魷魚及青口等,$98實在令人非常失望!濃醬炒河粉,唔講唔知原來係濕炒河粉,味道同喺港式茶餐廳食到嘅濕炒河粉一樣味道,泰國餐廳食到港式風味,很有趣的!🤮
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Food taste not bad but very bad attitude. It takes me about one whole hour to get my first dish but get complains from the cook. It is god darn Christmas and how would you have that bad manner? Especially you serve us with 10% service fee! How dare you charge us extra 10% with bad attitude, long service speed, without any apology for any of your performance? I am sick of this whole restaurant, especially the dish is greasy and slow. Anyway, if the cook still serve the dish after the iced smoothie turns to warm milkshake, don’t go there anyway!
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在赤柱逛完圣诞市集后,找了家泰国餐厅,可以说是我吃过的最难吃的泰国餐厅。环境还算ok但是味道很差。我点了一个猪肉清汤河粉,猪肉感觉非常不新鲜,像用了很多嫩肉粉腌制,口感很奇怪,汤底也是味精味。然后我朋友点的餐还上错了,米饭是夹生的,也不够热。lunch set 98蚊连饮料或者汤都没有(茶或者咖啡要另加15蚊),和单点没什么区别。总之不推荐!!!!!Not recommended!!!破坏圣诞🎄的好心情so sad
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